
Методические указания и контрольные работы (стр. 12 из 14)

There are some higher schools in the system of law enforcement professional education in our country now. Here we are going to give you some details of one of them - the Volgograd Investigator's Training College. This college was opened in 1967. The school is growing from year to year and now there is over a thousand students here. There are two departments at school: the day department and the correspondence department with in-service and pre-service training. There are also refresher courses for veterans of militia service, mostly men in command, who are improving [im'pru:v] (улучшать, повышать) their qualification for promotion.

There are two terms [tq:m] (семестр) in a year. At the end of each term there are exams and credit tests ['kredit] (зачет - амер.). In the course of studies there are also many short exams - tests and quizzes. The students are studying many special and general education subjects, such as Social Sciences, Criminalistics, Civil and Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, a foreign language, etc.

The cadets are learning the ways of crime investigation, how to inspect a crime scene, search for and find evidence. They are also to take pictures of things, places and people.

There is a students’ scientific society in which many students are taking an active part now. Some of them are going to take post-graduate courses and defend a thesis ['Ti:sis] (диссертация) in some field of Law. Now they are working out different problems of law enforcement including [in'klurd] (включать) prevention of crime, detection of crime, investigational techniques, sources of evidence, administration of justice, criminal law. Everything is to serve the task - to prepare a trainee to perform satisfactorily under operational conditions and to develop the ability for independent research work.

Masters and Doctors of Law, assistant-professors, professors, senior teachers and sometimes assistants are leading this work.

In the foreign language laboratory the students are taking lessons and con­sultations, listening to the tape-recorders and looking through foreign newspapers and magazines. On the ground floor there are some chairs such as the chair of Criminal Law, Administrative Law and Foreign Languages. Here there is also a canteen, a refreshment-room and a gymnasium. On the first and second floors there are some other chairs, many classrooms, various laboratories with modern equipment and administration offices. There is also a library on the first floor.

Hopefuls (зд.- желающие) who are going to enter the Volgograd Investigator's Training College are to deal with a thorough selection system through a medical commission and entrance examinations. If everything is all right with it you are a freshman of the college and a future lawyer of high professional standards. There is no doubt [daut] (сомнение) that to study at the Volgograd Investigator's Training College is difficult but very interesting, and the students are to do their best to be ready to protect law and order.

Text for Reading


The principal agency for carrying out the education and training function within New York City Police Department (an organization of almost 35.000 police and civilian personnel) is Academy.

Five sections organize the work of the Academy: Recruit training section; Advanced and specialized training section; firearms section; training services section; and administrative section. The key units are the first three.

The Academy works at the Police Academy building 235 East 20th Street, New York City, which was built in 1964. The police laboratory is on the eighth floor. The library, administrative offices, a conference room are on the sixth floor. The Fifth floor is principally devoted to classrooms. There are 13 regular classrooms, one seminar room, a lec­ture hall there. The muster deck is on the third floor. The auditorium, with 495 seats, the police museum and a recruit muster deck share the second floor and the first floor is occupied by the gymnasium and open campus. The pool is located in the basement, as are the physical school offices and a garage with accommodation for 38 cars.

The usual routine consists of 3 hours per day of physical training for the recruit and 4 hours per day of academic training. (They have a 50-minute class period). The current academic program in the recruit curriculum is di­vided into 5 divisions and consists of 312 hours of academic instruction. There are, in addition, 192 hours of physical instruction and 56 hours in firearms, making a total recruit program of 560 hours.

The recruit makes acquaintance of the development of legal process in society (e.g. cooperation with governmental agencies, the courts, criminal law and modus operandi, etc.). Police recruit training includes subject matter which will provide a better understanding of human behavior and which will develop proper attitudes on the part of police (psychology and the police, human relations, crime and delin­quency causation, police ethics, etc.).

Text for Reading


Oxford is a beautiful town on the River Thames about fifty miles from London. Some people say it is more beautiful than any other city in England.

Oxford University was founded in the 12th century as an aris­tocratic university and has remained so to the present day. The Uni­versity consists of 32 colleges — 27 colleges for men and 5 colleges for women. There are 16 faculties there. Each college is a completely autonomous body, governed by its own laws. A large college has about 500 students, a small one — about a hundred. Several colleges say they are the oldest, but no other college is as old as Merton, which began in 1264.

The term of studies lasts for 10 weeks. There are 3 terms in the Oxford academic year.

Within the first week the freshman meets his tutor who tells the student about his plans, the lectures which he must take, about the re­quirements for the examination which he will take, about the course of reading for him. Attendance at lectures is not compulsory. Once every week each undergraduate goes to his tutor's room to read out an essay which he has written and discuss this essay with the tutor.

At the beginning or end of each term the progress of the students is tested by the college examinations.

They pay great attention to athletics at the University. The students are engaged in different kinds of sports, take part in competitions be­tween Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

This is how a student spends his day. His working hours are from 9 to 1. At 9 o'clock he sees his tutor or goes to the library, or attends lectures. From 2 to 5 he is engaged in sports and all kinds of exercise. From 5 to 7 he works in the library or laboratory. At 7 o'clock they have dinner-time. After dinner the students have club activities, debating so­cieties, etc.

By 10 o'clock the students must be in the college, as most of stu­dents live in the colleges, only some of them live in lodgings in the town.

The doors of Oxford University are not open to all. The majority of the students are graduates of private schools, so Oxford University remains an aristocratic university to the present day.


1. Freshman—первокурсник

undergraduate — студент, уч-ся вуза (университета или университ. колледжа),

2. college — высшее учебное заведение, в котором учатся 3 года и получают спец. образование (техническое, гуманитарное, медицинское и др.). Колледж может существовать как самостоятельная единица, а также может входить в состав университета, university — это вуз, сост. из колледжей различных специальностей (срок обучения 3 года). Выпускник университета получает степень бакалавра (e.g. the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Medicine, Engineering, etc.) Institute — это, как правило, научно-исследовательское учреждение.

3. tutor — в английских университетах — это преподаватель, ведущий практические занятия в группе; он следит за учебой и дисциплиной студентов.

4. within the first week — в течение (не позднее) первой недели

5. attendance at lectures is not compulsory — присутствие (посещение) лекций необязательно

6. to live in lodgings — снимать комнату

7. the progress of the students is tested by the college exami­nations — успехи студентов проверяются экзаменами в колледже

8. a debating society — дискуссионный клуб

9. to take club activities — участвовать в работе кружка



abuse, v — злоупотреблять, n — злоупотребление,

drug abuse — наркомания

accept, v — принимать, допускать

accuse, v (of) — обвинять (в ч.-л.)

accusation, n — обвинение

accused, pp — обвиняемый

adjust, v — приспосабливать

admissibility, n — приемлемость

administer, v — управлять, отправлять

administration, n — управление, отправление (правосудия)

adopt, v — принять (закон, документ)

ahead, ad. — впереди aid, n — помощь,

first aid — первая помощь

along, prep — по, вдоль

alter, v — менять (ся)

alteration, n — изменение

amendment, n — поправка

appeal, v — обжаловать, n —аппеляция, обжалование

application, n — 1) применение; 2) заявление

appoint, v — назначать

appointment, n — назначение

apprehend, v — задержать, арестовать

apprehension, n — задержание, арест

approve, v — одобрять, утверждать

approval, n — одобрение

architecture, n — архитектура

area, n — район, площадь

arraign, v — предъявлять обвинение

arraignment, n — предъявление обвинения

arrest, n — арест

to make an arrest — произвести

арест article, n — предмет (syn. item)

as far as — до ...

associate, v — соединять, связывать

association, n — общество, ассоциация

to be associated with — быть связанным с; ассоциироваться с....

assume, v — предполагать, допускать

attract, v — привлекать

attractive, a — привлекательный

attract attention — привлекать внимание

authority, n — 1) власть, полномочие

2) обязанность

3) сфера компетенции

available, a — доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении


back, ad. — назад

bail, n— залог

place on bail — отпускать под залог

be devoted (to) — посвящаться

be named (after) — носить имя

be rich (in)— изобиловать

be situated — располагаться

be washed (by) — омываться

become (became, become), v — становиться

behavior, n — поведение

behind, ad — позади

belong, v — принадлежать

blood, n — кровь

bloodstains — пятна крови

body, n — орган

book, v — регистрировать

booking card — регистрационная карточка

both ... and ... — как ..., так и

bribe, n — взятка

bribery, n — взяточничество

bring (brought, brought), v — приносить, привозить, приводить

burglary, n — кража со взломом


cast, v — делать слепок, n — слепок

casting equipment — оборудование для снятия слепков

cause, v — вызывать, причинять, n — причина

causal factors — причинные факторы

probable and reasonable cause — достаточное основание

chain, n — цепь

chain of evidence — цепочка доказательств

chamber, n — палата

change, n — пересадка

change, v — (for) пересаживаться (на)

change from ... to... — пересаживаться с ... на

make a change — делать пересадку

charge, v (with) — обвинять (в чем-либо)

charge, n — обвинение

on a charge — по обвинению

citizen, n — гражданин circumstance, n — обстоятельство

circumstantial, a — косвенный claim, v — заявлять, утверждать

clear, v — снять обвинение

coast, n — морской берег, побережье

codify, v — систематизировать

collect, v — собирать (syn. gather)

collection, n— коллекция; собирание

comfortable, a — удобный

commission, n — совершение

commit, v — совершать

compare, v — сравнивать

complain, v — подавать жалобу

complaint, n — жалоба, иск

complete, a — полный, завершенный

complicated, a — сложный

compose, v — составлять, сочинять

composition, n — состав, структура, сочинение

be composed of — состоять из

concern, v — касаться, относиться

confess, v — признаваться

confession, n — признание

connection, n — связь

consist, v (of) — состоять (из)

constitute, v — составлять

contain, v — включать в себя

contaminate, v — загрязнять

contamination, n — загрязнение

correct, v — исправлять

corrections, n — исправительные учреждения

corroborative, a — подтверждающий

convenient, a — удобный

convenience, n — удобство

convict, v (of) — осуждать, n — осужденный

conviction, n — обвинительный приговор, осуждение

corpus delicti — состав преступления court, n — суд

credible, a — заслуживающий доверия

crime, n — преступление

cross, v — переходить, пересекать

crossing, n — переход

crossroads, n — перекресток

custody, n — охрана, хранение

custom, n — обычай


dactyloscopy, n — дактилоскопия

danger, n — опасность

dangerous, a — опасный

data, n — данные, сведения

dead, a — мертвый

deal (dealt, dealt), v — (with) иметь дело с; рассматривать

decide, v — решать

decision, n — решение

defend, v — защищать

defence, n — защита

defendant, n — обвиняемый, подсудимый

define, v — определять

definition, n — определение

delinquency, n — преступность (несовершеннолетних)

delivery, n — доставка

depend, v — зависеть

dependence, n — зависимость

dependent, a — зависимый

design, n — рисунок

destroy, v — разрушать

destruction, n — разрушение

detect, v — разыскивать, раскрывать (преступление)

detection, n — розыск

detective, n — сыщик

determine, v — определять

develop, v — развивать, проявлять (снимки)

development, n — развитие

devote, v — посвящать