
Методические указания для студентов заочного отделения (иностранный язык) (стр. 7 из 13)


My native city is Ekaterinburg. It is the administrative centre of Sverdlovsk region, the capital of the Ural Federal District. By the order of Peter the Great Mr Tatischev Founded the city on the Iset River in 1723 and it has been the industrial centre of Russia for centuries.

Now it is the largest city in the Urals, a busy city full of character. The area of modern E. is about 49 thousands square. It is population is more than 1.300.000 people.

If you want feel the atmosphere of the ancient city, start off the superb city tamp. It is the historical centre of the city. While walking around this peaceful and relaxing monuments ( Tatischev and de Genin, the monument to the first plant – workers ). There you can also find the buildings and machine tools of the first metallurgical Hint and visit the museum of Regional Studies, the Museum of Fine Arts and a church.

Since its foundation E. has been an industrial centre. There are a lot of plants and factories famous all over the country and abroad. The Uralmash, the Khimmash and the Elmash plants among them.

E. is centre of science and culture. There are more then 30 institutes and universities, over 100 research institutes, the Ural Branch of the Academy of Science, 16 theatres, 14 cinemas, the Philharmonic Society, the Cireus, the 200, many libraries, museums and monuments in the city.

The central street of the city is the Main or Lenin Avenue. You can find there such impressive buildings as the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ural Mate University, the Iset Hotel, the Main Post Office, the Ural State Technical University and the others.

But E. has a lot of problems. The traffic there is terrible and we often have enormous traffic, jams. Because of plants and cars the pollution sometimes is very bad. Also, there is quite a lot of crime and some places are dangerous at night.

In spite of this our city is wonderful and I love it. There are lots of things to do and places to go.

Вариант B.

Ex.1. Дополните предложения словами every, each, many,all, those где необходимо:

· _people among those travelling on business often combine pleasure with their work.

· Visitors are_people who cross the borders for various reasons.

· _ tour operator needs staff who can be flexible.

· _Europeans kiss each other on the cheeks.

· _of the hotel corporations operate on a franchise basis.

· This resort contains a mixture of _different kinds of accommodation.

· Camping reflects _trend in modern tourism.

· _year the auditors check out profit and loss accounts.

· It takes us three months to negotiate _the conditions.

· Today _tourist hotels offer a combination of self-service and plate service for breakfast.

· I hope you will have _ pleasant weeks here.

· _hotel is the traditional form of tourist accommodation.

· _ year he spends much time in Spain.

· We also often attend _exhibitions.

· He also feels conditions for _business people travelling in Western Europe are very poor.

Ex.2. Выберите правильный вариант, перепишите предложения:

1. My friends will go to some/ any expedition to the South next winter.

2. We will not use some/any transportation, accommodations as the holiday tourists.

3. Among them will be businessmen on some/any/no specific missions.

4. Tourism will be a relatively main phenomenon in some/any regions of the world.

5. They want to enjoy our cultural heritage that’s why they will come here in some/any days.

6. You’ll see some/any interesting views in that country.

7. Why will the tourists come to some /any hotels of Sicily?

8. You won’t take part in some/any/no exhibition because you won’t be here in 2 days.

9. If you like trips we will be able to go some/any/no where on holiday.

10. London will attract some/any/no tourists by its beauty.

Ex.3. Составьте список вопросов и ответов, используя May:

May I see the Hermitage alone?-No, you may not.

· See the Hermitage alone-No

· Take some photos-Yes

· Not to come to the restaurant for dinner-Yes.

· Go shopping instead of visiting a museum-Yes

· Return to the hotel late-No

· Rent a car here-Yes

· Be late for the steamer-No

· Drink this cocktail here-Yes.

· Swim in the pool-No

· Buy lottery tickets-Yes

· Ask the way-Yes

Ex.4. Заполните пропуски, используя the past of must или cant и глаголы в скобках.

1. It __ (take) a long time to build.

2. The workers __ ( build) it very quickly, can they?

3. The Egyptians __ ( have) tractors. They hadn’t been invented.

4. They __ ( use) thousands of workers.

5. The workers __ ( be) very tired at the end of each day.

6. Henna_( cry) in her room.

7. You_ ( leave) the train.

8. Your daddy_ ( be) a very famous scientist.

9. Helen _ ( wait) for holidays to go to Spain.

10. We_ ( make) mistake in the filling a tourist form.

Ex.5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

  1. Элен сейчас нет в офисе. Она ведет собрание по организации экотуризма в Альпийском регионе.
  2. Мы с нетерпением ждем летних каникул, чтобы отправиться в Таиланд.
  3. Они сейчас заняты, в данный момент обсуждают проблемы развития речного туризма на конференции.
  4. Джейн плохо себя чувствует из-за перелета.
  5. Теплоход отправляется через 10 минут. Поторопитесь!
  1. Я еще не пробовал обратиться в авиа компанию Дельта по бронированию билетов на вторник.
  2. Форсаж + - хорошая компания. Я ей доверяю, т.к. знаю ее уже давно.
  1. Я только что развел костер, принеси котелок с кашей.
  2. Сегодня я отправил все необходимые документы для оформления загран паспорта.
  3. Лина отлично справилась с работой гида.
  4. Поезд уже ушел. Мы опоздали.

12. Я уже листаю этот журнал с рекламами туров уже почти час.

13. Со вчерашнего дня подорожали билеты на поезда.

  1. Она намеревалась купить в Китае сувениры для своей семьи.
  2. Мы загорали, купались и играли в волейбол на пляже.

Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:


Many people do not want to take an all-inclusive holiday because they want to learn about other countries and cultures.Eco-tourism’ is a modern word: it means traveling to places to learn about different cultures and environments Enjoying yourself is certainly part of these holidays, but education is important too. Today, eco-tourism is becoming more and

more popular.

Another way of thinking about eco-tourism is this: an ordinary tourist visits a country and asks, ‘What has this country got for me?’: an eco-tourism visits a country and asks, ‘What can I give to this country?’ For example, some eco-tourists, visit other countries (or other parts of their own country) to do conservation work. Their job is to help the environment, or to protect places, animal or plants that are in danger.

The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) has working holidays in

more than twenty different countries. The volunteers who go on these holidays work from nine o’clock in the morning until five o’clock in the afternoon! They build walls, clean beaches, and do a lot of other jobs to help the environment. Of course, in the evenings, the volunteers stop work and enjoy themselves like anyone on holiday.

There are many conservation organizations around the world that are trying to help animals dander. For example, in Ecuador people are working to help bats and in many other countries animals, birds and plants need special help. Volunteers give the time and money to help this work. For them, it is a holiday-but to world is a better place because their work.

Learning about life in other countries is another part of eco-tourism. SERVAS is an organization that helps people from different cultures to meet and spend time together. People who belong to the organization travel to different countries and stay at the homes of other SERVAS people. The organization hopes that, in this way, people will begin to understand one another better and the world will be a friendlier place.

SERVAS started in 1948, and today it has more than 14,000 families in 130 different countries. For them, it is a good way to travel the world and make new friends at the same time.

Вариант C.

EX.1. Прочитайте текст, вычеркните неправильную форму глагола:

The world’s highest dustman.

David Clark, 25, (a) lives / is living most of the time in York with his parents, but he is also the world’s first mountaineering dustman. He (b) has already been making / has already made two trips to Mount Everest to collect rubbish left by expeditions there, and now he (c) aims /’ s aiming to be the youngest person to climb the world’s highest mountain.

It was while he (d) worked / was working in a climbing equipment shop that he (e) heard / was hearing about the rubbish left on Everest. He (f) was looking / looked for something really challenging to do and he liked the idea of being a dustman with a difference.

He is amazed at the type of junk he (g) has found / has been finding. At 17,000 ft he (h) came / was coming across cornflake packets, empty caviar tins, and hundreds of hypodermic needles and syringes. So far he (i) has been collecting / has collected enough rubbish to cover three football pitches.

For the last six months David (j) has prepared / has been preparing to climb to the summing of Everest. He (k)’s training / trains hard in the Himalayas and has been on a strict diet. If he (l) succeeds / is succeeding he will be the youngest British person ever to reach the top of Everest.

EX.2. Составьте альтернативные вопросы к выделенным словам.

One of the most famous buildings in the world must be the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt. When you look at it, you realize that it must have been extremely difficult to build. Thousands of people must have worked on it. It’s enormous! Until the twentieth century it was the tallest building in the world. Building things now is quite easy. But it can’t have been easy for the Ancient Egyptians- they didn’t have electricity, or tractors, or lorries. So it must have taken a very long time to build, you’d think. But it didn’t- it only took thirty years!

EX.3. Заполните пропуски словами NO или NONE:

1. _ of these telephones work.

2. I had _ difficulty understanding her.

3. “How many children has she got?” “ _”.

4. There are _ trains after midnight.

5. Did you buy milk? There’ s _ in the fridge.

6. _ of us booked tickets at the agency.

7. There are _ palm trees in Antarctica.

8. _ of you can travel without a Visa.

EX.4. Выберите правильную форму:

1. Is any/somebody at the agency?

2. I want to go any/somewhere to the South.

3. Does any/somebody understands me here?

4. You can find Coca-cola every/somewhere.

5. Can I do anything/anybody to help you?

6. I haven’t seen Ann any/nowhere.

7. Every/nobody don’t want to travel by train.

8. Has any/somebody seen the keys of my room?

9. No/anything happened at the hotel.

10. Do you want some/anything from the shop?

Ex.5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

  1. Они будут осматривать выставку по Развитию Общественного Питания сегодня в 6 часов вечера.
  2. Завтра в это время я буду занята. Я буду вести переговоры с иностранными партнерами по организации въездного туризма.
  3. Когда мы получим ваш счет, сразу же дадим вам знать дату отправления.
  4. Объем инвестиции, выделяемых государством на развитие туризма составит 500 млрд. долларов в следующем году.
  5. Специалисты утверждают, что характер иммиграции изменится к 2005 году.
  6. В нашей работе ожидаются изменения: мы открываем новый офис по продаже билетов, чья работа начнется со следующей недели.
  7. Я записался на курсы экскурсоводов. Когда ты вернешься из отпуска, я уже буду посещать их целый месяц.
  8. Алиса должна проверить запасы топлива. Нам предстоит длинная поездка.
  9. Вы должно быть наш гид.
  10. Когда вы подъедите в агентство, все документы будут уже готовы.
  11. К 2006 году значительно увеличится протяженность пешеходных маршрутов.

12. Если хотите, я покажу вам город, у нас много памятников архитектуры.