
Методические указания и контрольные работы (стр. 10 из 14)

lieutenant - лейтенант

to patrol – патрулировать

to maintain public order - поддерживать общественный порядок

The Internal Affairs Ministry - МВД

the Interior higher educational establishment – вуз МВД


day department - дневное отделение

correspondence department - заочное отделение

faculty -факультет

to study -изучать, учиться

staff -штат персонал

on the staff-в штате

Doctor of Law - Доктор юридических наук

Master of Law - Кандидат юридических наук

post graduate course - аспирантура, адъюнктура

term - срок, семестр

training - подготовка, обучение

lecture-hall -лекционный зал

library –библиотека

reading-room - читальный зал

up-to-date, modern –современный

laboratory, lab – лаборатория

computer center –ЭВЦ

firing-range –тир

conference hall -актовый зал

sports facilities -спортивнее сооружения

to be fond of-увлекаться, любить

gymnasium -спортивный зал

sport ground -спортивная площадка

hostel – общежитие

convenience –удобство

snack bar –буфет

post-office -почта

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where do you study?

2. Where is the KLI situated ?

3. How many students are there in the institute ?

4. How many departments are at the Institute. What are they ?

5. What subjects do the students study at the Institute ?

6. Who teaches the cadets ?

7. How many terms are there in a year ?

8. How many examinations session are there in a year ?

9. What facilities are there at the institute ?


I am a first-year student of the Krasnodar Law Institute. I am from Krasnodar, but now all our freshmen live in the hostel. Our working day begins with reveille at 6 a.m. We do morning exercises, wash, dress and fall in line for the march to breakfast. Classes begin an 9 o'clock in the morning and end at twenty minutes past one p.m.

After classes we have dinner and a short rest and then we go to the reading-room to prepare for seminars, do homework for the next day, write reports and course-papers. After classes the students take part in the work of various scientific societies, where they do research work on different problems of law and law enforcement. We also go in for sport in various sport clubs and take part in amateur activities. At 7 o'clock we have supper. In the evening I very seldom go out. I stay in hostel with my fellow-students. I usually write letters to my parents and friends, listen to the latest news radio, watch TV. From this time until 8 p.m. students attend to personal needs and at 11 o'clock p.m. we go to bed. On Sunday we do not have classes. It is our day off. On Sunday we have a rest after a week of hard studies. We are very busy with our lessons and have very little free time during the week, because we work hard. We do our best to get good knowledge, education and become highly professional lawyers.

reveille - подъем, побудка (арм.)

to fall in line - строиться

for the march - идти маршем, строем

to take part in... -принимать участие

scientific societies — научное общество

research work - исследовательская работа

to go in for sport - заниматься спортом

to take part amateur activities - заниматься художественной самодеятельностью

to attend to personal needs - заниматься личными делами

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What time do you get up ?

2. Do you do morning exercises (gymnastics) or do you jog ( ) in the morning ?

3. Where do you have breakfast ?

4. Do you live at home or in the hostel ?

5. What do you do after classes ?

6. When do you read newspapers ?

7. When do you go to bed ?

8. What do you usually do when you are free ?

Тексты для дополнительного чтения

Text for Reading


The previous story was about the training of militia officers at higher (militia) schools of the Interior.

The following data are to she'd light on several facts from the history of militia training in our country in general.

The beginning of the militia training tradition in this country was the decision of the Government to create the militia school for men in command first in Moscow, in May, 1918, and then — special militia courses of crime detection in Petrograd, in April, 1919. Their task was to prepare law enforcement officers for Moscow, Petrograd, Kiev and then for the whole country.

But the number of the graduates was insufficient. The young Soviet Republic was in great need of qualified militia workers. That's why it was necessary to open some new militia schools and courses in different cities of Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Central Asia, Caucasus, Transcaucasus and the Far East.

Isn't that interesting for you to know some details of those early days of militia training in our country?

The first militia schools and courses were to work under very difficult conditions of economical destruction, the Civil War and martial law.

The trainees of the first militia schools and courses were the workers of newly-formed Soviet Militia. They were excellent fighters for Soviet power, but they were people without basic knowledge of militia work and legal and general education.

The object of training was to eliminate general political ignoran­ce, teach the students militia service, military training and to improve the activities of the young Soviet Militia. The trainees were to handle political, general and special education subjects. The student was to have actual knowledge of geography, the Constitution' of the Russian Federation, the Programme of the Workers'-Peasants' Communist Party, criminal investigation, investigational techniques, organization of militia work, rights and duties of the militiamen and men in command, regulations of the Red Army, Self-Defense, code of the labour laws, the military training.

The candidates for militia training were only from workers and poor peasants. They were to be literate, that is to be able to read and write fluently, to know four rules of arithmetic and have some years of service in the Red Army. The first instructors were practical workers of the militia and Criminal Investigation Departments. They were experts in law enforcement. Their task was to make recommendations for improvement in militia service and to prepare the stu­dents to exercise the duties of a law enforcement officer properly.

The term of studies at those first militia schools and courses was not very long — about three or four months. No wonder that some of those first militia schools and courses were the basis for' the foundation of the secondary and then higher militia schools all over this country.

Some new words for the text:

previous ['pri:vjqs] предыду­щий, предшествующий
here is... ['hiqriz] вот
data ['deitq] pl. от datum — данные
shed light ['Sed'lait] пролить свет
several ['sevrql] несколько
decision [dis'iZn] решение
create [kri:'eit] создавать
condition [kqn'diSqn] условие
destruction [dis'trAkSqn] раз­рушение
ignorance ['ignqrqns] невежество
activity [ak'tiviti] деятель­ность
actual ['xktjuql] фактически существующий, действи­тельный
peasant ['pezqnt] крестьянин
right [rait] право
duty ['dju:ti] обязанность
men in command ['men inkq-'mRnd] командный со­став
newly-formed ['nju:li 'fo:md] вновь образованный
excellent ['eksqlqnt] превос­ходный, отличный
legal ['li:gql] юридический, законный
object ['ObGikt] цель
eliminate [i'limineit] устра­нять, ликвидировать
properly ['prOpqli] надлежа­щим образом
term of studies ['tq:mqv'stAdiz] срок обучения
no wonder ['nou'wAndq] ниче­го удивительного
sufficient [sq'fiSqnt] достаточ­ный
Self-Defence ['self di'fens] са­мооборона, самбо
martial law ['mRSql'lO:] воен­ное положение
literate ['litqrit] грамотный
fluentlyl ['flu:qntli] бегло
rule [ru:l] правило
law enforcement ['lO:in'fO:s mqnt] правопринуждение, правоприменение, охрана порядка
improvement [im'pru:vmqnt] совершенствование
prepare [pri'pFq] готовить, подготавливать
exercise the duties ['eksqsaiz] исполнять обязанности

Text for Reading



We are living in the epoch of scientific and technological progress in all spheres of life that requires (требует) an ever increasing number of specialists of higher education.

Millions of young people are studying at the institutes, universities and special higher schools. They are going to be, highly qualified specialists -teachers, doctors, engineers, agronomists, lawyers, etc. They will be working in different fields of economy, science and culture for many years to come.

To meet the requirements of this new age of scientific and technological progress and to cope with ever increasing educational and cultural level of our society the Ministry of Internal Affairs is planning to improve the overall quality of the Militia personnel and effectiveness of command service through its system of college law enforcement professional education. It is clear that high standards in legal and general education are quite necessary for a modern professional officer of our Militia. A number of higher schools or colleges in the system of the Interior are functioning now, training lawyers of higher education for the agencies of the Militia. They are fulfilling the task - to train highly qualified law enforcement professionals. They are preparing future militia officers to experience and solve the major social problems of our time - crime prevention and crime decrease in our country.

As quick and accurate solution of crime, immediate arrest and conviction of the criminal are part of the problem of crime prevention, it's quite necessary for the militia officers to perform perfectly well: e.g. to conduct crime scene investigation, to handle evidence - search for, find and collect it being careful not to destroy it, to identify, locate and apprehend a suspect or a criminal. It's also necessary to learn how to deal with militia 'documentation - criminal records, reports, etc. Crime prevention work having a moral aspect as the main one, an officer of militia is to be competent not only in his special field but also in such fields as human psychology, human behavior and human under­standing. In some cases it is impossible to prevent or to solve crimes without all that. That's why an essential part of the curriculum of militia colleges are the subjects which will offer guidelines for militia operations in a public-relations job: Crime Psychology, Criminology, Ethics, etc.

The Academy of the Interior in Moscow is "alma mater" for all other law enforcement colleges in different cities of this country. Several faculties of the Academy are training the leading staff that is to hold senior positions of responsibility in the law enforcement agencies of the country. A great deal of the trainees of these faculties are combining practical and life experience with academic achievements.

The graduates of other colleges of the Interior are going to work as operatives of the C.I.D., operatives of the E.C.I.D., inspectors of corrections (penitentiaries), criminalists, investigators, inspectors of administrative service, inspectors of fire engineering. Some of them are about to work as instructors of education work in the apparatus of militia and penitentiary institutions.

Without question the problem of militia training is of great importance now, the personnel selection process for instruction and training being the foundation on which a college law enforcement professional education programme is standing. This is quite short and only some general tasks our own future Sherlock Holmeses are to perform for the benefit of our people and our land.

Some new words for the text:

requirement [ri'kwaiqmqnt ] требование
to meet the requirements удовлетворять требования
cope (with) [koup] справляться
increase [in'kri:s] увеличивать
field [fi:ld] область, поле
for years to come грядущие годы
level [levl] уровень
clear [kliq] ясный
fulfil [ful'fil] выполнять
experience v, n [iks'piqriqns] испытывать, опыт
decrease n [di:kri:s ] уменьшение
conviction [kqn'vikSqn] осуждение, обвинение
perfectly ['pq:fiktli] совершенно, отлично
carerul ['kFqful] тщательный, внимательный
destroy [dis'trOi] разрушать
militia documentation ["dokjumen'teiSqn] процессуальные документы
behaviour [bi'heivjq] поведение
understanding ["Andq'stxndiN] понимание
offer ['Ofq] предлагать
guidance ['gaidqns] руководство
relations [ri'leiSanz ] отношения
alma mater ['xlmq'meitq] альма матер - лат. (букв, кормя­щая мать) - старинное название университета, дающего духов­ную пищу, зд. родоначальник
leading staff [sta:f] руководящий состав (кадры)
hold [hould] держать, проводить
achievement [q'Ci:vmqnt] достижение
fire-engineering ['faiqr"enG3 i'niqriN] пожарная техника
penitentiary a n ["peni'tenSqri] исправительный, пенитенциарный; каторжная тюрьма
benefit ['benifit] польза, выгода

Text for reading