
Бизнес-курс английского языка методические указания для студентов заочной формы обучения по специальности (стр. 17 из 18)

Местоимение. Личные, притяжательные. Вопросительные, указательные, неопределенные, возвратные местоимения. Местоимения some, any, no, every и их производные.

Прилагательное, Степени сравнения прилагательных, образованные по правилу, а также исключения. Средства усиления сравнительной степени. Прилагательные another, other и их производные,

Наречие. Степени сравнения наречий. Наречия many, much few, little и их производные. Числительные: количественные, порядковые.

Предлог. Предлоги места, направления, времени и их отсутствие.

Глагол. Правильные и неправильные глаголы. Образование и употребление настоящих, прошедших и будущих времен действительного залога. Образование и употребление настоящих, прошедших и будущих времен страдательного залога. Способы выражения будущего времени. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. Обороты be used to и used to. Устойчивые сочетания и фразовые глаголы. Глаголы make, do, wish. Инфинитив, герундий, первое и второе причастия.

Структура предложения, безличные предложения. Типы вопросов и ответы на них. Структура типа So Do I. Повелительные предложения. Косвенная речь. Выражение будущего времени в придаточных предложениях времени. Придаточные дополнительные предложения. Сложноподчиненные предложения с союзами, Прямая и косвенная речь. Конструкция «сложное дополнение». Условные предложения всех типов.

Варианты тестовых заданий.

Лексико-грамматический тест.

Множественный выбор. Отметить правильный ответ знаком «+».

1 The English _____ strong traditions.

A) have many

B) have much

C) has many

D) has much

2 _____ President of_______United States lives in________White House in__________Washington D.C.

A) -, the, the, -

B) -, the,- the

C) -. -. The, the

D) the, the, The, -

3 Learner drivers arte not allowed to drive by______.

A) Them

B) Themselves

C) they

D) theirs

4 They can't have_____more strawberries. I want________to make jam.

A) some, any

B) no, some

C) any, any

D) any, some

5 I work for Mr. Anderson every_______Sunday.

A) Other

B) another

C) the other

D) others

6 She made the soup by mixing________ meat with some rice.

A) Little

B) a little

C) few

D) a few

7 I have my English class__________Monday morning.

A) In

B) At

C) for

D) on

8. ________breakfast yet? - Yes, I______.

A) did you have, have

B) had you had, have

C) have you had, have

D) do you have, had

9. I______a new car last week, but I_______ my old car yet, so I now

A) bought, haven't sold

B) buy, don’t sell

C) have bought, sold

D) had bought, didn't sell

10. I _________ all the questions since I began working ой this test

A) am answering

B) answer

C) have answered

D) had answered

11. I was late. The teacher________ a test when I ________to class.

A) has already given, got

B) had already given, got

C) has already given, get

D) was already giving, get

12 Tomorrow at this time, I_________ school

A) will attend

B) will have been attending

C) will have attended

D) will be attending

13. I_____ very busy lately.

A) was

B) was being

C) had been

D) have been

14. George______Lisa.

A) has bees married with

B) marries with

C) is married to

D) Is married with

15. The new highway_________sometime next month.

A) Completed

B) completes

D) will complete

C) will be completed

16 You have a passport if you want to travel abroad.

A) have to

B) can

C) may

D) might

17 Have you heard anything from Ted? Is he still in Africa? – He_________be, or he____ be on his way home. I'm just not sure,

A) could, must

B) must, could

C) could, could

D) must, must

18. Paul should_______"thank you" to you when you gave him a gift.

A) Say

B) have said

C) has said

D) said

19. I ______ with my family, but now I live alone.

A) am used to live

B) used to live

C) used to living

D) was used to live

20 What time does your plane take _______?

A) Off

B) Out

C) to

D) from

21 After faffing his driving test four times, he finally ____ trying to pass.

А) gave in

В) gave off

С) gave away

D) gave up

22. You are always_______excuses for not_____you homework on time.

A) making, making

B) Doing, doing

C) making, doing

D) doing, making

23. I can't speak French. I wish I________.

A) Can

B) Would

C) could

D) had been able

24 The doctor suggested ______ two aspirin.

A) Taking

B) he took

C) to take

D) that he take

25 Don't forget _______me as soon as you_____home.

A) calling, come

B) to call, come

C) calling, will come

D) to call, will come

26 We ail.____ his story as a joke,

A) Thought

B) Intended

C) treated

D) found

27 1 have her business card, but strangely I don't_______her at all.

A) Memorise

B) Remind

C) forget

D) recall

28. _______not any glass in the windows, that is why _______ so could in the room.

A) there is, it is

B) it is, there is

C) there are, it is

D) it was, there is

29.1 have always enjoyed traveling. My sister, ___, prefers to stay home.

A) Although

В) Though

C) however


30. It____me two hours to drive there last night.

A) Takes

B) Gave

C) needed

D) took

31 Either .John ______ Mary______my book.

A) or, have

B) or, has

C) nor, have

D) and, has

32 The teacher wanted to know whether ________the homework.

A) would I prepare

B) if I prepared

C) I had prepared

D) did I prepare

33 Mary has never been to London,____, she?

A) Has

B) Did

C) hasn't

D) didn't

34. Nothing was stolen,_____?

A) was it

B) wasn't anything

C) wasn't it

D) was anything

35. 1 enjoyed the film last night_______.

A) neither do I

B) neither did I

C) so do I

D) so did I

36. When I________translating the text, I'll go the cinema.

A) will finish

B) will have finished

C) have finished

D) am fini

37. I expected______today.

A) them come

B) they came

C) they come

D) them to come

38. If it _____ raining yesterday, we _____ the game.

A) hadn’t been, would have finished

B) wasn't, will finish

C) weren't, would have finished

D) weren't, would finish

39. How old_______ now if you____born in 1900?

A) will you be, had been

B) would you be, were

C) are you, were

D) would you be, had been

40. Прочитать текст, понять его содержание и отметить правильный ответ.

The Earl of St. Vincent dates back to the 12th century, when it was built as a boarding house for the masons who constructed the church. It was named after a former. Admiral who sailed with Lord Nelson. Lovingly restored by the present owners, it is a most extraordinary pub, filled with antiques and hidden away in the old part of the tiny, picturesque village of Engloshayle, in beautiful North Cornwall, England. North Cornwall is one of the last, unspoilt places in the British Isles to offer the visitor coastal scenery as magnificent and beautiful as anywhere in the world, together with the facilities and hospitality to ensure that you will return time and time again. The Earl of St. Vincent is to be found off the A389 Wadebridge to Bodmin Road.

Close by there are the picturesque harbours of Padstow and Port Isaac, some superb golfing and a great many historic monuments and ancient sites.

Чем привлекает туристов описанный паб? Тем, что:

A) он расположен в доме, где в веке находилась церковь.

B) в доме, где он расположен, жил соратник адмирала Нельсона.

C) до него удобно добираться на автотранспорте.

D) В нем до сих пор сохранился дух сторой Англии

Ответы к заданиям:

1. A; 2.D; З.В; 4.D; 5.А; б. В; 7.D; 8.С; 9.А; 10.С; 11. B;

12. D; 13. D; 14.С; 15.D; 16.A; 17.С; 18.В; 19.B;20.A;21.D;

22. С; 23. С; 24. А; 25. В; 26. С; 27. D; 28.А; 29.С; 30.D; 31.В;

32. С; ЗЗ. А; 34. А; 35. D; 36. С; 37. D; 38. А; 39. D; 40. D

Тест. Не проверку остаточных знаний студентов III курса,

сп. 080110

I. Complete the story by supplying the correct form of the verb.

The manager _____ I (to wave) his hand towards the chair on the other side of the desk and Henry______2 (to tell)_____3 (to take) a seat

"I_____4 (to wait) for a long-distance call from Manchester" – the manager explained. The telephone_____5 (to ring) as he______6 (to speak). The manager________7 (to pick up) the receiver and for some minutes________8 (to speak) rapidly and impatiently into the telephone. Henry_______9 (to wait) till the manager_____10 (to finish) the telephone talk. He _____11 (to wait) rather long, He______12 (to feel) rather upset that the interview, which he_____13 (to dread) for days_____14 (not to begin) at once. By the time the manager______15 (to finish), his secretary already_______16 (to be) in office also_______17 (to wait) for the manager to finish the talk. She______18 (to come) in with a pile of letters.

"I really_____19 (not to keep) you________20 (to wait) much longer", - said the manager apologetically as he_______21 (to pick up) some papers and_____22 (to begin) to read them, - "these______23 (to have)_____24 (to catch) the next post".

By that time Henry already_______25 (to be) so tired and nervous that he thought he ________26 (to find) no voice to speak. He________27 (to pass) the time by_______28 (to examine) the manager's office in detail. Оn his right there was a large window with a view of the factory yard. Henry could see two workmen______29 (to push) a trolley across it. Close to the window there_____30 (to be) a long low table and three chairs________31 (to arrange) around

it. To Henry's left there_______32 (to stand) a bookcase which_____33 (to cover) the greater part of the wall. The shelves_________34 (to cram) with technical journals which Henry thought,________35 (may) at any moment ________36 (to slip) and________37 (to fall) to the floor.

Henry______38 (to finish) his survey of the room and was watching the manager as the latter signed the last paper. He____39 (not to notice) the secretary_______40 (to enter) the room and he rather________41 (to surprise) to see her standtag nearby.

"Now let me______42 (to see)", - the manager said addressing Henry, - "You_____43 (to come) about our advertisement for a clerk, Is that right?" Henry nodded and said: "Yes sir, I'd like to work for your firm as…" – He already______44 (to answer) the ma-nager's questions. His interview________45 (to begin).

To dread (v. reqular) страшиться, опасаться чего-либо

То cram (v. reqular) набивать битком, укладывать вплотную.

II. Make up five questions about the story.

III. Chose the right answer. Only one answer is correct

1. When the police_______the______will have escaped.

A. arrive/thieves

В .arrives/thiefs

С .arrived/thieves

D. has arrived/thiefs

2. Exactly a year ago, I _____ the same еxаm; I hope I _____ this year!

A have taken/succeed

В passed/will succeed

С was taking/succeeded

D took/will succeed

3. "Which do you prefer - the blue vase or the red vase?" - "The blue vase is ________».

A definitely better

В better definitely

С definite better

D better definite

4. "How did you like the lecture?" - "It was_____I had ever listened to".

A a more boring

В the most bored one

С a more bored one

D the most boring one

5. The Dutch and the Chinese were the only foreigners_______living in Japan in the 16th century.

A that

В which

С who


6. "Why don't you call the company back aed ask for that information?" - "I don't know________.

A who I should speak

В who should I speak with

С with whom I should speak

D whom should 1 speak with

7. “Jeff and Bill are mart” - (Yes, but Betty is_____ of the three".

A the smartest

В the smarter

С smartest

D smarter

8. They didn't consult their teacher. They could translate the article________.

A them selves

В by theirselves

С them selves

В theirselves

9. Here are four clocks. One Is an alarm clock,________are wall clocks.

A another

В the others

С others

D other

10. Because of the accident, our meeting was put ______ until оnе o'clock on Monday of next week,

A away

B in

С off

D out

11. How did you like______last night's TV talk show?

A a

B an

С the

D -

12. “The refrigerator is really empty.” – “Yes, all the food ______ eaten”.

A is been

В has been

С have been

D been

13. "How can you stand all this traffic?" - "I _______ at ruch-hour."

A am used to driving

В am used to drive

С used driving

D used to driving

14. Economics _______ as interesting to me as literature.

A doesn't

B are

С isn't

D aren't

15. Knowing many_______useful if you want to find an international job.

A language is

В language are

С languages is

D languages are

16. She took some medicine _____ her headache.

A for

В from

С because

D to

17. Some people In the village are planning to go to town, but _____ are staying home,

A most of people

В many of a number

С many of them

D the most people

18. We were in the station for at least half an hour, waiting________ start.

A for the train

В the train to

С the train's

D for the train, to

19. _________noisy in the room that I could hardly make out anything.

A It was such

В It was so

С there was so

D It was

20. 1 like my_______ dresses.

A sister's s-in-law С sister's-in-law's

В sister's-in-law's D sister's-in-law's

IV. Translate into English

  1. К тому времени, как вы доберетесь до реки, уже стемнеет, и вам придется возвращаться тем же путем, каким вы пришли.
  2. Наступило лето. Во дворе очень тихо. Все дети уехали за город.
  3. Давай останемся дома, пока не прекратится дождь, хорошо?
  4. Они видели, как двое полицейских вошли в дом на другой стороне улицы, и очень удивились, так как в этом доме уже давно никто не живет.
  5. Мама сказала, что преподаватель не рассердится на меня, если я объясню ему, что случилось и почему я опоздала.
  6. Энн больна уже неделю, завтра ее кладут в больницу.
  7. Вам часто приходится отвечать на вопросы студентов, да?

- Это правда, но некоторые вопросы звучат странно.