
Методические указания и контольные работы по английскому языку для студентов-заочников 3 курса исторического факультета Выпуск 5 (стр. 3 из 5)

5 If her alarm clock had rung she (be) on time for work this morning.

6 If he read fifty pages a day his vocabulary (increase) greatly.

7 If I were you I (ask) her to go to the cinema.

№2 Перепишите следующие предложения, найдите и подчеркните в каждом из них ошибку (слово, которого не должно быть в предложении), и переведите их на русский язык.

1 Where would you like to go for eat lunch?

2 This film is just like as the one we saw last week.

3 I’m afraid I haven’t got much of money to lend you.

4 I’m very much tired, so I’m going to go to bed.

5 I like to read books rather than watch on television.

6 You must to do as you have been instructed.

7 I am like my job so much that I can’t think of anywhere else I’d like to work.

8 If her photograph it gets chosen she’ll win £100.

9 She wrote an article that it was published in the local newspaper.

10 My friends asked if I would like to go on a bicycle trip with all them.

№3 Выберите правильную форму глагола в скобках, перепишите переделанные предложения и переведите на русский язык:

1 She got her baggage (to carry/ carried/ carry) in.

2 The rebellions had the president (leave/ to leave/ left) the country.

3 Din has his things (to wash/ washed/ wash) in the laundry.

4 He took a lot of photos during his holiday and got them (develop/ to develop/ developed).

5 Her remark made everybody (feel/ felt/ to feel) uncomfortable.

6 The teacher got the pupils (learned/ to learn/ learn) the poem by heart.

7 It was so difficult for me to get him (to believe/ believed/ believe) us again.

8 He changed his mind to have his house (paint/ to paint/ painted) green.

№4 Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1 They talked as if they (knew/had known) each other for ever so many years as if it (wasn’t/hadn’t been) the first time they met.

2 He nodded slowly as if he (agreed/had agreed) to her suggestion but she knew he would never do it.

3 Her eyes were swollen and had shadows as if she (didn’t sleep/hadn’t slept).

4 They stared at each other in silence, and it was as if they (listened/had listened) for distant footsteps.

5 He speaks French as if he (had been/were) a Frenchman.

6 Nothing had changed in the room but it seemed as though somebody (had been/were) there.

7 She looked very tired as if she (worked/had worked) all day long.

8 I wish I (had passed/passed) my driving test last Monday.

№5 Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильное слово из таблицы. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Не забудьте поставить глаголы в нужное время:

to try on to put on to wear to get dressed

1 Hurry up, get out of your bed and ……… or you’ll be late for school.

2 I must get some new clothes. I have nothing nice to ……….

3 When I ……… the jeans in the shop, I thought they looked good.

4 I’d like to have a shower and ……… a clean shirt before we go out.

5 I thought the dress you ……… at the party was lovely.

6 Here, let me help you ……… your coat.

№6 Соотнесите части условных предложений. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык:

1 If I had more money … 2 If you don’t boil the water before you drink it… 3 It could have been true if … 4 This house is very old. If I were you … 5 I should have ordered more salad if … 6 If you had any sense … 7 Your dress needs ironing. If I were you … a) you’ll feel sick. b) I wouldn’t wear it. c) I hadn’t been on a diet. d) you wouldn’t behave like that. e) I would iron it. f) I hadn’t known you, but I don’t believe you. g) I would buy a big house

№7 Найдите ошибку в предложениях и исправьте ее. Перепишите исправленный вариант и переведите его на русский язык:

1 I wish you are free now.

2 If I will get up early, I will go jogging.

3 I buy a yacht, if I had one million dollars.

4 I will be glad, if he called me now.

5 If my brother is in trouble, I would help him.

6 I wish you had had a good mood now.

7 I wish she showed me this project two days ago.

№8 a) Прочитайте текст и замените в нем выделенные курсивом выражения приведенными ниже фразами:

(1) against government officials; (2) plot; (3) a powerful image; (4) appointed;

(5) a secret department; (6) to investigate; (7) incapable of; (8) to imprison;

(9) rumors and slanders; (10) main responsibilities; (11) the suppression;

(12) serfdom

b) Вставьте следующие предлоги и наречия в пропуски в тексте.

(1) until; (2) also; (3) both; (4) although; (5) the following; (6) early; (7) because of;

(8) as well as; (9)often; (10) in the beginning; (11) thus; (12) however; (13) than

№9 Перепишитете переделанный текст в тетрадь и письменно переведите 2,3,4,5 абзацы текста:

Special Corps of Gendarmes

1) The Special Corps of Gendarmes was the uniformed security police of the Russian Empire in the 1800s and ...... 1900s. Its главными обязанностями were law enforcement and state security. The responsibilities of the Gendarmes ....... included execution of court orders, chasing fugitives, riot control, and detainment of unusual criminals.

2) Following the 1825 revolt, the new tsar, Nicholas I, created the office of the Chief of Gendarmes in July 1826 and назначил General Count Alexander Benkendorf to it; all of the Gendarmes were subordinate to the Chief. Benkendorf was also appointed Executive Director of the newly-created Third Section of the Imperial Chancellery, ....... the office of the Head of the Third Section was not formally merged with Chief of Gendarmes ....... 1839.

3) In 1836, the Gendarmerie of the Internal Guards was transformed into the Special Corps of Gendarmes, under the Chief of Gendarmes. The Corps was divided into seven territorial Districts, six of them located in Russia and one in the Kingdom of Poland, each having a Directorate. The Army's Gendarmerie regiment joined the Corps in 1842. The Gendarmes were using Cavalry ranks of the Russian military ranks system introduced in 1826. In 1871 the Gendarmes acquired the right расследовать ....... political and criminal cases, as the judicial investigators were dismissed.

4) The Third Section of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery was тайное подразделение set up in Imperial Russia. The Third Section was organized into ....... departments:

  • I - supreme police (political crimes and enemies of the regime)
  • II - counterfeiting, religious sects, murders, penitentiary, крепостное право
  • III - aliens
  • IV - incidents, staff matters
  • V (1842) - censorship of theatre plays (performed by the 1st department since 1828)

5) Count Alexander Benkendorf was the first Head of the Section from 1826. He was the person who tried to warn Alexander I of the Decembrist plot; ....... Nicholas I saw him as perfect head of the secret force. Benkendorf hoped the department would be something of a 'moral physician' to the people, an organization they trusted and respected. ......., the Gendarmes, ....... called 'blue archangels' ...... their blue and white uniforms, fulfilled this hope - they proved themselves far more efficient at maintaining law and order ....... the ordinary police.

6) ......, over time its reputation deteriorated as it became progressively easier заключать в тюрьму than investigate. The Third Section and Gendarmes became associated primarily with подавлением of any liberal ideas ...... strict censorship on printed press and theatre plays. It was keen to repress 'dangerous' western liberal ideas, such as constitutional monarchy or even republicanism. In the end, the powerful image of the Section and the Gendarmes was largely undermined when they failed to suppress the rising revolutionary movement and acts of terrorism против правительственных чиновников.

7) Only the most competent of the Army's officers in noble ranks could join the Corps of Gendarmes. Although the Corps maintained могущественный образ, its large network of informers and agents often supplied nothing more than слухи и клевету;

the Gendarmes were obviously неспособны infiltrating real revolutionary organizations. In August 1880, both the Third Section and the Special Corps of

Gendarmes were transferred to the authority of the Minister of Internal Affairs by proposal of Count Loris-Melikov. Many Gendarme officers were transferred to then-created Department of Police.

№10 Прочитайте текст еще раз и ответьте на вопросы к нему:

1) What tsar created the Corps of Gendarmes?

2) Where were the territorial districts of the Corps located?

3) What kind of organization did Benkendorf hoped the department to be?

4) What was the reason of the Corps` decline?

№11 Выпишите выделенные жирным шрифтом глаголы и укажите их форму (личная\неличная), время, залог.

Вариант 4

№1 Раскройте скобки в предложениях, употребляя правильное время. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык:

1 If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which one you (choose)?

2 If I (have) this rare manuscript I should gladly lend it to you.

3 The dish would have been much more tasty if she (be) a better cook.

4 If a dog (bite) in her leg she would go straight to hospital.

5 I couldn’t have spoken on the phone if I (live) two hundred years ago.

6 What you (do) if you were free now?

7 If my aunt (win) a million pounds she would spend it as fast as possible.

№2 Перепишите следующие предложения, найдите и подчеркните в каждом из них ошибку (слово, которого не должно быть в предложении), и переведите их на русский язык.

1 For as such a good cook, he doesn’t make very good desserts.

2 He doesn’t understand that why it’s important to be at work on time.

3 She’s been teaching at that college for many of years.

4 I have tomorrow day off work, so I can go to the beach with you!

5 There are several of beautiful places in the area.

6 Many of the travel agencies in town they offer very cheap flights at this time of year.

7 The car he drives is the same like as the one we have got.

8 It isn’t a good idea to walk through the park on your own self after midnight.

9 I’m not sure what is to do for my brother’s birthday.

10 My mother told to me that I must help her with the housework.

№3 Выберите правильную форму глагола в скобках, перепишите переделанные предложения и переведите на русский язык:

1 She couldn’t get the child (to go/ gone/ go) to bed.

2 Speak to him, please; try to get him (refused/ to refuse/ refuse) this offer.

3 They must have the problem (settle/ settled/ to settle).

4 She had the secretary (to make/ make/ made) another copy.

5 Nick got Mary (given/ to give/ give) him a lift to the school.

6 They had him (contribute/ contributed/ to contribute) to expenses.

7 She had a desire to have her life (go/ gone/ to go) on as though nothing had happened.

8 The party was dull, and we decided to tell stories to make the time (to pass/ past/ pass).

№4 Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1 He behaved as if he (didn’t do/hadn’t done) anything.

2 I wish I (consulted/had consulted) the teacher when I first felt that history was too difficult for me.

3 She looked as though she (didn’t understand/hadn’t understood) what she was talking about.

4 I wish I (didn’t drink/hadn’t drunk) so much coffee in the evening: I couldn’t sleep half the night.

5 He was running as if he (didn’t feel/hadn’t felt) any pain.

6 I wish you (went/had gone) to the lecture with me, it was very informative.

7 I wish you (had been/were) more careful in future.

8 They looked at the boy as if he (made/had made) something wrong.

№5 Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильное слово из таблицы. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Не забудьте поставить глаголы в нужное время:

to beat to win to gain to lose to miss to fail

1 Anderson ……… the last two matches of the season because he was injured.

2 When you have ……….. some more experience, you will be able to play in the team.

3 The runner was disqualified after ……….. a drugs test.

4 Our team played well all season, but unfortunately we were ……….. in the final.

5 She played very badly and as a result she ……… the match.

6 I’m sure Oxford will ………. the boat race this year – they’re much better than Cambridge.

№6 Соотнесите части условных предложений. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык:

1 I might have helped you if … 2 Unless you find the solution to the problem … 3 If I had had a car … 4 If you had asked his permission … 5 Your flat needs cleaning. If I were you … 6 She would give him a lift if … 7 If he rings while I’m out … a) you had asked me. b) you’ll never be able to sleep. c) tell him I’ll be back in an hour. d) he had car. e) I would have given you a lift. f) he wouldn’t have allowed you to do that. g) I would do it at least once a week.

№7 Найдите ошибку в предложениях и исправьте ее. Перепишите исправленный вариант и переведите его на русский язык:

1 If you had followed my advice, you were not in such a stupid situation.

2 I wish she had stopped talking all the time.

3 If he had phoned me now, I would be the happiest girl in the world.

4 I would do the same if I will be you.

5 If he had reminded me, I will not forget to buy a loaf of bread.

6 We wish we would be at the seaside now.

7 I would go abroad, if I have had an opportunity.

№8 a) Прочитайте текст и замените в нем выделенные курсивом выражения приведенными ниже фразами:

(1) rightful heir; (2) famine and plague; (3) mass starvations;

(4) his successor; (5) to obey; (6) brutally massacred; (7) predecessor;

(8) to convert; (9) a new impostor; (10) a conspiracy; (11) short reign;

(12) showed itself incapable of

b) Вставьте следующие предлоги и наречия в пропуски в тексте.