
Методические указания к выполнению контрольных работ для студентов заочной формы обучения. Дисциплина: Английский язык (стр. 1 из 2)

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Югорский государственный университет

Гуманитарный факультет

Кафедра иностранных языков

Углева И.В.

Методические указания к выполнению контрольных работ

для студентов заочной формы обучения.

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Специальность: 080504 Государственное и муниципальное управление

Курс II

Семестр весенний 2007-2008 учебный год

Ханты-Мансийск 2007

1. Содержание теоретического раздела дисциплины, необходимого для выполнения контрольной работы.

Работа с текстом с целью извлечения общей информации.

Ознакомление с новой лексикой и отработка новой лексики, чтение, перевод с англ. на рус. яз.

Грамматика, повторение грамматических структур: система видо-временных форм английского глагола, страдательный залог.

2. Основные требования к выполнению, оформлению и защите контрольной работы

2.1. Контрольную работу нужно выполнять чернилами в школьной тетради, на обложке которой следует привести необходимые сведения:

Югорский государственный университет Факультет заочного обучения



Контрольная работа по___________________


Номер варианта___________________________

семестр 200_____________________ - 200_____ учебного года

осенний, весенний


фамилия, имя, отчество

Номер зачетной книжки______________


Дата предоставления на проверку_

2.2. Условия заданий в контрольной работе надо переписать полностью без сокращений. Для замечаний преподавателя на страницах тетради оставлять поля.

2.3. Контрольная работа своевременно передается студентом на факультет заочного обучения для проверки, рецензирования и оценки.

2.4. Если контрольная работа при рецензировании не зачтена, студент обязан внести необходимые изменения и представить работу на повторную рецензию.

2.5. Студент должен быть готов во время зачета или экзамена дать пояснения по решению задач соответствующей контрольной работы.

3. Выбор варианта и задач (заданий) контрольной работы

Номер варианта следует выбирать в соответствии с первой буквой фамилии студента:

· первый вариант выполняют студенты, фамилии которых начинаются с букв: А, Б, В, Г, Д;

· второй — с букв Е, Ж, 3, И, К, Л;

· третий - с букв М, Н, О, П, Р;

· четвертый — с букв С, Т, У, Ф, X;

· пятый - с букв Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Э, Ю, Я.

4. Порядок выполнения контрольной работы.

1.Выполните задания контрольной работы

2.После выполнения заданий к тексту его следует письменно перевести.

5. Варианты контрольных работ.

Вариант 1

Task 1

Underline the correct word/s.

1 A: Did you get/got the email I sent you yesterday?
B: Yes, thanks, I did/'got.

2 How you felt/did you feel when they told/did tell you about moving offices?

3 A: Did you tell/told him about the change of plans?
B: Yes, I told./I did.

4 I didn't see/didn't saw the reason for the delay, so I got/did get angry.

Task 2

Complete the dialogue using the verbs from the list below in the past simple. There is a mixture of affirmative, negative and question forms. There is one negative question.

go take think sell like have (x2) make (x2) be (x4) buy

dale: Hi, Jill.You (1) ................. to the Milan Fashion Show last week, didn't you?

(2) ................. you .................. a good trip?

jill: Yes, it was great.

dale: (3) ................ you .................. any useful contacts?

jill: Well, there (4) ............ loads of people at the show, and I (5) ............ a lot of good

contacts but we (6) .................................. nearly as many orders as last year.

dale: Oh, why was that? (7) .......... they .................. our new styles?

jill: No, no, that (8) ........... the problem. The shoes (9) ................ really well, but we

(10) .................. so successful with some of our other products, like handbags, for example, an

there (11) ................ much more competition this year.

DALE: Who from?

jill: Well, the Paul Smith stand was really busy.

dale: Oh, but his clothes are expensive ... Um, (12) ... people at the show

...................... our prices were too high?

jill: Possibly. But we (13) ........................... the authority to lower them at the time.

dale: Oh, what a shame. So it was a waste of a trip then?

jill: Well, not exactly ... I (14) ...... this great pair of Prada shoes and this Gucci handbag ...

Task 3

Complete this article about Vivendi by putting each of the verbs in brackets into the past simple. Most of the verbs are irregular. Translate it into Russian.

Vivendi: 150 years of history

Vivendi, the French utilities and communications group, has a long history going back to 1853. In that year the Government (1) ............. (create) Compagnie Generale des Eaux. The

founders (2) (have) two objectives: to irrigate the countryside for farming and to supply water to towns and cities in France. In 1880 a treaty (3) (give) Generale des Eaux the right to supply water to Venice, and then Constantinople and Oporto (4) (come) soon after. By the time of the centenary celebrations in 1953 Generale des Eaux (5) (supply) water to eight million people in France.

In the 1960s and 1970s the company (6)........(begin) activities in the area of civil construction and (7)

(build) a large tower block in the La Defense business district of Paris.

During the 1980s Generale des Eaux (8) (join) with the Havas media group to create Canal Plus, a pay TV channel. They also (9) (take) a controlling stake in the civil engineering giant, SGE. In the 1990s they (10) (win) major contracts in the Asia Pacific region and in Latin America. Jean-Marie Messier 11) (become) CEO in 1996 and (12) (run) the company along American lines. He (13) (sell) $5 billion in assets and (14) (cut) the workforce by 10%. All this (15) (mean) that an annual loss of $600 million (16) (turn) into a profit of $320 million. In 1998 he (17) (change) the name of the group to Vivendi and soon after (18) (make) a series of partnerships and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry. Operations in North America (19) (grow) very quickly afterthis and in 2000 Vivendi (20) (buy) Seagram to become a truly international media and communications company.

Task 4

Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into either the past simple or past continuous. Sometimes the same tense is used twice; sometimes different tenses are used.

1 What...... ..... (eat) when you..................................... (go) to Paris?

2 While I.......... (negotiate) the contract, my boss... ...(phone) me to

say that he wanted completely different conditions.

3 The last time something like this.......................... (happen), she........................... (call) a

press conference immediately.

4 Anne.............................. (explain) her proposal when Pedro....................... (interrupt) her.

5 We never got the chance to interview him. While we....................... (investigate) the incident, he

............. (resign).

6 When he.............................. (finish) reading the article, he....................... (give) it to me.

7 Everyone............................. (wait) for the meeting to begin when he....................... (call) to

say that he was stuck in a traffic jam.

8 When I.............................. (clean) the piece I......................... (drop) it by mistake.

9 I (find) the missing file while I.................................................. (look) for some other


10 When Tim...................................... (arrive), we.......................... (tell) him what had happened.

Вариант 2

Task 1

Underline the correct words.

1 You often work/Do you often work at the weekend?

2 I don't know/not know why your invoice hasn't been paid. I'll try to find out.

3 Excuse me, does you know/do you know if this is the way to the IT seminar?

4 Sorry, that projector don't work/doesn't work. Use this one instead.

5 A: Do you know our new sales rep Marta?
B: Yes, I do./Yes, I know.

6 A: Is that Linda Napier over there?

B: Yes, she works/she do work here.

7 / writing/I'm writing the report at the moment. It should be ready tomorrow.

8 They not replying/They're not replying to my emails. I'll have to phone them.

9 Why is there such a long delay? What is happening? I is happen?

10 You are enjoying/Are you enjoying this conference?

11 Can Karen call you back? She's speak/She's speaking on another line.

12 A: Is Sarah Kennedy expecting me?
B: Yes, she's expecting./Yes, she is.

Task 2

Match sentences 1-5 with their uses a)-e).

a) permanent facts

b) habits and repeated actions

c) actions in progress at the moment of speaking

d) temporary actions happening 'around now'

e) current trends and changing situations

1 These days we're selling more and more of our products abroad.

2 Look! They're selling malt whisky at 20% discount in duty free!

3 We're selling the new model, but we don't have any in stock right now.

4 We usually sell around 40% of our annual total at Christmas time.

5 We sell a full range of consumer electronics, from TVs to cameras.

Task 3

Jane introduces Claude to Joao in London. Complete the dialogue by putting each of the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple.

jane: Claude, (1) ............................ (you/know) Joao? Joao (2) ......................... (be)

from Brazil, but he worked with me in Paris last year. He (3) ..........................................

(know) a lot about your line of work.

claude: Really! Well I (4) ................................... (be) very pleased to meet you, Joao.

JOAO: Pleased to meet you too, Claude.

claude: So, what exactly (5) .................................. (you/do)?

joao: I (6) ......................................... (work) in the oil industry as a market analyst.

claude: Oh, so you (7) ..................................... (make) decisions about levels of production?

joao: No, I (8) (not make) any decisions really. My job

(9) ........................................................... (involve) studying market trends and giving advice on levels of


claude: Still, that's a lot of responsibility.
joao: Well, yes, but Brazil (10) ................................... (not/be) a major producer like Saudi

Arabia. What about you?
claude: I work for a French company that (11) ............................... (supply) specialised

equipment to the oil industry. We (12) ................................................ (be) one of the biggest

companies in our market.

JOAO: Oh, really? And (13) ............................... (you/often/come) to London?

claude: Yes, quite often. My company (14) .............................. (have) an office here. It

(15) ......................................................... (not/take) long to get here now, if you travel by Eurostar.

Could I give you my card?

Task 4

Complete this newspaper article about the Brazilian company Gerdau by using the words from the list below. Each set of words fills two spaces.

is becoming/companies is making/flexible is attracting/attention is approaching/market share is getting/right is raising/plants is beginning/expectations is modernising/law

Gerdau: a Brazilian success story

Gerdau, the Brazilian steel maker, (la) ....... one of Latin. America's most successful (1b) .... It (2a) productivity in its (2 ; it 3a) the price and timing of its takeovers of smaller companies (3b) ; and, most important, it (4a) to

understand investors' (4b) Investors want a firm that's focused and transparent, with a simple share structure, and that's exactly what Gerdau gives them. The only problem in the short term is a problem of success. Gerdau (5a) a 50% (5b) in its

domestic market, and so it (6a) the (6b) of Cade, themonopolies authority.

These days it's much easier to do business in Brazil. The government is simplifying the company-tax

structure, it (7a) the labour market more(7b) by changing the restrictive labour laws, and it

(8a)....... company (8b) in general

Вариант 3

Task 1

Underline the correct words.

1 A: What do you do/are you doing?
B: I'm an executive secretary.

2 A: What do you do/are you doing?

B: I'm looking for the details on the computer.

3 A: Where do you work/are you working?
B: Paris this month, then Bonn the next.

4 A: Where do you work/are you working?
B: At our head office in Paris.

5 My name's Walter, and I come/I'm coming from Frankfurt.

6 / come/I'm coming to Frankfurt next Thursday - I can call in to your office.

7 / deal with/I'm dealing with Andrew's clients while he's on holiday.

8 / deal with/I'm dealing with the paperwork and general administration.

9 A: Who do you go/are you going to the Trade Fair with?
B: This year with Stefano.

10 A: Who do you go/are you going to the Trade Fair with? B: Usually with Stefano.

Task 2

Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous.

1 I ............... (look at) the details on the screen right now.

2 I (look at) the sales results in detail every month.

3 The production line...................................... (not, work) at weekends.

4 The production line...................................... (not, work) at the moment.

5 Yes, I agree. I....................................... (think) it's a good idea.

6 I (think) about it. I'll let you know tomorrow.

7 Helen (stay) at the Astoria while she's in Madrid this month.

8 Helen (stay) at the Astoria when she's in Madrid.

9 We (take) a sample for testing once a day.

10 We (take) a big risk if we go ahead with the project.

11 They (be) usually very flexible if we need to change the order.

12 They (be) flexible about giving us credit for a few more months.