
Организация объединенных наций (стр. 17 из 32)

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Security had adopted a large number of security measures to protect Mrs. Islena Ruiz. With regard to the murder of Dr. Josue Giraldo on 13 October 1993, the circumstances in which it was committed had been established and it had been concluded that the motive was his political opinions and beliefs. As for the murders of Mr. Gonzalo and Mr. Humberto Zarate Triana, the Prosecutor's Office concerned reported that an investigation was under way. The Government would report in due course on the results of the investigations.

124. In a reply dated 5 July 2001, the Government reported on the alleged threats and attacks against the premises of the Regional Corporation for the Defence of Human Rights (CREDHOS) and its members, particularly Mr. Ivan Madero and Mr. Jose Guillermo Larios. It stated that they were not in the city mentioned, as they were in a "soft" protection programme run by the Ministry of the Interior that involved removing them from that place. In addition, the other members of the Corporation were all covered by different protection programmes.

125. In a letter dated 10 July 2001, the Government replied to the communication

of 12 June 2001 and provided information about the alleged death threats against Mr. Carlos Arbey Gonzalez, leader of the University Workers' and Employees' Union of Colombia (SINTRAUNICOL), and the alleged disappearance of Mr. Gilberto Agudelo, stating that Mr. Carlos Arbey was covered by a protection programme and had an escort and a vehicle, and enjoyed increased security measures. It added that no record could be found of Mr. Gilberto Agudelo's disappearance.

126. In a letter dated 24 August 2001, the Government of Colombia replied to the communication of 24 July 2001 and reported on the foiled attempt to kill Mr. Hernando Hernandez Pardo, vice-president of the Trade Union Confederation (CUT) and president of the Workers' Trade Union (USO), which occurred on 6 July 2001. It stated that the Administrative Department of National Security had begun operating a protection and security system, which could be strengthened without prejudice to the relevant precautionary measures.

127. In letters dated 24 August and 28 September 2001, the Government replied to the communication of 29 June 2001 and provided information about the foiled attempt to kill

Mrs. Maria Emma Gomez de Perdomo, a member of the National Trade Union of Health Sector Workers (ANTHOC), and her daughter Diana Perdomo, stating that the Public Prosecutor's Office was conducting a preliminary investigation to identify those responsible. It was also investigating threats against some of the staff of the Juan de Dios hospital in Honda, members of the ANTHOC trade union, it being clear that Mrs. Gomez Perdomo was not among those mentioned as being concerned. The Government would report in due course on the results of the investigations.

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128. In a letter dated 4 September 2001, the Government of Colombia replied to the Special Representative's communication of 12 July 2001 and reported on the alleged death threats against several members of the Jose Alvear Restrepo Lawyers' Association, stating that a meeting had been held with all the competent authorities to determine institutional responsibilities. It was decided at the meeting that the Ministry of the Interior would take preventive measures in respect of individuals and that the Vice-President's Office would be responsible for political measures. As a result, several meetings had been held to speed up procedures for dealing with the requests of petitioners in the case, particular importance being attached to the consultation of intelligence archives. Since the matter was before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Government wished to close the case.

129. Por carta fechada 6 de diciembre de 2001, el Gobierno de Colombia informo a la Representante Especial sobre la destruction del dispensario "Casa de la Mujer", caso enviado el 13 de noviembre de 2001. El Gobierno senalo que el caso se encuentra sometido a examen en la Comision Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, motivo por el cual se informo acerca de las medidas cautelares ordenadas por el Gobierno a favor de la OFP. Al respecto, el Gobierno senalo que el 11 de octubre de 2001 se llevo a cabo una reunion con el Grupo de Trabajo ad hoc, con el fin de acordar medidas de protection destinadas a la OFP. Las entidades responsables de estas medidas son el Ministerio del Interior, la Fiscalia General de la nacion, la Policia Nacional, la Procuradoria General de la nacion y la Vicepresidencia de la Republica. En el marco de la politica gubernamental de derechos humanos y derecho humanitario, se tiene previsto la conformacion de comisiones intersectoriales a nivel regional que tienen como proposito acordar medidas y acciones que contribuyan a mejorar la situation de los derechos humanos en las regiones. El Programa Presidencial para los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario ha participado en las reuniones, eventos, foros y otros que tengan relation con el trabajo de la OFP en la region, acompafiandolos y coordinando con el Ejercito Nacional y la Policia Nacional las gestiones necesarias para evitar que se presenten hostigamientos por parte de los grupos armados al margen de la ley, que rechazan las actividades de la organizacion.

Se tomo contacto directo con la Sra. Yolanda Becerra, representante de la OFP, con el objeto de verificar cualquier tipo de information o action de cualquier agente que represente un riesgo o amenazas contra las personas o instalaciones de esta organizacion no gubernamental.


130. The Special Representative is grateful to the Government of Colombia for its prompt replies to her communications. Following the request to visit Colombia sent by the Special Representative on 20 February 2001, an official invitation was extended to her by the

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Government of Colombia on 31 August 2001. In this regard, the Special Representative would like to refer to the report on her visit to Colombia (from 23 to 31 October 2001) submitted separately to the Commission at the present session (E/CN.4/2002/106/Add.2)

CROATIA Communication sent

131. On 4 January 2001, the Special Representative, together with the Special Rapporteur on Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers and the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions sent an urgent appeal regarding Mr. Srdj Jaksic, a prominent human rights lawyer, who was the subject of an assassination attempt by three masked men on 30 December 2000 outside his home in Dubrovnik. Mr. Jaksic was reportedly seriously wounded and sustained injuries to his abdomen and his arm, requiring surgery and continued hospitalization. The next day, 31 December 2000, his wife and eight-year-old daughter were reportedly also attacked by an unknown assailant. It was alleged that these attacks are in connection to Mr. Jaksic's work. Mr. Jaksic is a well-established attorney and during the past decade, has worked on numerous cases of great importance for the protection of human rights in Croatia. Mr. Jaksic has also reportedly been involved in some property cases that have led to the eviction of Croatian policemen from Serb-owned homes occupied during the war. It has also been reported that the Dubrovnik police have done little to investigate these attacks and have not provided effective security to the Jaksic family.

Communications received

132. By letter dated 12 January 2001, the Government ensured the Special Representative that the relevant Croatian authorities had taken all the necessary measures in order to apprehend the perpetrators of this criminal act. The scene of the crime had been examined, as well as all potential evidence, and a special group of criminal investigators had been established by the Dubrovnik Police Department and the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of the Interior in order to solve this case. The Government was ensuring that the Ministry of the Interior continued to take adequate steps in order to protect the life and physical integrity of Mr. Jaksic and his family. The Government also informed the Special Representative that several amendments to the Law on Courts had been recently adopted in order to enhance the security of judicial professionals.

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133. The Special Representative thanks the Government for its prompt response. The Special Representative appreciates the Government's assurances of additional laws for the better protection of lawyers. She will study these laws with interest and will continue to assess their impact on the situation of human rights defenders. She would like to be kept informed on

Mr. Jaksic's case and looks forward to receiving further information from the Government on the progress of investigation in this case and on the prosecution of the assailants, when identified.


Communication sent

134. On 14 September 2001, the Special Representative, together with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, sent an urgent appeal regarding Mr. Leonardo Bruzon Avila, who was reportedly arrested on 5 September 2001 after he set up an independent video library for children in the capital, Havana. According to the information received, Mr. Leonardo Bruzon Avila is president of the 24 February Human Rights Movement named for the date

in 1996 on which two planes belonging to a Cuban exile group were shot down by the Cuban Air Force. He reportedly named the library, in his home in Havana, "The 24 February Library". It has been reported that the authorities issued a warrant for his arrest and the eviction of him and his family. The source indicates that previously Mr. Leonardo Bruzon Avila was repeatedly detained and harassed. On 3 December 2000, he and other dissidents were reportedly detained to prevent them taking part in a demonstration to celebrate Human Rights Day. It has been further reported that Mr. Leonardo Bruzon Avila is now held at a police detention centre, the Technical Investigations Department, in Havana. As yet, no charge has been brought against him.

Communications received

135. On 18 January 2001, the Government sent a reply to a note verbale sent by the Special Representative on 10 October 2000 (see report of the Special Representative to the Commission on Human Rights E/CN.4/2001/94, paras. 54-55). The Government of Cuba thanked the Special Representative and appreciated the desire that she expressed to carry out the mandate assigned to her on the basis of a fully open and transparent dialogue with States. It noted that the financing of non-governmental organizations should follow a clear pattern of transparency and be conducted responsibly and fully in keeping with the legislation in force in each country. The Government further stated that it could not accept manipulation of the theme of human rights in order to try to justify the financing of activities which were clearly incompatible with the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. Although Cuba shared

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the Special Representative's criterion that States are above all the guarantors of the rights of their citizens, it reasserted its conviction that, in a classic State-citizen relationship, States in a globalized and interdependent world can themselves take on the role of defenders of the human rights of their citizens vis-a-vis the influence of external agents such as other States or agents, particularly transnational corporations. The Government stressed that it guaranteed the fullest realization of and respect for all human rights of its citizens to the extent of the resources and possibilities available to it. Finally, the Government reiterated its desire to cooperate with the Special Representative in carrying out her mandate.


136. The Special Representative awaits a reply on the case of Mr. Bruzon Avila.


137. Le 22 fevrier 2001, la Representante speciale a envoye un appel urgent conjointement avec le Rapporteur special sur la torture concernant Golden Misabiko, President de Г Association africaine des droits de l'homme (ASADHO) - section du Katanga, qui aurait ete arrete

le lundi 5 fevrier 2001. Selon les informations recues, il aurait ete enleve par deux hommes en civil qui appartiendraient а Г Agence nationale de renseignements (ANR) alors qu'il allait chercher sa fille a l'ecole dans la commune de Lubumbashi. Le motif de son arrestation n'a pas ete rapporte mais serait lie a ses activites de defenseur des droits de l'homme. Golden Misabiko serait detenu au centre de detention dit du Groupe Litho Moboti (GLM), qui serait dirige par les services de securite speciale du President.

138. Par un appel urgent date du 16 mai 2001, la Representante speciale, conjointement avec le Rapporteur special sur la Republique democratique du Congo et le President-Rapporteur du Groupe de travail sur la detention arbitraire, a informe le Gouvernement qu'elle avait recu des renseignements concernant la situation de deux membres de Г ASADHO, Mlle Jeanne Bilonda et M. Hubert Tshiswaka. Le 14 mai 2001, M e Jeanne Bilonda et M. Hubert Tshiswaka auraient ete arretes a Lubumbashi (province du Katanga) a leur bureau avant d'etre conduits a la Direction provinciale de Г ANR, ou ils auraient ete detenus. Selon les informations recues, aucun mandat d'arrestation n'aurait ete presente et aucun motif d'arrestation invoque. Selon les informations recues, ces deux personnes auraient ete arretees en raison de leurs activites dans le domaine de la promotion et de la protection des droits de l'homme.

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139. Par un appel urgent date du 8 juin 2001, la Representante speciale, conjointement avec le Rapporteur special sur la Republique democratique du Congo et le President-Rapporteur du Groupe de travail sur la detention arbitraire, a informe le Gouvernement qu'elle avait recu des renseignements concernant l'arrestation de M. N'Sii Luanda, President du Comite des observateurs des droits de rhomme (CODHO), une organisation de defense des droits de rhomme dont le role est de porter assistance aux personnes incarcerees. Selon les informations recues, M. N'Sii Luanda aurait ete interpelle le 5 juin 2001 par des elements des services de securite. Il aurait ete achemine a la Direction generate de l'ANR, dans la commune de la Gombe, ou il aurait ete detenu. Selon les informations transmises, le President du CODHO avait du se rendre les 2 et 4 juin 2001 a la Detection militaire des activites antipatrie (DEMIAP-exterieure), ou il aurait ete interroge sur les activites de son organisation. Il serait reproche a

M. N'Sii Luanda d'etre en contact avec des suspects qui porteraient atteinte a la surete de l'Etat. Le President du CODHO n'aurait par ailleurs pas eu acces a un avocat depuis son arrestation.

140. Le 15 juin 2001, la Representante speciale, conjointement avec le Rapporteur special sur la Republique democratique du Congo, a transmis un appel urgent concernant M. Robert Hunga Numbi, President de Г organisation «Les Amis de Nelson Mandela pour la defense des droits de rhomme» (ANMDH). Selon les informations recues, le 15 juin 2001, deux individus se seraient presentes au domicile de M. Ilunga Numbi, a Kinshasa, et Г auraient contraint a les suivre.

Le President de Г ANMDH aurait par la suite ete conduit au Conseil national de securite. Le motif de son arrestation demeure inconnu. Par ailleurs aucun mandat d'arret n'aurait ete presente.

141. Par un appel urgent date du 17 aout 2001, la Representante speciale, conjointement avec le Rapporteur special sur la torture, le Rapporteur special sur la Republique democratique

du Congo et le President-Rapporteur du Groupe de travail sur la detention arbitraire, a informe le Gouvernement qu'elle avait recu des renseignements concernant l'arrestation et la detention au secret de Constant Thsibadi Matambwa Kadinga, president local des Forces novatrices pour l'union et la solidarite (FONUS), parti politique d'opposition, et des menaces d'arrestation contre son epouse, Mme Edonbo Kalombo Maguy. Selon l'information recue, le 28 juillet 2001, une vingtaine de policiers auraient arrete M. Kadinga a son domicile de Kinshasa sans mandat d'arret. Us lui auraient presente des tracts appelant a une marche pour la paix et la solidarite en soutien au «dialogue intercongolais» organise par cinq partis d'opposition politique, qui devait se tenir le 30 juillet 2001 a Kinshasa/Gombe. Selon les informations recues, sa maison serait sous la surveillance de policiers depuis que Mme Ebondo Kalombo Maguy aurait donne un entretien a Radio France Internationale le ler aout, dans lequel elle relatait les circonstances de l'arrestation de son mari. Des craintes ont ete exprimees quant au fait qu'elle pourrait etre arretee a tout