
Учебно-методическое пособие Для студентов I курса, обучающихся по направлениям 521600 «Менеджмент» (бакалавр), 521600 «Экономика» (бакалавр) (стр. 4 из 9)

Напишите письмо-подтверждение на нижеприведенное письмо. Используйте раздел «Полезные фразы для написания письма» приведенный в конце пособия.

You have received goods from your supplier.

a) write confirmation letter;

b) confirm receiving the goods;

c) thank Mr. Farley for goods delivery.

16th March 2010 The Secretary Security Inc. 15, South Street, New-York, USA Dear Mr. Williams, In accordance with our shipment agreement we have delivered 300 units of our surveillance cameras on 18.04.2011. Please confirm receiving the purchases upon delivery. Best regards, Nick Farley

Unit 5

Part 1

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

5. Budget

The process of calculating the costs of starting a small business begins with a list of all necessary purchases including tangible assets (for example, equipment, inventory) and services (for example, remodeling, insurance), working capital, sources and collateral. The budget should contain a narrative explaining how you decided on the amount of this reserve and a description of the expected financial results of business activities. The assets should be valued with each and every cost. All other expenses are like labour factory overhead all freshmen expenses are also included into business budgeting.

The budget of a company is often compiled annually, but may not be. A finished budget, usually requiring considerable effort, is a plan for the short-term future, typically one year. While traditionally the Finance department compiles the company's budget, modern software allows hundreds or even thousands of people in various departments (operations, human resources, IT, etc.) to list their expected revenues and expenses in the final budget.

If the actual figures delivered through the budget period come close to the budget, this suggests that the managers understand their business and have been successfully driving it in the intended direction. On the other hand, if the figures diverge wildly from the budget, this sends an 'out of control' signal, and the share price could suffer as a result.

A budget is a fundamental tool for an event director to predict with reasonable accuracy whether the event will result in a profit, a loss or will break-even. A budget can also be used as a pricing tool.

There are two basic approaches or philosophies when it comes to budgeting. One approach focuses on mathematical models, and the other on people.

The first school of thought believes that financial models, if properly constructed, can be used to predict the future. The focus is on variables, inputs and outputs, drivers and the like. Investments of time and money are devoted to perfecting these models, which are typically held in some type of financial spreadsheet application.

The other school of thought holds that it’s not about models, it’s about people. No matter how sophisticated models can get, the best information comes from the people in the business. The focus is therefore in engaging the managers in the business more fully in the budget process, and building accountability for the results. The companies that adhere to this approach have their managers develop their own budgets. While many companies would say that they do both, in reality the investment of time and money falls squarely in one approach or the other.

1. Соотнесите слова и их определения.

1. purchase a. property or other goods that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back the money they lend you
2. collateral b. the things that a company owns
3. assets c. something you buy, or the act of buying it
4. budget d. the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy, do, or produce something
5. costs e. the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan of how it will be spent

2. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на английский язык.

1. материальные активы 6. переменная
2. подотчетность 7. курс (цена) акции
3. механизм ценообразования 8. расходы
4. выручка 9. финансовый отдел
5. оборотный (рабочий) капитал 10. составление бюджета

3. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык.

1. to predict with reasonable accuracy 6. financial models
2. overhead expenses 7. human resources department
3. business budgeting 8. financial spreadsheet
4. mathematical models 9. inputs and outputs
5. profit 10. compile budget

4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. The budget of a company is usually compiled ………..

a) every week b) every month c) annually

2. ……… is a fundamental tool to predict with reasonable accuracy whether the event will result in a profit, a loss or will break-even.

a) budget b) financial model c) overhead expense

3. Traditionally the ……….. compiles the company's budget.

a) manager b) accountant c) Finance department

4. When a company owns some material things they are called ………

a) liabilities b) tangible assets c) intangible assets

5. The managers involved in the budget process have …………….

a) responsibility b) duties c) accountability

5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is a budget?

2. What should the budget contain?

3. Who compiles the budget?

4. What two basic approaches are used in budgeting?

5. How often is budget compiled?

6. Выполните КОПР №4 «Перфектная группа времен (Perfect Tenses)», подтемы «Настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect Tense)», «Vocabulary».

Part 2

1. Прочитайте незнакомые слова перед прослушиванием текста.

dough – деньги (сленг)

spend yourself in a hole – слишком много тратить

sky-high – очень дорогой

2. Прослушайте текст «A Student Credit Card» (для прослушивания кликните один раз на приведенную ниже ссылку, удерживая клавишу «Ctrl», после загрузки страницы нажмите на кнопку проигрывателя).

Ссылка для прослушивания: http://esl-lab.com/credit/creditcardrd1.htm

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. According to the conversation, which item did the woman NOT purchase with her credit card?

A. a digital camera

B. a TV

C. a stereo

2. What is one reason to explain why the woman obtained a student credit card?

A. She wants to buy things at a discount using the card

B. She hopes to establish a good credit rating

C. She doesn't want to borrow from her parents

3. According to the man, what is one reason for NOT having a credit card?

A. People generally have a difficult time getting out of debt

B. Students often apply for more credit cards than they need

C. The interest rates on student cards are very high

4. What does the woman imply about how she plans on resolving her credit card problems?

A. She hopes that someone will give her the money

B. She plans on getting rid of her student credit cards

C. She is going to return the items she purchased on the card

5. What is the man going to do for the woman to help her manage her money?

A. help her find a better paying job to cover her expenses

B. teach her how to prepare a financial management plan

4. Выразите свою точку зрения.

1. Imagine you are a Chief Financial Officer of an airline company. What main income and expenses of your company budget can you innumerate?

2. Do you plan your personal budget / family budget? What are the usual items of your budget?

3. Do you often use a credit card to buy goods? Why / Why not? Are credit cards popular in Russia?

При ответе используйте фразы:

To my mind … In my experience …
In my opinion … As far as I understand …
On the one hand, …on the other hand From my point of view …
If my memory serves me right … If I am not mistaken …
It seems to me that … Personally, I think …
My personal view is that … I am sure/certain/convinced that …
The fact is that … This proves that …
It is obvious that … There is no doubt that …

Part 3

Напишите письмо-жалобу используя нижеприведенные задания. Используйте раздел «Полезные фразы для написания письма» приведенный в конце пособия.

You bought a lap-top computer. In three months your computer broke down but you have a warranty period of one year. You gave in the computer to the Service Department. You were promised to get your computer ready within 2 weeks but in 2 months you still did not get your lap-top computer. Write complain letter to the company Computer International for Mr. Stratton.

Unit 6

Part 1

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

6. Monetary policy

Monetary policy rests on the relationship between the rates of interest in an economy, that is, the price at which money can be borrowed, and the total supply of money. Monetary policy uses a variety of tools to control one or both of these, to influence outcomes like economic growth, inflation, exchange rates with other currencies and unemployment. Where currency is under a monopoly of issuance, or where there is a regulated system of issuing currency through banks which are tied to a central bank, the monetary authority has the ability to alter the money supply and thus influence the interest rate (to achieve policy goals). The beginning of monetary policy as such comes from the late 19th century, where it was used to maintain the gold standard.

A policy is referred to as contractionary if it reduces the size of the money supply or increases it only slowly, or if it raises the interest rate. An expansionary policy increases the size of the money supply more rapidly, or decreases the interest rate. Furthermore, monetary policies are described as follows: accommodative, if the interest rate set by the central monetary authority is intended to create economic growth; neutral, if it is intended neither to create growth nor combat inflation; or tight if intended to reduce inflation.

There are several monetary policy tools available to achieve these ends: increasing interest rates by fiat; reducing the monetary base; and increasing reserve requirements. All have the effect of contracting the money supply; and, if reversed, expand the money supply. Since the 1970s, monetary policy has generally been formed separately from fiscal policy. Even prior to the 1970s, the Bretton Woods system still ensured that most nations would form the two policies separately.

Within almost all modern nations, special institutions (such as the Federal Reserve System in the United States, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the People's Bank of China, and the Bank of Japan) exist which have the task of executing the monetary policy and often independently of the executive. In general, these institutions are called central banks and often have other responsibilities such as supervising the smooth operation of the financial system.

The primary tool of monetary policy is open market operations. This entails managing the quantity of money in circulation through the buying and selling of various financial instruments, such as treasury bills, company bonds, or foreign currencies. All of these purchases or sales result in more or less base currency entering or leaving market circulation.

Usually, the short term goal of open market operations is to achieve a specific short term interest rate target. In other instances, monetary policy might instead entail the targeting of a specific exchange rate relative to some foreign currency or else relative to gold. For example, in the case of the USA the Federal Reserve targets the federal funds rate, the rate at which member banks lend to one another overnight; however, the monetary policy of China is to target the exchange rate between the Chinese renminbi and a basket of foreign currencies.

1. Соотнесите слова и их определения.

1. interest rate a. the number of people in a particular country or area who cannot get a job
2. unemployment b. the percentage charged by a bank etc. when you borrow money or paid to you by a bank when you keep money in an account there
3. currency c. a continuing increase in prices
4. inflation d. the value of the money of one country compared to the money of another country
5. exchange rate e. the system or type of money that a country uses

2. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на английский язык.

1. денежная политика 6. экономический рост
2. казначейский вексель 7. Федеральная резервная система
3. облигация 8. обменный курс
4. деньги в обращении 9. Бреттонвудская валютная система
5. валютная корзина 10. налогово-бюджетная политика

3. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык.

1. federal funds rate 6. borrow
2. open market operations 7. lend
3. central banks 8. to combat inflation
4. money supply 9. decreases the interest rate
5. gold standard 10. to issue currency

4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. ……… rests on the relationship between the rates of interest in an economy.