
Бизнес-курс английского языка методические указания для студентов заочной формы обучения по специальности (стр. 15 из 18)

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

breach of contract, make a claim on smb., statement of claim, survey report, meet the claim, decline the claim, settle the xlaim, clean bill of lading, retain the goods, allowance for damage, agreed and liquidated damages, compensate smb. for smth., at someone’s expense, through smb’s fault, clear the goods, debit note, credit note.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы

seller, entitled, coming, settlement, complaint, transaction, contractual, unloading, liable, allowable, financially, demurrage, delivery.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Сообщалось, в этот район была послана большая группа строителей.

b) Было обнаружено, что вода этого озера пресная.

c) Интересно, что заставило его уйти так быстро.

d) Он показал нам журналы, полученные библиотекой.

e) Просить его об этом было бесполезно.

f) Вот письмо, которое надо отправить немедленно.

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) I am surprised that she lives in the same house.

b) He thinks that he lost the money.

c) The teacher says that he is pleased with our work.

d) We knew that he is liaving for the country.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) The Seller in his turn is entitled to make a claim on his counterpart.

b) Sometimes if deviation in quality is within certain limits the goods can be retained but with an allowans proportionate to the discrepancy in quality.

c) The Seller has also a full right to decline a clain if the goods are disorderly stored, mishandled or misused by the Buyer.

d) A force majeure must be a proven fact.

Вариант 6

1. Переведите текст.

What are the ways of settling a claim?

In case ofv short-weight it is recompensed by a load sent separately or at the of follow-up shipments. In a case of damage or fauls, the goods at the Buyer’s option can be repaired or replaced, all at the Seller’s expense.

Sometimes if deviation in quality is within certain limits the goods can be retained but with an allowace proportionate to the discrepancy in quality. This is usually the case with raw materials, foodstuffs or any other goods sent in bulk.

If the goods are missing the Seller must necessarily locate them. Sometimes it is quite a problem as consignments may be lost when transshipped at some intermediate port or if sent at a wrong address. If the goods are not recovered compensation must be paid by the party directly responsible for it.

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

offer without obligation, goods-in-transit insurance, marine insurance, documentary evidence, missing goods, admit a claim, counter claim, withdraw a claim, expert’s report, inspection report, surveyor’s report, make repairs, reject a claim.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы

exemination, inspection, surveyor, failure, evidece, defective, counter, damaged, withdrawn, arbitrator, documantary.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Дорога, которая должна соединить эти два города, строится.

b) Он первым поднял этот вопрос.

c) При списывании текста, он сделал несколько ошибок.

d) Я понимал, почему он избегает говорить об этом.

e) В комнатенесколько сломанных стульев.

f) Я чувствовал, что кто-то идет за мной.

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) She doesn’t know the teacher will explain this rule at the next lesou.

b) The student explain to them that they want to attend his lecture.

c) We don’t suppose that they can come across each other in this city.

d) I think you can meet him there.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) The results will be reffered to in the next chapter.

b) Their achierments were not spoken about at the conference.

c) In a dispute between the Buyer and the Seller not only the fact of a confegency is to be ascertained.

d) If is proved the Seller is not liable and the execution of a contract is poslponed until all the after-effects causing damage are eliminated.

Вариант 7

1. Переведите текст.

What is the claim procedure?

The Buyer must write a statement of claim and mail it to the Seller together with the supporting documents. Bill of Lading, Airway and Railway Bill, Survey Report, Quality Certificate may serve as documentary evidence. If necessary, drawings, photos, samples are enclosed as proofs of claims.

The date of a compliant is the date on which it is mailed.

Claims ean be lodged during a certain oeriod of time, which is usually fixed in a Contract.

During the claim period the Seller is to enquire into the case and communicate his reply. He either meets the claim or declimes it.

The Seller declines liability if the B/L is “clean”, that is the shipping comppany hasn’t made any remarks about the quantity or condition of the cargo shipped.

The Seller has also a full right to decline a claim if the goods are disorderly stored, miscandlind or misused by the Buyer.

If a claim has a legiyimate ground behind it the parties try to settle it amicably.

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

a statement of claim, supporting documents, Bill of Lading, Airway Bill, Railway Bill, Survey Report, Quality Certificate, documentary evidence, a proof of claim, the date of a complaint, to lodge a claim, claim compensation, negotiate a contract, the duration of a force mejeure.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы

During, communicate, shipped, disorderly, legitimate, amicably, enclosed? supporting, statement, lodged, enquiry, usually, fixed, shipping, unusually, documentary.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Эта новость обрадовала меня.

b) Надеюсь, что вы напишите мне.

c) Вряд ли его можно заставить сделать что-либо, если он этого не захочет.

d) Полагают, что эта статья будет опубликована в следующем месяце.

e) Открыв дверь, он подождал немного и вошел в комнату.

f) Я имел удовольствие знать его лично.

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) Do you knon that he is going to publish his new book?

b) We decide that when winter comes, we shall ski and skate every Sunday.

c) I believe the weather will be fine to tomorrow.

d) I hope that you are happy to see your brother again.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) The Seller has a full right to decline a claim if the goods are disorderly stored, mishandled or misused by the Buyer.

b) A force majeure must be a proven fact. The Seller is to submit to the Buyer a written confirmation by the Chamber of Commerce to this effect.

c) The question was being discussed from 9 to 11.

Вариант 8

1. Переведите текст.

Insurance of goods

The export trade is subject to many risks. Ships may sink or collide; cinsignments may be lost or damaged. All sensible businessmen now insure goods for the full vakue. The idea of insurance is to obtain indemnity in case of damage or loss. Insurance is against risk.

While goods are in a warehouse, the insurance covers the rosk of fire, burglary, etc.

As soon as the goods are in transit they are insured against pilferage, damage by water, breakage or leakage. Other risks may also be covered.

The unsured is better protected if his goods are insured against all risks. The goods may be also covered general and particular average.

In the insurance business the word average means loss.

Particular average refers to risks affecting only one shipper’s consigment.

General average refers to a loss incurred by one consignor but shared by all the other consignors who use the same vessel on the same voyage.

Soviet foreign trade organizations in most cases take out insurance with Ingosstrakh. Goods may be insured as well with some other insurance companies which have recently appearers in the USSR.

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

Insurance indemmty, particular average, general everage, incur losses, incure goods, make up a contract, force-mejeure, assume responsibility, meet the requiremeuts, port of discharge, port of shippment, marine insurance, on board a ship, insurance premium, fulfil obligations, risk of loss or damage, mode of transport, critical point of responsibility.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы

Consignment, damaged, sensible, insurance, indemnity, leakage, breakage, covered, particular, affecting, shipper, affecting, average, protected, documentary, carrier, requirement, obligation, packing.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Чувствуя себя плохо, он решил пойти к врачу.

b) Мы приветствуем ранний приход весны.

c) Термометр – это прибор, который показывает температуру.

d) Предполагают, что студенты сделают эту работу.

e) Дети гордились тем, что их пригласили на вечер учительского клуба.

f) Он, должно быть, все еще читает

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) I suppose that he is drawing a picture.

b) We know that he will come after he has finished his work.

c) She says the car will have gone a long way by eleven o’clock.

d) I think that you will write to me if II go away.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) A liar is belived by nobody.

b) He is said to read a lot.

c) The equipment and spare parts are to be shipped in export sea packing meeting the requirements of each particular type of equioment.

d) Packing goods for export is a highly specialized job.

Вариант 9

1. Переведите текст.

Computers as tools for marketing

Since 1975 the personal computer (PC) has changed the world of business. In the past, the slide ruler, adding machine, the telegraph, the telephone, the hand calculator and airplane each greatly affected the way business is done. Today the computer has began to greatly the marketing field.

Computer programmes are now available for collecting assessing and anayzing date even projecting or predicting the future based upon current trends. Some programmes have been developted that can simulate potential market conditions so that marketers can pretest strategies. These are mostly experimental but with a very short time they will be as commonly available as the PC’s are today.

With the use of telephone modems, connected to PC’s and computer printers and data base marketers today can assess information about any market, segment of a market, even a specific buyer anywhere in the world right from their own office.

Computer software is now avilable to write data collecting questionnairs, job interveiw forms, analyse advertising media effectiveness, sales and marketing management, create graphas and charts for analyss of market trends.

Some US companies in specific marketing areas of consumer goods, forest products, mining products and capital equipment plan for the future up to 50 years by forecasting trends in possible and probable long-term marketing conditions.

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

Slide ruler, personal computer, adding machine, the world of business, telephone modem, potential market, current trend, segment of a market, software support, training and maintenance services, leading organization, associated products, a computerassisted modelling of a market, marketing manager, executive work, effective tool for marketing.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы

Connected, printer, information, ruler, unchauged, calculator, adding, greatly, analyzing, undeveloped, experimentally, available, effectiveness, questionnary, management, specific, organization.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Придя домой, он цвидел своих друзей.

b) Я знаю о его делах.

c) Я пошла в библиотеку для того, чтобы прочитьать статью.

d) Мы настаивали на том, чтобы собрание отложили.

e) Контрольные обычно пишуться в конце семестра.

f) Работа, сделанная им, очень важна.

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) We expect that the machine will work well.

b) We know that Lommonosov discoved the atmospehere on Venus.

c) It is known that television has both adventages and disadvantages.

d) It is thought that this problem has benn solved by our seientists.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) The artucles hadn’t been looked through by the end of the week.

b) This work will be finisged tomorrow.

c) CIF mians “Cost, Insurance and Freight”. This term is basically the same as CLF but with the addition that the seller has to procure marine insurance against the risk of loss of or damage to the goods during the carriage.

d) “Delivered at Frontier” means that the seller’s obligations are fulfilled when the goods have arrived at the frontier but before “the customs border” of the country named in the seles contract.

Вариант 10