
Методические указания к выполнению контрольных работ по английскому языку для студентов заочников Мариуполь 2004 (стр. 2 из 7)

The public schools are nowadays less obviously different from the top grammar schools in their tasks and value-system; they are less obsessed by team-spirit and character building, and more concerned with examinations and universities. But they still give their pupils a very special sense of their mission and confidence.

The public schools have certainly, in the last decade, become much less isolated. Some are even going co-educational: they allow girls into the sixth form. Most schools have abolished 3fagging and flogging of younger boys by older ones. The most assured schools are not now fussy over long hair, wild clothes or voices - many public schoolboys now deliberately react against the "public eccent" which used to be one of their chief weapons in the outside world. The public schools have become 4less philistine and less classical. Art is no longer regarded as pansy and many schools have set up expensive art centres, greatly expanded their science sides - helped by special investment funds from big companies. Business has become respectable and some boys play the chartered accountants business games with computers against other schools.

Many British institutions still have great admiration for the public-school values, but their future is much less assured: the public schoolboys' position 5has long since been whitling away because of the larger number of graduates from other schools. As the big grammar schools step up the pressure, so public schools find it harder to beat them in the quality of their teaching, which pushes the fees higher and higher.

1. veneration for authority – преклонение перед властью

2. obsession with tradition – приверженность традиции

3. fagging and flagging of young boys – эксплуатация и наказание младших

4. less philistine – меньше снобизма

5. to whitle away – сходить на нет

Вариант 4.

Задание 1. Перепишите предложения, раскрыв скобки и употребив глагол в соответствующей временной форме группы Indefinite Active и Passive. Переведите предложения.

  1. My father (not/go) to work by bus, he usually (walk) there.
  2. When you last (see) Mary? – I (meet) her three days ago.
  3. The parcel (send) tomorrow, you (get) it in a week.
  4. She (employ) by an international company last week and (invite) for an interview.

Задание 2. Перепишите данные предложения, употребив существительные во множественном числе и сделав соответствующие изменения:

  1. This is a big country.
  2. The life of this man was hard.
  3. Is that a mouse or a rat.
  4. There is a leaf under the tree.

Задание 3. Перепишите предложения, употребив прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения. Переведите предложения.

  1. His son is (short) than I and much (thin)
  2. This is (funny) story in the whole book.
  3. Today your answer is (bad) than last week.
  4. She is (ambitious) person I know.

Задание 4. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув в них местоимения. Укажите разряд местоимений. Переведите предложения.

  1. What is her father? Where does he come from?
  2. Nobody seemed to know him well.
  3. Every day he comes here, and each time he asks me the same questions.
  4. Is there anything between him and Ann?

Задание 5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

  1. Ваш доклад будет самым интересным на конференции.
  2. Он всегда упаковывает свои вещи сам, но в прошлый раз это делала его жена.
  3. Как часто приносят письма? – Обычно их приносят два раза в неделю.
  4. Когда Вам предложили эту работу? Мне об этом ничего не сказали.

Задание 6. Перепишите и переведите текст:

Comprehensive Schools.

Royal assent was given on 22 November, 1976, to the bill to require local education authorities to have regard, in all their duties relating to secondary education, that such education should be provided in schools that admitted pupils without reference to abi­lity or aptitude and to empower 1 the Secretary of State to call the proposals to complete reorganization in cases where he felt progress or further progress was necessary.

But most of the 2 comprehensive schools which exist today were started before secondary reorganization. They were introduced more than fourty years ago, and now 75% of all secondary schools are comprehensive. Pupils go to them automatically 3 regardless of intelligence. However, some comprehensives and many secon­dary schools do not have the full range of academic courses for six-formers. Pupils can transfer either to a grammar school or to a six-form college to get the courses they want.

A comprehensive school is a school for all pupils of seconda­ry school age in a school district. These schools cover, in fact, all the work done in grammar, modern and technical schools. They offer a wide range of general and vocational subjects. They tend to be large: more than a quarter have over 1,000 pupils and nearly half of them have more than 800.

Much is done in England for assistance to the development of a fully comprehensive system of education. The word “compre­hensive” expresses not only the idea that the schools in question take all the children of a given area, without selection, but also that they should offer a wider range of courses than any one of the traditional types of school. For this reason they are usually bigger than the traditional types.

Some of the comprehensive schools are simply country secon­dary schools, some are large purpose built comprehensives on new housing estates, others are housed in older buildings often some distance apart. If a council decides on comprehensive schools, there is no selection by examination and all pupils go on from pri­mary school to the comprehensive school in their area.

Many of these schools preserve the А, В, С relationship among the children, but the children are allowed to change streams according to their progress. Most, but not all of these schools have some kind of selection inside the school. The children make a choice of subjects they want to study. Most of the schools are mixed.

The comprehensive system is considered by many to be a fair one, offering wider opportunities for many more pupils and giving the 4 slower pupils a better chance of catching up.

  1. Secretary of State – зд. Министр науки и просвещения
  2. comprehensive school – средняя общеобразовательная школа
  3. regardless of intelligence – независимо от уровня умственных способностей
  4. large purpose built – большие специально построенные
  5. the slower pupils – отстающие ученики

Вариант 5.

Задание 1. Перепишите предложения, раскрыв скобки и употребив глагол в соответствующей временной форме группы Indefinite Active и Passive. Переведите предложения.

  1. How well your friend (speak) English? – He (speak) English badly.
  2. When you last (go) to the theatre? – We (be) at the theatre two weeks ago.
  3. The hotel (redecorate) by a famous designer next month. I think it (be) nice.
  4. The building (destroy) by the bomb three days ago; a lot of people (injure).

Задание 2. Перепишите данные предложения, употребив существительные во множественном числе и сделав соответствующие изменения:

  1. That was a nice woman.
  2. The story from this book is interesting.
  3. Is this a sheep or an ox?
  4. There is a big shelf in the kitchen.

Задание 3. Перепишите предложения, употребив прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения. Переведите предложения.

  1. The Volga is (long) than the Dnieper and much (deep).
  2. Summer is (warm) of the four seasons.
  3. This cake is (good) than my mother’s.
  4. This dress is one of (expensive) in this shop.

Задание 4. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув в них местоимения. Укажите разряд местоимений. Переведите предложения.

  1. Suddenly I felt something soft on my knees. That was a cat.
  2. I told him everything I knew.
  3. There is nothing to worry about.
  4. Who would you like to see as your assistant?

Задание 5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

  1. Завтра я увижу свою старшую сестру. Это будет самый счастливый день в моей жизни.
  2. Как твой отец обычно добирается на работу? – Обычно он ходит пешком, но вчера он добирался на автобусе.
  3. Эту картину на фестивале не показывали.
  4. Как часто обсуждаются эти вопросы? – Их обсуждают редко.

Задание 6. Перепишите и переведите текст:

Some Aspects of British University life.

A university in Great Britain is a place of higher education to which young men and women may go after finishing the course at a high school, that is, when they are about eighteen years old.

It is true that most students go to a university to study some special subject or group of subjects, a knowledge of which will make it possible for them to earn their living as doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, etc. But it is recognized that a university must do more than supply the facts of medicine, law, engineering or whatever a man may have to do or teach: it must train its students in such a way that they themselves will always be eager to search for new knowledge and new ideas.

Of the full-time students now attending English universities three quarters are men and one quarter women. Nearly half of them are engaged in the study of arts subjects such as history, languages, economics or law, the others are studying pure or applied sciences such as medicine, dentistry, technology, or agriculture,

The University of London, for instance, includes internal and external students, the latter coming to London only to sit for their examinations. Actually most external students at London University are living in London. The colleges in the University of London are essentially teaching institutions, providing instruction chiefly by means of lectures, which are attended mainly by day students. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, however, are essentially residentional institutions and they mainly use a tutorial method,

This tutorial system began at Oxford and Cambridge, where each college is a world of its own, with the 1students in residence, and they can easily appoint tutors to look after each student individually. The system is also used to some extent in the other universities to supplement lectures. Generally speaking there's one member of the teaching staff for every eight students in the universities, The tutorial system brings the tutor into close and personal contact with the student. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, being residential, are necessarily far smaller than most of the colleges of the University of London,

Education of University standard is also given in other institutions such as colleges of technology and agricultural colleges, which prepare their students for degrees or diplomas in their own field.

The three terms into which the British University year is divided are roughly eight to ten weeks. Each term is crowded with activity. The students have vacations between the terms.

1. students in residence – студенты, живущие при университете

Контрольная работа № 2

Чтобы правильно выполнить задание № 2 необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику:

  1. Времена глагола группы Continuous Active и Passive.
  2. Порядок слов в английском вопросительном и повествовательном предложениях.
  3. Модальные глаголы.
  4. Предлоги времени, места, направления, устойчивые предложные сочетания.

Образец выполнения 1 ( к упр 1)

Перепишите предложение, раскрыв скобки и употребив глагол в соответствующей видо- временной форме группы Indefinite, Continuous, Active, Passive:

They ( to wait ) for him at this time yesterday. They were waiting for him at this time


Они ждали его в это время вчера.

Образец выполнения 2 ( к упр 2 )

Составьте предложение из данных слов, обращая внимание на порядок слов в предложении.

Do, doing, what, at, you, like, weekend, the? What do you like doing at the weekend?

Образец выполнения 3 ( к упр 3 )

Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в них модальный глагол и переведите:

Need you worry about such trifles? Надо-ли тебе беспокоиться из-за таких пустяков?

Образец выполнения 4 ( к упр 4 )

Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо:

He was stopped…….a policeman He was stopped by a policeman

Вариант 1

Ι. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужном времени (Indefinite, Continuous, Active, Passive).

1. It ( to rain ) hard last night when I ( to leave ) the office.

2. Tomorrow at this time they ( to discuss ) this article.

3. He ( take care off ).

4. I ( not to drink ) coffee now. I ( to write ) an English exercise.

ΙΙ. Составьте предложение из данных слов.

1. It, am, learning, job, far, my, because, English, me, I.

3. You, of, tell, the, me, can, Paris, code?

4. Cost, does, it, how, to, here, much, park?

ΙΙΙ. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в них модальный глагол и переведите:

1. You may come tomorrow a little later; she said graciously.

2. It’s the physician who decided how long a patient remains in hospital. I think you should

have another talk with your wife’s physician.

3. He needn’t stay here till five.

4. “You mustn’t speak to the gentleman like this, girl”, said Mrs. Pierce.

ΙV. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. I looking at the stars…. the sky….. night.

2. The rain leaves…… five minutes.

3. There was a list of names…… the notice board. My name was…… the bottom of the list.

4. It was very late when we arrived……home.

V. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Где ваш брат? – Он провожает приятеля. А сестра? – Она работает в саду.