
Методические указания по грамматике английского языка ( тесты для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей ) (стр. 3 из 4)

  1. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого.

1. If the water ( be heated ) to 100 C, it ( boil ).

a). will be heated d). would boil

b). would be heated e). boils

c). is heated f). boil

2. If pigs ( have) wings, the (fly).

a). had d). will fly

b). have e). fly

c). would have f). would fly

3. I (do) the same if I (be) in your shoes.

a). would do d). am

b). will do e). were

c). would have done f). will be

4. If I (see) her, I (speak) to her. But I didn`t see her and speak to her.

a). saw d). would have spoken

b). had seen e). spoke

c). would have seen f). would speak

5. Hurry up! We (not /get) good seats if we (arrive) late.

a). don`t get d). arrived

b). won`t get e). will arrive

c). didn`t get f). arrive

6. If I (know) that you were coming, I (meet) you at the airport. I had a lot of time to

do that.

a). had known d). would meet

b). knew e). would have met

c). would have known f). will meet

7. If Columbus ( not/have) such a passion for travelling, he (discover) America in


a). hadn`t d). hadn`t discover

b). wouldn`t have had e). didn`t discover

c). hadn`t had f). wouldn`t have discovered

8. Robby, look at that man! If he (work) harder at school, he (not/sweep) the streets now.

a).worked d).wouldn`t be sweeping

b). would have worked e). wouldn`t have swept

c). had worked f). won`t be sweeping

9. If he (not / know) how to operate the new equipment, I (explain) it to him.

a). did not know d). shall explain

b). had not know e). should explain

c).wouldn`t know f). explain

10. If the students (be) more careful yesterday, they ( not / break )

the new apparatus.

a).were d). didn`t break

b). are e).won`t break

c).had been f).wouldn`t have broken

2.Определите тип условного предложения в следующих сложных

предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.

1. If I have time, I shall go for a walk.

2. If I saw my friend tomorrow, I should ask him about it.

3. If Mary had done this work yesterday, she would have had much more free time.

4. If my brother received a letter now, he would answer it at once.

5. Were there no atmosphere, the surface of the Earth would become too hot by day and

too cold at night.

6. If the ship arrived, they would let us know about it.

7. If he had had all the necessary equipment last week., he would have repaired the

machine much quicker.

8. If he had been present at my birthday – party, I shouldn`t have been so lonely.

9. If she followed his advice, she wouldn`t enter this University.

10.If I hadn`t been ill, I could have left for New York yesterday.

3.Расположите слова в предложениях в правильном порядке. Предложения переведите на

русский язык и определите тип условного предложения.

1. he, about, me, this, knows, accident, tell, it, about, will, if, he, at once.

2. he, had, I, about, have, conference, asked, come, should, him, the last.

3. had, have, if, the, you, would, read, much, you, interesting, about, steels, article, known.

4. came, if, I, you, tomorrow, should, this, give, book, you.

5. problem, should, discussed, if, had, he, we, have, the, come.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на

условные придаточные предложения.

1. На вашем месте я бы попытался получить всю необходимую информацию.

  1. Если мой друг поедет в Киев, я встречу его в аэропорту.
  2. Если бы учитель дал мне словарь на прошлом занятии, я бы написал тот

тест лучше.

  1. Они не закончат свой эксперимент вовремя, если вы им не поможете.
  2. Мы начнём ежегодную научную конференцию точно в 10 часов при условии, что все соберутся вовремя.



Variant 1

1. Укажите, в каких функциях выступают слова one ( ones ) в каждом из данных

предложений : а) заместитель существительного;

б) числительное “один”;

в) неопределённо – личное местоимение.

  1. One has to do it immediately.
  2. He is one of the best known scientists in this branch of industry.
  3. I shall have to buy a modern computer for myself and another one for my daughter.
  4. One never knows what may happen.
  5. Metal is a good conductor of heat while wood is a bad one.
  6. One must know the purpose of a paticular machine.
  7. The term “pure metal” is used for materials in which almost all chemical elements but one are eliminated.
  8. From this experiment it is clear that these devices are low power ones.
  9. This problem is one of the many ones have been solved by the use of the special alloys.
  10. One may convert energy of one kind into one of another kind.

2. Oпределите функцию слов one (ones) в следующих предложениях. Предложения

переведите на русский язык.

1. One should be very attentive while comparing the results of two experiments conducted by

different methods.

2. One of the mechanical engineering areas is machine design.

3. She hasn`t got a computer, she wants to buy one.

4. Before making any definite conclusions one must carefully examine all the data available.

5. The methods of measurement developed lately differ greately from the old ones.

6. One thing is clear to everybody : one must study the conditions of the experiment carefully

if one wants to receive good results.

7. This way is different from the one mentioned above.

8. Here are some scientific articles on this problem. Which ones would you choose?

9. Aluminium is one of the lightest metals.

10.One should always keep one`s word.

3.Укажите, в каких функциях выступают слова that ( those ) в каждом из данных

предложений : а) указательное местоимение;

б) заместитель существительного;

в) придаточное-подлежащее;

г) придаточное-сказуемое;

д) придаточное-дополнительное;

е) придаточное- определительное.

1.The purpose of that experiment was to confirm the results received.

2. The engineer thought that the engine might be set in motion when it was well tested.

3. This experiment is one of the many that have been conducted by the use of this method.

4. The colour of silver is white, that of gold is yellow.

5. The fact is that this experiment is difficult to carry out.

6. That this equipment is reliable was proved by the numerous tests.

7. People who study languages like those that play the piano must have much practice.

8. I like those methods of research work better.

9. The professor said that he would do his best to help his students to receive necessary data.

10.That he succeeded in solving this complicated problem did not surprise anybody.

4. Определите функции слов that ( those ) в следующих предложениях. Предложения

переведите на русский язык

1.A metal is a bright solid that can be forged.

2.The capacity of the steam engine is lower than that of the turbine.

3.That lecture will give you more information than any book.

4.That personal experience depends upon the nature of practical work is known to all


5. It is known that for a long time scientists were looking for ways of converting fuel direcly

into power.

6. That device was designed by a young engineer.

7. The result of this experiment is much better than that of the previous one.

8. Everybody knows that all substances consist of atoms.

9. That water is a compound was proved more than two centuries ago.

10.The properties of wood are different from those of plastics.

Variant 2

1.Укажите, в каких функциях выступают слова one ( ones ) в каждом из данных

предложений : а) заместитель существительного;

б) числительное “один’’;

в) неопределённо –личное местоимение.

1.One never knows what he can do.

2. I haven`t got a tape-recorder. I must buy one.

3. She is one of the worst students in our group.

4. This text is more complicated than the one we translated last week.

5. This monitor is very expensive, show me another one.

6. The more one reads technical journals, the better one knows the subject of the research.

7. This computer is less powerful than the one installed in our laboratory.

8. He is one of the most experienced workers in the shop.

9. Water is a good conductor of electric current while wet wood is a bad one.

10. There are as many negative charges as positive ones in a neutral body.

2. Определите функцию слов one ( ones ) в следующих предложениях.

Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1.I know only one solution of this problem.

2.One can easily forget foreign words that one does not use.

3.We found new ways of solving this problem, the old ones being unsatisfactory.

4.Having been recognized all over the world, Mendeleev`s Periodic Law is regarded as one of

the most important achievements of science.

5. The simplest kind of lever is one in which the arms are of equal length.

6. This definition is different from the one mentioned above.

7. From these results it is clear that this experiments are not suitable ones in this situation.

8. Two trains crossed the bridge. The one crossed first was bound for Kiev.

9. This plant is the most powerful one in our country.

10. One must be very careful while working with electric current.

3. Укажите, в каких функциях выступают слова that ( those ) в каждом из данных

предложений: а) указательное местоимение;

б) заместитель существительного;

в) придаточное-подлежащее;

г) придаточное-сказуемое;

д) придаточное-дополнительное;

е) придаточное-определительное.

1. Magnets attract pieces of metal: even in ancient times many people observed that

interesting phenomenon.

2. Ductility or plasticity is that property of metal which makes it acquire a desired shape.

3. It is known that heating may bring about certain changes in the structure of metals.

4. That theory must be accompanied by practice is the law of our higher education.

5. Give us a material that can be withstand very high temperature.

6. The main advantage of this method is that it is rather simple and available.

7. That the device mentioned above is very accurate is of great importance.

8. Energy that is produced by power stations is used for various needs of national economy.

9. The experiments showed that the new substance had properties quite different from those

of the original substances.

10. The development of electrical engineering began earlier than that of aeronautics.

4. Определите функции слов that ( those ) в следующих предложениях.

Предложения переведите на русский язык.

1.The electron is a particle that carries a negative charge of electricity.

2. Everybody knows that chemistry is closely connected with the progress of the world.

3. These machines are more powerful than those operating in our shop.

4. That the nucleus carries a positive electrical charge is certain.

5. This method is more efficient than that of engineer Petrov.

6. It is interesting to know that this discovery was discussed at the last conference.

7. This method is highly efficient, but that one is even better.

8. That the technology of stainless steel production is complex is known to everybody.

9. Trucks are getting larger and so do the tyres that move them.

10. Everybody knows that something is impossible,



Variant 1

1). 1-б 2). 1-в 3)1- сказуемое в Past Indefinite

2-б 2-а 2 - обстоятельство

3-в 3-в 3 - определение

4-а 4-с 4 - обстоятельство

5-в 5-в 5 – часть сказуемого

6-в 6-с 6 - определение

7-б 7-в 7 – сказуемое в Past Indefinite

8-а 8-с

9-б 9-а

10-а 10-с,а

4). 1. The synthesis of the elements pointed out the way of obtaining new substances.

2. Phisicists learned to manufacture elements with complicated atoms.

3. Several synthesized elements had been named after outstanding scientists.

4. Heat is developed owing to the splitting of atoms in the reactor.

5. The coal burning furnace is replaced by a nuclear reactor.

Variant 2

1). 1 – б 2). 1 – с 3). 1 – сказуемое в Past Indefinite

2 – а 2 – а 2 - определение

3 – в 3 – с 3 - определение

4 – а 4 – b 4 - обстоятельство

5 – б 5 – a 5 - определение

6 – в 6 - c 6 – сказуемое в Past Indefinite

7 – б 7 – b 7 - обстоятельство

8 – а 8 - a

9 – в 9 - c

10 - б 10 - b

4). 1. The spaceship made a flight last year.

2. When heated glass can be easily worked.

3. All the problems having been solved they stopped the discussion.

4. Radioactivity having been discovered science made great progress in atomic physics.

5. Having finished the experiment the students left the laboratory.


Variant 1

1). 1 – в 2). 1 – c 3). 1 – подлежащее

2 – б 2 – a 2 - дополнение; обстоятельство

3 – а 3 – c 3 - обстоятельство

4 – в 4 – b 4 - определение

5 – в 5 – с 5 - подлежащее

6 – б,а 6 – а 6 – обстоятельство

7 – в 7 – с 7 – определение; имен. часть сказуемого

8 – а 8 - b

9 – в 9 - a

10 – б 10 - c

4). 1. Swimming is my favourite occupation.

2. My job was conducting the experiments in our lab.

3. They know of the atomic reactor being fed with uranium.

4. Using radio-active isotopes opens up new possibilities in medicine and agriculture.

5. I don’t like the idea of going there alone.

Variant 2

1). 1 – в 2). 1 – c 3). 1 – подлежащее, дополнение

2 – б 2 - a 2 - определение

3 – в 3 – c 3 – имен. часть сказуемого, определение

4 – а 4 – a 4 - обстоятельство

5 – в 5 - c,b 5 - дополнение

6 – а 6 – a 6 - дополнение

7 – б 7 – c 7 - определение

8 – а 8 - a

9 – в 9 – b

10 – б 10 – b

4). 1. Achieving good results requires experimenting.

2. Numerous methods have been developed for producing metal.

3. There are some ways of obtaining high quality alloys.