
База знаний в области технологий и систем использования низкотемпературных и возобновляемых источников энергии (стр. 18 из 20)

33. Heat Pump Technology

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Heat Pump Technology.

Introduction. Vapour Compression. Absorption. Figures: Closed... - size 8K - 25-Oct-96 - English

34. CP&L Co. Tips For Your Heat Pump

Take these easy steps to keep your heat pump running at peak efficiency. You'll see the results on every

utility bill. Set the thermostat on a constant...

http://www.cplc.com/4tiphtpm.htm - size 5K - 30-Aug-96 - English

35. Heat Pump working fluids

Heat Pump working fluids. [Home] | [Contents] | [More about Heat Pumps] Introduction. HCFCs. HFCs.

Blends. Natural Working Fluids. Ammonia. Hydrocarbons...

http://deltapoint-nl.com/ieacentres/hpc/hpcwrkf.htm - size 11K - 3-Oct-95 - English

36. IEA Heat Pump Centre:1996 Products

Home | News | Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents | 1996 Products. The following

books and software were released by the IEA Heat Pump..

http://heatpumpcentre.org/prod96.htm - size 7K - 7-Jan-97 - English

37. Compression/Resorption Heat Pump System

Compression/Resorption Heat Pump System. Cees H.M. Machielsen and Laure Itard. With the

compression/resorption cycle it is possible to follow the...

http://dutw444.wbmt.tudelft.nl/kk/comres.html - size 2K - 26-Mar-97 - English

38. Heat Pump Market News, figure 3

Home ] | [ Contents ] | [News] Unitary market tops 5 million. Cumulative development of heat delivered

by Austrian heat pump. Last modified August 1996. - size 2K - 9-Aug-96 - English

39. IEA Heat Pump Programme News

Home | Shop | News | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Taken from IEA Heat Pump

Centre Newsletter Volume 15, No. 1, 1997, published March... - size 14K - 1-Apr-97 - English

40. IEA Heat Pump Centre

IEA Heat Pump Centre. [Home] | [Contents] Introduction. Contact information: Central and national

addresses. Joining information: how to become part of...

http://deltapoint-nl.com/ieacentres/hpc/hpcinfo.htm - size 8K - 2-Oct-95 - English

41. COP for an ideal heat pump

COP for an ideal heat pump. [Home ] | [Contents] Last modified 30 Septembe r 95.

http://deltapoint-nl.com/ieacentres/hpc/fig1perf.htm - size 617 bytes - 2-Oct-95 - Swedish


Suncutter™ Packaged Heat Pump High efficiency heating and cooling...all in one package! 12 S.E.E.R.

(Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) 7.5 H.S.P.F....

http://www.evcon.com/suncuthp.html - size 5K - 22-May-97 - English


Suncutter Packaged Heat Pump Heating and Cooling . . .all in one package! 10 S.E.E.R. (Seasonal

Energy Efficiency Rating) 7.2 H.S.P.F. (Heating Season...

http://www.nucomfort.com/sunHP.html - size 5K - 23-Aug-96 - English


D.E.S. XII Heat Pump So sleek, so quiet...so energy efficient! 12 S.E.E.R. in Summer (Seasonal Energy

Efficiency Rating) Superior Heating Performance in...

http://www.nucomfort.com/12hp_copy.html - size 5K - 23-Aug-96 - English

45. Heat Pump Water Heater

Therma-Stor HP-120-90 Commercial Heat Pump Water Heater. Specification. 1-0 The Therma-Stor Heat

Pump Water Heater extracts waste heat from the ambient...

http://www.thermastor.com/hp-12090.html - size 6K - 6-Dec-96 - English

46. IEA Heat Pump Centre Order Form

IEA Heat Pump Centre. ORDER FORM. Please mail to: IEA Heat Pump Centre, P.O. Box 17, 6130 AA

Sittard, The Netherlands. or fax to: +31-46-4510 389. [ ]...

http://deltapoint-nl.com/ieacentres/hpc/oform.htm - size 2K - 3-Oct-95 - English

47. IEA Heat Pump Programme

IEA Heat Pump Programme. [Home ] | [Contents] Introduction. Annex 16: The IEA Heat Pump Centre.

Annex 18: Working Fluid properties. Annex 20: Working...

http://deltapoint-nl.com/ieacentres/hpc/hpchpp.htm - size 2K - 2-Oct-95 - English

48. IEA Heat Pump Centre

Welcome to the IEA Heat Pump Centre, the International Energy Agengy's information centre for heat

pumping technologies, applications and markets. The HPC.

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hpchome.htm - size 3K - 18-Dec-96 - English

49. New IEA Heat Pump Centre Publications

New IEA Heat Pump Centre Publications. [Home ] | [Contents] | [News] Industrial Heat Pumps:

Experiences, Potential and Global Environmental Benefits. An...

http://deltapoint-nl.com/ieacentres/hpc/hpcnews7.htm - size 7K - 3-Oct-95 - English

50. IEA Heat Pump Programme Library

Home | News | Shop | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| IEA Heat Pump Programme Library. The

IEA Heat Pump Programme Library is a database of over1000. - size 3K - 23-Oct-96 - English

51. Footnote (c) to Ground-Source Heat Pump FTA

c) For more information on the various terms used to define efficiency in HVAC systems, see Appendix


http://www.pnl.gov/fta/2_foot_c.htm - size 232 bytes - 2-Feb-97 - English

52. IEA Heat Pump Programme

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| IEA contacts. Use the table to

find contact people in the member countries of the IEA. - size 16K - 14-Apr-97 - English


FBY SERIES HEAT PUMP. A Bargain In Any Season! The COMFORTMAKER FBY series heat

pump provides the heating and cooling value being demanded by more and...

http://www.icglink.com/comfortmaker/cfby.html - size 4K - 21-Oct-96 - English

54. Heat Pump working fluids

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Heat pump working fluids.

Introduction. HCFCs. HFCs. Blends. Natural Working Fluids:.. - size 11K - 25-Oct-96 - English

55. How Does a Heat Pump Work?

Heat Pumps. How Does a Heat Pump Work? As the term "pump" implies, a heat pump moves heat from

one place to another. In the winter, it moves heat from...

http://www.energyoutlet.com/res/heatpump/how.html - size 5K - 4-Feb-97 - English

56. Rock Springs Elementary School Geothermal Heat Pump

Rock Springs School Digs Deep for HVAC Savings. When the Lincoln County School System decided

to rebuild Rock Springs Elementary School in Denver, NC, its.

http://www.dukepower.com/mktg/current/rksprngs.htm - size 4K - 13-Nov-95 - English

57. Florida Heat Pump - Geothermal Pitfalls Article

Home Page. About FHP. Home Owner. Residential. Commercial. Geothermal. Water Heating. Case

Studies. Export. Who to Call. What's New. Site Map. Industry...

http://www.fhp-mfg.com/general/pitfalls/pitfalls.htm - size 17K - 17-Feb-97 - English

58. The Nordic heat pump competition

The Nordic heat pump competition. Figure 1: Coefficients of performance of the winning heat pumps.

IVT has an indirect, pump-fed brine system and Eufor...

http://caddet-ee.org/publications/296-sw1.htm - size 751 bytes - 29-Jun-96 - English

59. Heat Pump Performance

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Heat pump performance.

Performance indicators. Factors affecting heat pump...

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hpcperf.htm - size 6K - 25-Oct-96 - English

60. Heat Pump News

Home | Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| General news. News on technology &

applications. Working fluids news. Heat pump market..

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hpcnews.htm - size 1K - 1-Apr-97 - English

61. IEA Heat Pump Programme

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Proposed Annexes. Background.

Low Temperature Low-Cost Heat Pump Heating System,...

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hpchpp5.htm - size 15K - 18-Dec-96 - English

62. ETRC - Geothermal Heat Pump

Main Menu. General Information. ETRC Tour. Technologies. Manufacturers & Partners. Seminars &

Training. Geothermal Heat Pump. HOW IT WORKS...

http://www.teco.net/etrc/ETGthrmlHP.html - size 5K - 7-Mar-97 - English

63. Dual Fuel Heat Pump

Dual-Fuel Heat Pump A high-performance Hybrid. Operating on the same principle as a refrigerator, a

heat pump can either cool or heat air by extracting...

http://www.cvps.com/custsrv/busns/programs/dualfuel.html - size 3K - 22-May-97 - English

64. Absorption heat pump

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| More about Heat Pumps.

Absorption heat pump. Last modified October 96.

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/fig2.htm - size 1K - 25-Oct-96 - English

65. Florida Heat Pump - Factory Expansion

Home Page. About FHP. Home Owner. Residential. Commercial. Geothermal. Water Heating. Case

Studies. Export. Who to Call. What's New. Site Map. Industry...

http://www.fhp-mfg.com/factory/factory.htm - size 7K - 6-Mar-97 - English

66. S.C. Electric Heat Pump Assn. - Why use one of our Contractor Members?

Request Info - Return to HomePage - Send us E-Mail. Why do business with an... SCEHPA Member

Contractor? Take comfort in our committment to you. The South.

http://www.scheatpump.com/why.html - size 5K - 4-Jan-97 - English

67. IEC heat pump

Institute of Energy Processing and Chemical Engineering. Diese Seite in Deutsch. Practical...

http://www.tu-freiberg.de/~wwwiec/wpumpe_engl.html - size 3K - 31-Jan-97 - English

68. New IEA Heat Pump Centre Publications

New IEA Heat Pump Centre Publications. [Home ] | [Contents] | [News] Annex Reports. International

Status Report on Compression Systems with Natural... - size 11K - 14-Oct-96 - English

69. CP&L Heat Pump Dealers

Dealer. Address. City/State. Zip. Phone. Brown Heating & Air Cond. S. Morgan Ave. Andrews, SC.

29510. 803-264-8658. Jones Heating & A/C. 3811 Horse Pen...

http://www.cplc.com/2dealrsc.htm - size 23K - 3-Mar-97 - English

70. Geothermal Heat Pump Conference 1995 Proceedings

Geothermal Heat Pump Conference 1995 Proceedings. The following files are in postcript format, click

on the highlighted word to download. If your browser..

http://styx.geo-phys.stockton.edu/proced/contents.html - size 4K - 10-Mar-97 - English

71. Heat Pump Centre

Heat Pump Centre. an International Energy Agency Information Centre. The IEA Heat Pump Centre

(HPC) works to accelerate the implementation of heat pump...

http://www.etde.org/html/etde/abtetde/hpc.html - size 1K - 6-Jan-97 - English

72. Heat Pump Association Directory of Members

The Federation of Environmental Trade Associates

http://www.feta.co.uk/hpadir.html - size 5K - 6-Mar-97 - English


Cooler™ X Heat Pump So small, so quiet...so aerodynamic! 10 S.E.E.R. in Summer (Seasonal Energy

Efficiency Rating) Economical Heating Performance in...

http://www.evcon.com/hp_broc.html - size 4K - 22-May-97 - English

74. IEA Heat Pump Centre

Home |News | Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents | Introduction. Background How

the HPC can make better use of resources. Role and... - size 8K - 25-Oct-96 - English

75. FEMP - FTA Residential Heat Pump Water Heaters

U.S. Department of Energy. Residential Heat Pump Water Heaters. Heat pump water heaters are an

energy-efficient way to heat water with electricity,...

http://www.eren.doe.gov/femp/water_heat.html - size 2K - 15-May-97 - English

76. S.C. Electric Heat Pump Assn. - Utility Members

Request Info - Return to HomePage - Send us E-Mail. Membership Directory Utility Members. Carolina

Power & Light Company. Central Electric Cooperative....

http://www.scheatpump.com/utility.html - size 901 bytes - 14-May-97 - English

77. IEA Heat Pump Programme

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| IEA Heat Pump Programme

Annexes. Summary of on-going IEA Heat Pump Programme...

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hppoax.htm - size 3K - 18-Dec-96 - English

78. IEA Heat Pump Programme Library titles

IEA Heat Pump Programme Library titles. [Home] | [Contents] Common Study on Advanced Heat Pump

Systems: International Energy Agency Programme of Research..

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hpcbib.htm - size 104K - 6-Aug-96 - English

79. Heat Pump Water Heater

Therma-Stor HP-120-75 Commercial Heat Pump Water Heater. Specification. 1-0 The Therma-Stor Heat

Pump Water Heater extracts waste heat from the ambient...

http://www.thermastor.com/hp-12075.html - size 4K - 6-Dec-96 - English

80. Exhaust Air Heat Pump Study

Study Shows Exhaust Air Heat Pumps Are Reliable and Efficient. Performance Energy Use and Savings

Cost and Savings Ventilation Effectiveness Customer...

http://www.oikos.com/esb/41/eahpstudy.html - size 12K - 4-Feb-97 - English

81. Heat Pump Newsletter 1-96 summary

Home | Shop | News | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| The topic for this issue: Natural

Working Fluids. Because they occur in nature,... - size 3K - 23-Oct-96 - English

82. DOE/ORNL Heat Pump Model

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program. ORNL Software Helps Industry Design Better Heat

Pumps. In the late 1970s, ORNL began work on developing...

http://www.ornl.gov/~vhk/success/hpm.html - size 3K - 23-May-97 - English

83. Warren RECC - energy right Heat Pump Loan Program

energy right Heat Pump Loan Program. Buy this heating system and get this cooling system absolutely

free. Nothing is more efficient than the heating and...

http://www.wrecc.com/hplp.html - size 4K - 8-Feb-97 - English

84. Heat Pump regulations and standards

Heat Pump regulations and standards. [Home ] | [Contents ] | [Information Services] [to be completed ...]

Last modified 20 September 95.

http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/hpccanl.htm - size 767 bytes - 6-Aug-96 - English

85. OglethorpePower: The Choice Heat Pump

Save up to 30% on Your Cooling and Heating Costs. What are the benefits? Save up to 50% on cooling

costs by up-grading the cooling system. Increase the... - size 3K - 25-Feb-97 - English

86. Florida Heat Pump - Home Owner Page

nbsp; Home Page. About FHP. Home Owner. Residential. Commercial. Geothermal. Water Heating.

Case Studies. Export. Who to Call. What's New. Site Map....

http://www.fhp-mfg.com/homeowner/homeowner.htm - size 12K - 23-Apr-97 - English

87. Florida Heat Pump - Vertical Unit

Home Page. About FHP. Home Owner. Residential. Commercial. Geothermal. Water Heating. Case

Studies. Export. Who to Call. What's New. Site Map. Industry...

http://www.fhp-mfg.com/commercial/vertical/vertical.htm - size 6K - 16-Mar-97 - English

88. Heat Pump Water Heater

Therma-Stor HP-120-18-30 Commercial Heat Pump Water Heater. Specification. 1-0 The heat pump uses

a small refrigeration compressor to extract heat from...

http://www.thermastor.com/hp-12018.html - size 4K - 6-Dec-96 - English

89. Wall Mount (Dual Zone) Heat Pump


SYSTEM 1. SYSTEM 2. TOTAL. Cooling Capacity. BTU/h. 11400/11200. 11400/11200....

http://www.twinco.com/hsc/wallmountdz.html - size 13K - 1-May-96 - English


Cooler X Heat Pump So small, so quiet...so aerodynamic! 10 S.E.E.R. in Summer (Seasonal Energy

Efficiency Rating) Economical Heating Performance in Winter.

http://www.nucomfort.com/hp10.html - size 5K - 23-Aug-96 - English

91. Heat Pump Systems (AC108)

Heat Pump Systems (AC108) 4 Credit Hours, 90 Clock Hours Operation, servicing, repairing and

troubleshooting heat pumps and electrical heat strips....

http://www.utiedu.com/course/ac/ac108.html - size 1K - 5-Jul-96 - English


WHAT'S A HEAT PUMP? Back to Jean Heneghan's Homepage. A heat pump is like a central air

conditioning system, with an outdoor compressor and an indoor...

http://www.llx.com/~jeanh/heatpump.html - size 4K - 26-Apr-97 - English

93. VEC Heat Pump Program FAQ

VEC Heat Pump Program and New Homes Options. Click here for information about the energy right

New Home Program Frequently Asked Heat Pump Program...

http://www.vec.org/heat.htm - size 14K - 8-Jan-97 - English

94. Closed cycle, engine driven vapour compression heat pump

Home | News |Shop | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| More about Heat pump

technology. Closed cycle, engine driven vapour compression heat.. - size 1K - 25-Oct-96 - English

95. Heat pump market news

Home | Shop | News | Library | About heat pumps | Network | Contents| Heat pump market news. Taken

from IEA Heat Pump Centre Newsletter Volume 15, No. 1,..