
Методические указания для студентов заочного отделения (иностранный язык) (стр. 13 из 13)

5. За нашим путешествием с большим интересом следили миллионы телезрителей.

6. О нашем ребенке будут хорошо присматривать аниматоры отеля.

7. Мне рассказали, что скоро начнется знаменитый маскарад в Бразилии.

8. Мы надеялись уже в следующем году посетить Прагу.

9. Наша группа делает все, чтобы привлекать клиентов.

10. Разве вам не сказали, что вы будете проживать в трехзвездочной гостинице?

Ex.6. Translate from English into Russian:

Russia makes its mark as a tourism-friendly country Russia

Russia is traditionally perceived as the country of the Bolshoi Theatre, the Red Square in Moscow, matryoshka wooden dolls, St. Petersburg “white nights”; as the land of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Chekhov and Dostoevsky. But while culture continues to be a major draw for foreign visitors, the country is also seeing growth in other areas of tourism, says Vladimir Strzhalkovskiy, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation and current Chairman of the WTO Executive Council.

Encouraging people to visit this “exciting and vast country with a great culture, unique nature and hospitable people,” he points out that tourism is progressing there in a stable yet dynamic manner. The Russian Government has stepped up national promotion and is actively seeking tourism investments, in particular, in the hotel sector.

This year the country has been celebrating the 300-th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg, with the city seeing many new hotels and restaurants opening to receive visitors eager to see the results of recent restoration work carried out on historic monuments and heritage sites.

Many tourists have moved on to see the old Russian ‘Golden Ring’ of towns which surround Moscow, to visit the country’s numerous churches and monasteries, and museums which range from the world-famous Hermitage in St. Petersburg and the Tretyakov Art Gallery in Moscow to such unique places as the Mouse town of Myshkin and the Russian Vodka Museum in Uglich on the river Volga.