
Учебно-методическое пособие по практической грамматике английского языка для самостоятельной работы студентов Москва 2010 (стр. 6 из 7)

See concept map № 2 below on page 46.


Key 3.1

Посмотрите на клен, он старый. Spec
Давайте посадим клен – это символ Канады. Unspec
В нашем парке посадили много деревьев, в основном клены и дубы. Unspec
Где ты купила платье. Spec
Мне тоже нужно платье. Unspec
А где же мальчики? (в классе в данный момент только девочки). Spec
У нас в школе девочки и мальчики учатся вместе. Unspec
Можете ли Вы дать мне бланк послать телеграмму? Unspec
Возьмите бланк, мне он не нужен. Spec
Мне хотелось бы стать учителем. Unspec
Учитель в класс еще не пришел. Spec

Key 3.2

1. Что сказал врач? What did the doctor say?

2. Как тебе понравилась лекция? What do you think about the lecture?

3. Можно мне взглянуть на книгу? May I have a look at the book?

4. Ты понял рассказ? Did you understand the story?

5. Инспектор, кажется, беспокоится о своем сыне. The inspector seems to be worried about his son.

6. Вам придется переделать работу. You will have to do the work again.

7. Фильм был стоящий. The film was worth seeing.

8. Все сдали экзамен. Everybody passed the exam.

9. Мне понравился экскурсовод I liked the guide.

10. Извините, я не нашла газету. I am sorry I did not like the newspaper.

11. Почему ты пропустил занятия вчера? Why did you miss the classes yesterday?

12. Как прошла поездка? How was the trip?

13. Спасибо за приглашение. Thank you for the invitation.

14. Когда закончился вечер? When did the party break up?

Key 3.3

1. a wheel, 2. the radiator, 3. The reason for his grief, 4. the leg, 5. A leg, 6. the desk, 7. a head, 8. the end, 9. the window, 10. the windows, 11. the capital, 12. capitals.

Key 3.4

¾ I have two brothers. One of them is a student, the other is a doctor. (Variants: The other one is a doctor. The other brother is a doctor).

¾ Here are two dresses. One of them is made of wool, the other is made of silk. (Variants: The other one is made of silk. The other dress is made of silk).

¾ I have read this book already. Give me the other one. (Variants: Give me the other dress. Give me the other).

¾ The firm has two cars. One of them is for administrative purposes for the personnel. The other one is for delivering goods. (Variants: The other car is for … The other is for …).

¾ She has two pairs of shoes: one of them is for everyday wear, the other one is for going out. (Variants: The other is for going … The other pair is for …).

Key 3.5

¾ Two of the students of our group are from Armenia. The others are from Moscow. (Variants: the other students … the rest of the students … the other ones …).

¾ Some of the guests went on eating, talking in the dining room, the others were in the garden smoking, singing, laughing. (Variants: the other guests, the other ones, the rest of the guests).

¾ Some of the objects of this exhibition are from the Hermitage, the others are from the Tretyakov Gallery. (Variants: the other pictures, the rest of the pictures, the other ones).

¾ Some of the questions were relevant to the theme of the discussion, the others were concerned with strategic aspects of economic development in a broad sense. (Variants: the other ones, the other questions, the rest of the questions).

Key 3.6

These Italian people (Italians), that aristocracy, those pictures, these letters, that example, these clothes, this money, this information, this advice, that piece of advice, these people, those Americans, these Russians, these Ivanovs, these feet, that foot, this mouse, those mice, this goose, those geese, these dollars, those deer, this deer.

Key 3.7

Mary’s cat (the cat of Mary если у нее одна кошка), the boy’s dog (the dog of this boy если у него одна собака), the man’s house (the \a house of this man), my brother’s car (the\a car of my brother), John’s boots (the boots of John), my mother’s hat, the \ a hat of my mother.

These girls’ bags, the boys’ coats, the children’s books, these people’s home, the Churchills’ estate, Dickens’ house, the women’s problems, the people’s anxiety.

Key 3.8

He put on his coat.

Before entering this room take off your shoes.

She took her suitcase and went to another compartment.

The students asked their questions to prepare for the examination.

I have lost my bag.

Key 3.16

¾ The bourgeoisie led he French revolution.

¾ They say that the intelligensia exists only in Russia.

¾ After the talks the Prime Minister answered the questions of the press.

¾ The American like fast food.

¾ The Italian are famous as eaters of madcaroni, and the Irish - as eaters of potatoes.

¾ This department of the Administration is in charge of work with the public.

¾ The proletariat and the peasantry took an active part in the Revolution of 1917.

¾ Call the police and the ambulance.

¾ The clergy and the pensioners can expect a rise in their pensions.

Key 3.18

1. (Grammar) the verbals or non final forms are three in number: the infinitive, the gerund, the participle

2. The following is the classification of the parts of speech in English: the noun, the pronoun, the adjective, the numeral, the verb, the adverb etc…

3. (tale) «When I am going to rise in the morning and begin the day (says the sun) the lark flies up into the sky to meet me, and sings sweetly, and the cock crows loudly to tell everybody that I am coming».

4. The cow is a sacred animal in English.

5. The arrival of the cuckoo is taken as a sign of spring in England.

6. He likes to walk in the rain.

7. No man likes to be disturbed in the night.

8. The computer has come into common use nowadays.

9. They taught him to play the guitar and then the violin.

10. She has never been to the circus.

11. We don’t buy bead at the butcher’s, do we?

12. The rich don’t understand the poor.

13. To forecast weather they use the barometer.

14. Where do the French live?

Key 3.19

1. - The skylark, for instance.

- The skylark doesn’t live in the forest, it lives in the field.

2. - The letter, the telegram, the post card.

3. - He doesn’t know how to behave in the street.

4. - She plays the guitar.

5. - She lives in the country.

6. - Yes he is a great master of detective story.

7. - The trolley-bus.

8. - The play In the Power of the Dollar.

Key 3.20

1. It was believed that the October revolution put an end to the political power of the landlords and capitalists and made the workers and peasants real masters of the country.

2. During he war her father went to the front to fight the nazis.

3. The bagpipes is a musical instrument use by the Scots.

4. (Winter). The brooks and lakes were covered with ice, the trees stood bare, and a strong wind was blowing all the time.

Key 3.22

1. It’s quite clear to me how people (рядовой) discover new stars (рядовой). But how they find out their names is a puzzle (рядовой) to me.

2. Why are you doing your own typing? You used to have a typist (рядовой). Yes, but I married her.

3. Hasn’t it ever happened to you to hear a voice (without knowing who was speaking and where from? – Very often, Doctor. – Hm, it’s a bad case. When does it happen? When I am talking on the telephone.

4. Last time I went hunting I shot a hare, a fox and a grouse. – I wouldn’t be able to. – What? Shoot? – No, lie like that.

5. So you say that your parrot has escaped? –Yes. - And have you offered a reward for the bird? – Yes, I have. – Was it a talking parrot? – Yes, and I wouldn’t like a boy under age to catch it.

Key 23: Mercury and the woodman

1. A woodman - рядовой и новый для читателя предмет (идет начальная характеристика места действия), отнесение к классу

2. a tree – то же как и в 1

3. the bank – предмет указан ( через слово река )

4. a river - то же как и в 1

5. off the trunk - предмет указан через слово – дерево (tree)

6. into the water - предмет указан через слово река (вода данной в начале реки)

7. the reason - предмет ограничен, указан через слово горе – причина чего – его горя

8. into the river - предмет известен (это та же самая река)

9. a golden axe – новый предмет введен в контекст

10. the one he had lost – предмет указан через лимитирующее определение

11. a silver axe – новый предмет

12. the missimg axe – предмет известен читателю

13. the latter - предмет указан через лимитирующее определение - второй из двух названных

14. the woodman - предмет известен

15. to fell a tree - новый предмет (дерево он рубил другое)

16. –

17. edge of the river предмет известен

18. the previous occasion - предмет указан через лимитирующее определение

19. the prize - предмет известен как приз из рассказа приятеля (очевиден в ситуации) Это тот самый золотой, который уже дарили

20. the one he had let fall – предмет указан через определение – тот самый, который он специально уронил

Key 3.24

¾ Give me another apple. I don’t like this one.

¾ Pass me another bottle of beer. I’d like light beer.

¾ I’d read any novel by Dostoevsky. I haven’t read any of his books.

¾ I have borrowed from the library some novel by A. Christie.

¾ Have you bought the shoes? No, I have bought another pair.

¾ Some Simpson is asking for you.

¾ Any sea fish will do for me.

¾ Let them give any answer to our question.

Key 3.26

1. Deodject. 2. Unspec. 3. Spec. 4. Deobj. 5. Unspec. 6. Unspec, Spec. 7. Deobj. 8. Unspec. 9. Spec. 10. Unspec. 11. Spec. 12. Deobj. 13. Unspec. 14. Debj. (time indication) 15. Spec. 16. Deobj. (activity) 17. Unspec 18. Spec. 19. Deobj. 20. Spec. 21. Unspec. 22. Deobj. 23. Unspec. 24. Spec. 25. Deobj. 26. Unspec. 27. Spec.

Key 3.27

1. She is president of the English-speaking club.

2. He has been recently appointed director of a school.

3. He was appointed head teacher of our department.

4. When 1 got home.

5. He agreed to act as secretary.

6. No, he isn't. He was appointed captain last year.

7. She works here as interpreter.

8. They are playing ball.

Key 3.28

1. When will it take place?

2. Does he go to college?

3. Have you lost sight of them?

4. Did all the teachers take part in it?

5. Who keeps house for them now?

6. Is south of the village?

Key 3.29

1. They do not say such things in decent society.

2. Is there a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals in their country?

3. There is fish, turkey, chicken on the menu.

4. Let’s visit Jack, he is in hospital.

5. Soapy got into prison as winter had come and it had got cold.

6. In spring there are thousands of mosquitoes.

7. In the spring of 1937 he was in Paris.

8. I saw this film on television.

9. The shop lifter did not notice a TV above the cash desk.

10. A big dinner was arranged in honor of the arrival of the guests.

11. Late in August the parents and children return to town.

12. The town was decorated with colored lights, fur trees, toys.

13. What is the traditional Christmas dinner?

14. It was a typical Christmas dinner: roast turkey, pudding, etc..

15. He was elected president of this company.

16. She worked as an interpreter in summer.

17. Do you put lemon in your tea?

18. How much is a lemon? 5 roubles each.

19. Cut up fresh cucumber for the salad.

Key 3.30

A1. General. A2. aspectis. A3. specific.

B1. General. B2. aspect. B3. specific.

C1. General. C2. aspect. C3. specif.

D1. General. D2. aspect. D3. general.

Key 3.31

2, 3, 5, 6, 9

Key 3.32

¾ In this shop you can find an extensive line of silks, wools, satins.

¾ Assam – is a black bitter tea, collected high in the mountains.

¾ Of all the mineral waters I prefer Narzan.

¾ What kind of mineral water is this? This is a water with a low content of sodium.

¾ What a smelly cheese!

¾ Rockfor is a cheese with a pungent smell, salty, bitter.

¾ A quiet Mary was laying the table after the funeral.

¾ I have a feeling that something has happened.

Key 3.33

1. Их отношения на войне породили настоящую дружбу, такую, когда человек живет с мыслью, что он защищен невидимым крепким щитом.

Their relations during the war grew into true friendship, a friendship when a person has a feeling of being protected by an invisible invincible shield.

2. Отмечалось, что президент имеет безграничную абсолютную власть, превышающую по своим масштабам заграничные аналоги.

It was pointed out, that the president has an unlimited absolute power.

3. Современный детективный роман в своих лучших проявлениях – это детективная проза, где преступление вплетено в историческую канву.

Modern detective prose in its best realizations is a detective prose where crime is committed in a historical romanticized setting.

4. Проводя допрос от лица немецкого офицера, Штирлиц интуитивно сознавал, что за внешней маской невозмутимости таилось нервное напряженное состояние русского разведчика.