
Методические указания по обучению грамматике английского языка для слушателей заочного обучения Барнаул 2008 (стр. 7 из 9)

Типы придаточных предложений

Тип придаточного предложения

Союзы, союзные слова



Подлежащее (кто? что?) Союзы: that (что, то), whether, if (ли) Союзные слова: who (кто), whom (кому), whose (чей, который), what (то, что), which (который), when (когда), where (где), how (как), why (почему) What she says is not true. То, что она сказала, правда.

Те же

He said that he was busy. Он сказал, что занят.
Определительные Относительные местоимения: who, whom, whose, which, that (который) Относительные наречия: when (когда), where (где), why (почему), how (как) The letter that I got yesterday came too late. I remember the day when we met. Письмо, которое я получил вчера, пришло слишком поздно. Я помню день, когда мы встретились.
Обстоятельственное времени (когда) When (когда), while (пока), till/until (до тех пор пока), after (после того как), before (перед тем как), since (с тех пор как), as soon as (как только), as (когда, в то время как) I shall wait here until he comes. Я подожду здесь, пока он придет.
Обстоятельственное места (где, куда) Where (где, куда) They went where you sent them. Они пошли туда, куда вы их послали.
Обстоятельственные причины (почему) Because (потому что), as (так как), since (поскольку) As it was late we returned home. Так как было поздно, мы вернулись домой.
Обстоятельственное условия (при каком условии) If (если), in case (в случае если), unless (если не) In case it rains I’ll stay here. В случае, если пойдет дождь, я останусь здесь.

Задание 1. Изучив таблицу, переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите тип придаточного предложения.

1. That she has not come is strange.

2. The matter is that I am not ready yet.

3. He asked me if I studied English.

4. The man whom you see is my brother.

5. This is the house in which I live.

6. Whether he will come is not known.

7. When I come home I take a rest.

8. I did not come yesterday because I was ill.

9. If I am busy I shall not do it.

10. I haven’t seen him since we finished school.

Задание 2. Дополните предложения подходящим по смыслу придаточным. Переведите на русский язык.

1. He will go to the cinema before I go there
2. I study English since I am very busy
3. I’ll give you this book where you told them to take it
4. We are to have practice in the organs of Militia where you told them to take it because I want to read English books in the original
5. Students take their state examinations before they get diploma
6. I’ll let you know as soon as I finished reading it
7. I can’t speak to you now before we graduate from the institute
8. They took the book if he has time

Правило согласования времен

В английском языке время глагола придаточного предложения зависит от главного предложения.

Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в одной из форм настоящего или будущего времени, то и в придаточном предложении употребляется требуемое по смыслу время. Если же сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в форме прошедшего времени, то сказуемое придаточного предложения обязательно должно быть употреблено в одной из форм прошедшего времени.

1) для выражения действия, одновременного с действием главного предложения, в придаточном употребляется Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.

I was sure that the children knew it.

2) для выражения предшествующего действия в придаточном предложении употребляется Past Perfect.

I was sure that I had chosen the profession right.

3) для выражения последующего действия в придаточных предложениях употребляется Future-in the-Past, которое образуется из формы Past Indefinite вспомогательных глаголов shall и will (should, would) и инфинитив спрягаемого глагола без «to».

I was sure that the children would read the text.

Задание 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1. He asked my why I had decided to become a lawyer.

2. He said that after graduating from the Institute he would work in the city.

3. The Dean said that we should get diplomas next year.

4. She knew that he was busy.

5. The Dean said that they would choose the candidate after the lecture.

Задание 2. Употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме в следующих предложениях.

1. I thought that you (to arrive) at some decision.

2. We did not remember that he (to repeat) that speech from memory.

3. I did not know if you (to apply) for this job.

4. They said they (to work) 7 hours a day.

5. I did not know my bag (to disappear).

6. She asked me if I (to get on) well with my classes.

7. I was sure that his brother (to leave) home.

8. She discovered that we (to be taken) by surprise.

9. I knew that our teacher (to be) a well-educated person.

Topic “My family”


surname – фамилия

husband – муж

large – большой

parents – родители

old-age pensioner – пенсионер по старости

to work as a lawyer (a militiaman)– работать юристом (милиционером)

to be fond of books (music, sport) – увлекаться книгами (музыкой, спортом)

to take care of smb. – заботиться о ком-либо

to study by correspondence – учиться заочно

to be born – родиться

to be married – быть женатым (замужем)

to be single – быть холостым

to do well – успевать

to serve in the army – служить

Read and translate the text.

My family

My name is Nina Ivanovna. My surname is Petrova. I was born on the 5 May, 1967. I live in Barnaul. My family is not very large. I have got a husband, two children and parents.

My husband’s name is Alexander Petrovich. He is fourty years old. He works at the Law Court as a judge. He likes his work very much, because he is a good specialist. He spends a lot of time reading books on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure.

My elder son is eighteen years old. He studies at the University. He is a first – year student. He is especially good at Psychology.

My daughter is a schoolgirl. She studies in the fourth form. My daughter is a good pupil and she is fond of music.

My parents don’t work now. They are old-age pensioners. They look after the house and take care of all of us.

Now I work as an investigator of the Criminal Investigation Department. I handle the problems of crime detection and criminal investigation. I am proud of my profession. I study by correspondence at the Barnaul Law Institute. I’m a first-year student.

Our family is very friendly and united. We like to discuss different problems of our life and politics, watch TV or listen to music.

Answer the questions.

1. What is her name?

2. Is her family large or small?

3. What does her family consist of?

4. What is her husband’s name?

5. Where does he work?

6. How does he spend his time?

7. Do they have children?

8. What does their elder son do?

9. What is he especially good at?

10. Is their daughter a schoolgirl?

11. Does she have parents?

12. The parents look after the house, don’t they?

13. Where does she work?

14. Is she proud of her profession?

15. Is their family friendly and united?

Topic “My Institute”


training - учить, обучать, готовить

academic training - теоретическое обучение

comprehensive training - всестороннее обучение

advanced training - подготовка повышенного, продвинутого типа

day department - дневное отделение

post-graduate department - адьюнктура, аспирантура

correspondence department - заочное отделение

refresher course - ф-т повышения квалификации

curriculum - учеба учебный план

to acquire knowledge/ skills - приобретать знания, навыки

to master practical skills - овладеть практическими навыками

to attend lectures, seminars, instructions/exercises - посещать лекции, семинары, практические занятия

to develop professional skills - развивать профессиональные навыки

to provide with basic legal knowledge - давать базовые юридические знания

to fulfill responsibilities/duties - выполнять обязанности

to do research work - заниматься научно-исследовательской работой

to participate in competitions - участвовать в соревнованиях

entertainment - увлечение

leisure - отдых, досуг

Read and translate the text

The Barnaul Law Institute

1. History

The Barnaul Law Institute is a higher educational establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It was set up in 1957 as a secondary militia school. It trained qualified militia officers to cope with the rise of crime and lawlessness in our country. In 1998 the school was reorganized into the Barnaul Law Institute. The reorganization was carried out to expand educational activities and to improve professional training of law enforcement specialists.

2. Purpose.

The primary purpose of the Institute is to provide the highest quality training of law enforcement officers for the interior bodies. Depending on the form and programme of education the term of training specialists lasts from 2 to 5 years. The Institute offers several comprehensive programmes of academic and professional training. The purpose of these programmes is to provide the students with basic legal and specialized law enforcement knowledge and to develop practical skills for competent job performance.

3. Departments

There are 4 departments in our institute. They are: the day department, the correspondence department, paid department of law, refresher courses for the militia officers and the postgraduate courses.

4. Student's Body

The students from different republics, regions, cities and towns of Russia study law and master law enforcement profession at the Institute. Some of them are just from secondary school. Others are former servicemen of the Russian army and militia. But all of them have chosen law enforcement as their future speciality. The main task of their future profession is to fight and prevent crimes quickly and accurately. It is not easy to handle such big and serious problems of life and to fulfill professional responsibilities effectively.

5. Curriculum

The future militia workers are to acquire wide knowledge of very many subjects. The curriculum consists of general and special subjects such as: History, Philosophy, foreign languages, different branches of law: Civil Law, State and Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law and Procedure, Criminology, Criminalistics, Crime Psychology, etc. Every day students attend lectures, seminars and practical instructions of these subjects. Apart from theoretical knowledge much attention is given to the development of practical skills necessary to efficient perform their functions.

Students master practical skills during field training and in crime laboratories. Future militia officers are to acquire a lot of practical skills such as follows: to observe the crime scene; to handle evidence; to find, collect, protect evidence; to interview witnesses and interrogate suspects and criminals; to use a weapon; to master motor driving, etc.

The academic year consists of two terms. At the end of each term students take exams and credits.

7. The teaching staff

The teaching staff of the Institute includes many Masters and Doctors of Law, and a great number of knowledgeable law enforcement practitioners. They deliver lectures, conduct practical instructions, individual training and consultations. These highly qualified specialists bring to the classroom advanced knowledge and practical experience.

8. Facilities for Students

Instructional facilities consist of special equipped classrooms, special study rooms with visual aids, computer classrooms, a library, a reading-room and a big conference hall for holiday celebrations.

Some sports facilities are available for students: a gymnasium, a firearms range, a stadium, sports grounds where students can do or play their favourite sport and participate in various sports competitions after classes.

Many students take part in amateur activities. Our Institute provides all the competitions necessary for good studies and leisure. The students are working hard at their studies, as they want to acquire good knowledge and become skilled lawyers.

I. Translate the word-combinations into English:

1. уделять большое внимание;

2. выполнять эффективно свои обязанности;

3. читать лекции, проводить практические занятия;