
Психологические основы профилактики наркомании в семье Под ред. С. В. Березина, К. С. Лисецкого Самара (стр. 30 из 30)

Характеристики голоса _______________________________________

Визуальный контакт __________________________________________

Нарушения поведения (грызет ногти, ручки, сосет пальцы и т.д.) ____


4. Отношение к собеседованию

5. Эмоциональная реакция

Ровная _____________________________________________________
Сниженная __________________________________________________

Соответствующая содержанию _________________________________

Эмоциональный тонус лабильный ______________________________

Постоянно изменяющаяся ____________________________________

Утомляемость (низкая, высокая) ________________________________

Вспыльчивость ______________________________________________

Склонность подавлять эмоции _________________________________

Настроение на данный момент времени _________________________

6. Волевая сфера

Психопатология воли _________________________________________

Влечения ___________________________________________________

Борьба мотивов _____________________________________________

Процесс принятия решения ____________________________________

Исполнение, контроль ________________________________________

Суицидальные намерения _____________________________________

7. Речь

Темп _______________________________________________________

Тон голоса _________________________________________________

Патология речи ______________________________________________

Содержание речи (лексический запас, брань и т.д.) ________________

8. Творчество, сны и фантазии

Частота, форма, содержание творчества ________________________
Частота фантазий ___________________________________________

Какие сны, их содержание, повторяемость _______________________

Пример сна _________________________________________________

Бессонница _________________________________________________

9. Самооценка и самоосознавание

Отношение к себе ____________________________________________
Отношение к другим __________________________________________

Отношение к миру ___________________________________________

Планы на будущее ___________________________________________

Патологии ---------------------------------------------------------------

10. Личность

Черты характера, их развитие и формирование ___________________

Темперамент ________________________________________________

Акцентуации, психопатии _____________________________________

Направленность личности ____________________________________

Эгоцентризм ________________________________________________

Манерность ________________________________________________

Ложь ______________________________________________________

Хвастливость _______________________________________________

Лень ______________________________________________________

Замкнутость, застенчивость ___________________________________

Негативизм, конформизм _____________________________________

11. Мотивационная сфера

Интересы __________________________________________________

Склонности _________________________________________________

Хобби ----------------------------------------------------------------

Особенности потребностно – мотивационной сферы (преобладание потребностей по А.Маслоу) ____________________________________


12. Психосоциальные проблемы

Со средой обитания _________________________________________

С социальной средой ________________________________________

С образованием _____________________________________________

С трудовой деятельностью ____________________________________

С жильём __________________________________________________

С материальным положением _________________________________

С медицинской помощью _____________________________________

С правоохранительной системой _______________________________

С криминальными структурами ________________________________

Другие психосоциальные проблемы ____________________________

13. Характер межличностных отношений:

В семье ____________________________________________________
Со знакомыми сверстниками __________________________________
С незнакомыми сверстниками _________________________________

Со знакомыми взрослыми _____________________________________

С незнакомыми взрослыми ____________________________________

14. Характеристика семьи как системы

Внешние границы семьи (закрытая, открытая) ____________________

Внутренние границы семьи: жесткие, нормальные, диффузные функционирование семьи (дисфункциональность):

смешение ролей _____________________________________________

спутанность отношений _______________________________________

гиперопека __________________________________________________

гипоопека ___________________________________________________

симбиоз ____________________________________________________

псевдовзаимность ____________________________________________

псевдовраждебность _________________________________________


приписывание плохости и слабости ребенка ______________________

инвалидизация (обесценивание планов и идей ребенка) ____________

Типы воспитательной позиции родителей:

явное отвержение ____________________________________________

чрезмерная опека ___________________________________________

излишняя требовательность ___________________________________

Отсутствие эмоциональной близости в семье _____________________

Псевдообщение _____________________________________________

Игры ______________________________________________________

Наличие семейных мифов. ____________________________________

Дата обследования ____________ Подпись специалиста __________
Приложение 7

Общее заключение

(заполняется всеми специалистами после обследования

и анализа всех карт)

Клиент _____________________________________________________ (семья)_____________________________________________________

Адрес, телефон____________________________________________________

Общая оценка риска наркотизации (пояснить) _________________



Рекомендации по организации коррекционной программы _______



Программа мероприятий __________________________________





Дата заключения _________________________________________________

Подписи и должности специалистов

Социальный работник ________________________________________

Социальный педагог ______________________________________________________

Психолог ______________________________________________________


Most of the prophylactic programs, realized in Russia nowadays, are based on the idea of psychological correction. It is supposed that it is necessary to find out and then transform factors of predisposition to using drugs in the process of psychological correction and psychotherapy.

That is why the basic attention of scientists, who are interested in the problems of drug addiction and drug use, is concentrated on revealing the purposes of drug use.

However, the results of empirical research are discrepant, and reasons for using drugs are often mixed with consequences.

Analysis of researches both in Russia and abroad shows that none of the theories of origin and development of psychological drug addiction is convincing and fully explains its psychological mechanisms.

The absence of complete psychological theory of drug addiction and it's central component, that is psychological addiction, decreases potentialities of creating effective prophylactic programs significantly.

Our idea is that predisposition to using drugs arises after its trial use. In other words, we suppose that it is not important why someone tasted drugs, it is much more important why some people refuse to use drugs further but other people do not.

We have discovered that striving to drugs occurs when generalized dissatisfaction decreases. Generalized dissatisfaction is a background characteristic of one's life.

Generalized dissatisfaction forms as a result of the permanent frustration of one’s significant needs. The actual content of needs is not realized enough or not realized well enough, dissatisfaction generalizes and becomes the background of one’s life. If, because of using drugs, an individual experiences decrease in generalized dissatisfaction, then he begins to think about drugs as of means for expanding his abilities.

A retrospective analysis of family stories of adolescent drug addicts indicates, that the family is the main source of generalized dissatisfaction.

Special attention is devoted to the evolution of the family with drug addicts.

Three stages of evolution of the family with drug addicts are pointed out.

The stage when the family does not realize that the adolescent uses drugs is called the stage of latent forming of drug addiction. At this stage the existing family crisis is depressed and forced out from consciousness of the family members. Functioning of the defense mechanisms both at individual (forcing out, identification) and family (family myths) levels leads up to the situation when evident indications of family infelicity and adolescent drug addiction are not noticed by parents. At the stage of latent forming of drug addiction, adolescents use drugs as a means of escaping from family conflicts and other psychotraumatical family related factors.

The main family related factor that increase the risk of using drugs by adolescents and its progress is dysfunction of family structures, disharmony of family education and individual peculiarity of parents. If the family can be described as destructive, tending to divorce, with lost members or too rigid, then the risk of using drugs by adolescents is increased. It is shown that starting using drugs by adolescents from such families is an attempt of adaptation to conditions of life. On this stage adolescent drug addiction increases adaptation to the microsocial environment out of the family. Admission of using drugs by adolescent marks a transition to the stage of evident drug addiction. This stage is characterized by deep changes both at personal and individual levels. At the family level a special type of interaction is formed, which is described as codependence.

The refuse to use drugs and start of treatment means family transition to the stage of rehabilitation and remission. Materials of clinical observations show that remission of drug users is longer, if the family is included in the rehabilitation process.

It is shown that Admission of using drugs by adolescents is a point of bifurcation (I. Prigozhin) in the family system development. Passing this point is of great importance, as it marks the beginning of a special ‘drug-addicted’ kind of family evolution or further crisis development.

In this research, the priority of family in the dynamic of drug addiction is proved. The results of the researches on codependence of sibs and its influence on drug addiction progress are given.

The special unit is devoted to the analysis of peculiarities of forming co-dependence of drug users marriage partners.

The perspectives of creating prophylactic programs, based on developing self-sufficient kinds of activity not associated with addicted behavior, are discussed.

In this paper, the following statement is consequentially proved. Relations between family, teenager groups and macrosocial environment can be described as following: the reasons for using drugs are concentrated in families, teenager groups provide different ways of using drugs, macrosocial environment creates non specific conditions of using drugs.

Psychological basis of prophylactic of drug addiction in families


Preface 4
Chapter 1. Drug addiction as a phenomenon 6
§1. Aspects of analysis of drug addiction as a phenomenon 6
§2. Personal and psychological factors of beginning using drugs 20
§3. The subculture of drug addicted as a factor of beginning using drugs 52
§4. Psychological portrait of drug addicted in the period of growning-up 59
Chapter 2. Problems of families with children inclined to use drugs 68
§1. Family reasons of using drugs 68
§2. Dynamics of family relations at different stages of child’s drug addiction 87
2.1. Parents 87
2.2.Sibs and siblings 94
2.3. Marriage partners 99
2.4. Family with lost child 106
Chapter 3. Forms and methods of prophylactic work with families 115
Chapter 4. The basis of prophylactic work 127
§1. Algorithm of drug addiction prophylactic in families 127
§2. Psychologist prophylactic work with families 135
§3. Diagnostic of psychocorrectional work effectiveness 143
§4. Tasks of psychologist in structure of prophylactic activity in state and public organizations 148
Conclusion 151
References 155
The list of dissertation papers on devoted to the drug addiction problem that were done on Psychological Department of Samara State University 163
Supplement 1. Aphorisms by drug addicted 164
Supplement 2. Irrational convictions that are typical for drug addicted 165
Supplement 3. Structural interview with parents of drug addicted. 166
Supplement 4. Carte of evaluation… (for social workers) 168
Supplement 5. Carte of evaluation… (for social pedagogues) 170
Supplement 6. Carte of evaluation… (for psychologists) 174
Supplement 7. Common conclusions. 179
Summary 180

The authors:

Lisetzky K. S., Ph. D., associate professor, Dean of Psychological Department, the Samara State University – preface, chapters 1, 2, 4, conclusion, supplements; editor

Berezin S. V., Ph. D., associate professor of the Chair of Psychology, the Samara State University – chapter 1, 2, 3, 4; editor

Shapatina O. V., - professor of the Chair of Psychology, the Samara State University – chapter 2

Zinchenko O. P. – Assistant of the Chair of Psychology, the Samara State University – chapter 2

Samykina N. Yu. – Assistant of the Chair of Psychology, the Samara State University – chapter 4; supplements 3,4,5,6,7