
Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 1, 2 курса заочного обучения высших учебных заведений (факультетов) неязыковых специальностей Братск 2005 (стр. 15 из 18)

If we have tested this material, we should have used it in our construction.

Если бы мы испытали этот материал, мы бы использовали его на нашей стройке.

В условных предложениях 2-го и 3-го типов могут употребляться глаголы might, could и переводиться возможно, вероятно, мог бы. Глаголы should, would- не переводятся. Во всех 3-х типах условных предложений союзы могут быть опущены, если в придаточных предложениях есть глаголы had, were, could, might, should. В случае отсутствия союза предложение начинается с одного из этих глаголов, перевод начинается с союза «если бы».

Were there no atmosphere, the surface of the Earth would become too hot by day and too cold by night.

Если бы не было атмосферы, то на земле было бы очень жарко днем и очень холодно ночью.

Раздел V

Устные темы


Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. The vast territory of the Russian Federation stretches from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, from the Arctik Ocean in the north to the Sea of Asov in the south. It occupies the northen part of Asia and the eastern part of Europe.

Russia borders on many countries. Due to the large territory, the climate and nature are of various types in our country.

Russia is a country of thick forests and wide valleys, of high mountains and bare deserts. The largest rivers are the Volga, the Ob, the Yenisey, the Lena. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

The Russian Federation is rich in natural and mineral resources. There are deposits of oil, gas, coal, gold, iron and many others.

The main industrial centers of Russia are: Vladivostok, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Novgorod,Saratov, Khabarovsk, St. Petersburg and others.

The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow, with the population of about 10 million people. Moscow is a political, economical and cultural center of the country. Our capital is rich in monuments, museums, art galleries, stadiums, cinemas, concert halls, theatres. The Kremlin Museum, the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum, the Tretyakov Art Gallery and others are well-known sights.

Russia is a Presidential Republic. The head of the state is President elected for four years. The legislative power in the country is in the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers: the Upper Chamber is the Counsil of Federation and the Lower Chamber is the State Duma. The President forms the Government and appoints the Prime Minister.

The State symbol of Russia is a three - coloured flag. It has three horisontal stripes: white, blue and red. White colour represents “peace”, blue colour represents “loyalty” and red colour stands for “valour”.

The state emblem of Russia is a double-headed eagle, the most ancient symbol going back to the dynasty of the Riuricovichies.

The population of Russia is now about 150 million people.

The United Kingdom

The United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) consists of four main countries which are: England, Scotland, Wales and Nothern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

The UK is an island state: it is composed of some 5 500 islands, large and small. The two main islands are Great Britain (in which are England, Scotland and Wales) and Ireland. They are separeted by the Irish Sea.

The UK is one of the world’s smaller countries. It’s situated off the northwest coast of European continent and is washed by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.

English is the official language. But it is not the only language which people use in the UK. Some people speak Scottish, Welsh and Irish.

The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million people.

The climate in the UK is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. The weather is so changeable that the English say that they have no climate but only weather. It is never too hot or too cold. It rains very often. Snow may come, but it melts very quickly. The thick fog is the worst feature of the British climate.

The formal name of the British national flag is Union Flag know as the ‘‘Union Jack’’ (it combines the St. George’s cross of England, St. Andrew’s cross of Ireland).

The red rose is the nation emblem of England, the thistle is the Scots national emblem, the daffodil is the Welsh emblem, the little shamrock is the national emblem of the Irish. One can see two animals on British royal coat of arms. One of them is the lion. The “king of beast” has been used as a symbol of national strength and of the British monarchy for many centuries. The other one is the unicorn. is the mystical animal, that looks like horse with a long straight horn growing from the forehead, and is a symbol of purity.

The UK is a very highly developed industrial country. The major industrial cities are London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpol, Bristol, Glasgow. London is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Its population is about 7 million people. It is a big port and most important comercial, manufacturing and cultural center (there is little heavy industry in London, but there is a whole range of light industry in Greater London). The City is the heart of London. It is the financial center of the UK with many banks, offices and the Stock Exchange.

The United Kingdom is the constitutional monarchy. The monarch (a king or a queen) is the Head of State, but his power is limited by the Parliament.

The Parliament consists of two chambers known as the House of Commons and the House of Lords and the queen as its head. The British parliamentary system depends on political parties. The party which wins the majority of seats forms the Government and the leader usually becomes Prime Minister. The main political parties are Conservative and Labour and the Party of Liberal Democrats. Once the British Empire included a large number of countries all over the world ruled by Britain. An association of former members of the British Empire and Britain was founded in 1949. It is called the Commonwealth. The Queen of Great Britain is also the Head of the Commonwealth. In Great Britain there is no written constitution, only customs, traditions and precedents.

Heat Power Engineering

My future speciality is heat-engineering. We use heat to do a lot of useful things to heat our homes, to transport us from one place to another and so on. Scientists and specialists of our country made great contribution to the development of this branch of energetics.

The present thermal power stations are not ecologically pure. So scientists try to replace the conventional fuel (gas, oil, coal) with adequate one such as tidal energy, wind energy, solar energy which have no environmental pollution effect. It is planned to construct an experimental thermal power station powered by hot subterranean water. The hot subterranean water is now being used for heating blocks of flats and hothouses and for medical purposes in Kamchatka, for instance.

The time is not far off when this cheap thermal energy will be widely used in the economy making possible to employ such valuable raw materials as coal, oil, gas mainly in the chemical industry.

The main task facing heat power engineers is to increase many times the capacity of the thermal power plants and to equip them with high-capacity heat-engineering units.

Power supply. Electric systems and networks

My future speciality is power supply to industrial enterprises, cities and rural regions. I am also trained to work in the field of electrical systems and networks.

The power engineers have to do with many problems, for example, with the voltage at which power must be generated, then there are the problems of controlling, the phase, the frequency and the loads of power systems.

The power engineers are also concerned with feeding sources, step-up and step-down electric substations, various auxiliary installations and erections as well as with feeding distribution electric grids.

Industry, transport, agriculture are the biggest consumers of electricity. The more we develop industry, transport, agriculture the more we need electric power.

The main task of electric engineers is to look for efficiency improvements of power sources as well as for new power distribution systems.

Civil Engineering

I am a second - year student of the Bratsk State Technical University. My future speciality is civil egineering. The term «civil engineering» is usually applied to such as excavation and embankment, the construction of railways, canals,aqueducts, pipelines, the reclamation of land, building construction. The history of building is as old as civilization itself.

Architecture has an origin in the primitive efforts of mankind to provide protection against bad weather and enemies in rock, caves, huts and tents. Civil engineering developed with the rise of Rome in the 6-th century B.C. Romans built sewers, conduits and aqueducts, roads and bridges.

Town bulding was based on camp tradition. Some towns arose out of army camps. The oldest building materials are: timber, stone and brick. Now steel, aluminium, iron, plastics, concrete are introduced into building. A town of future should be convinient, beautiful and well planned. Town planning takes into consideration the siting of industrial enterprises, residential areas, the laying out of highways, the organization of municipal transport and many other aspects.

The construction engineer must be able to draw together many types of engineering knowldge and many different engineering techniques.

My Speciality Is Woodworking

The main directions in the economic development of Russia are to ensure better utilization of forest raw materials and processing of wood, to raise labour productivity and lower production costs.

One of the most important features of modern woodworking industry is the concentration of production. It means creating large timber industry complexes.

The Bratsk Timber Industrial complex not only fells timber, but also produces cord pulp, cardboards, saw timber, plywood, fibreboards, feed grade yeast, resin, turpentine and other things.

Graduates from the woodworking department work as engineers in the techology of woodworking at timber industry enterprises.

In order to be an educated and qualified engineer it is necessary to study about 40 subjects of general education and engjneering.

Motor transport

I study at the faculty of the Mechanical Controllable systems of the Bratsk State Technical University. My future speciality will be motor transport.

Motor transport is a kind of transport for carrying freight and passengers along railless roads on short and long distances.

Now we can’t imagine our life without motor transport. The main tasks of transport are to ensure timely, high-quality and full satisfaction of the needs of the economy and the population in conveyance.

There are the following groups of autos: transport vehicles, special-duty lorries and racing cars. Transport vehicles are for carrying cargo and people they are divided into cargo carrying cars and buses. Racing cars are meant for contests.

The auto consists of the following components: a)the engine; b) the framework; c) the mechanism that transmits the power from engine to the wheels; d) the body.

Now motor industry continues developing and perfecting. General vehicle configuration becomes very important area of change. The cars are expected to be smaller, lighter, more efficient. Low pollution automotive emissions are technologically possible. Modern vehicles are equipped with electronic devices. Automatic control of automobiles and trucks on highway becomes a practical reality.

I believe that despite environmental, sociological, technological considerations an interesting future lies ahead for the automotive industry.

Road building machinery.

I am a student of the Bratsk State Technical University. My future speciality is road building machinery. In order to become an educated specialist I am to study the following subjects: physics, chemistry, mathematics, social sciences, foreign language, strength of materials, electrical engineering, computer-programming and many others.

I believe that the economic prosperity of the country is closely connected with the adequate and efficient road network.

A great variety of different kinds of machinery is found in highway construction. The work is divided into several technologically completed processees. The building of highways connected with a great volume of earth work is one of the most difficult, most labour-consuming process. This type of work is produced by means of bulldozers, scrapers, grades and excavators. They are divided into three classes. The first class includes bulldozers of different types which carry out the work with the aid of a blade mounted on a tractor of either crawler or a wheel type. Scrapers belong to the second class of earth-moving machines. As for revolving shovels they belong to the third class.

All modern plants are highly efficient machines, wich are built to give years of service if properly used, handled and maintained.

And I’ll do all my best to master my profession to become a qualified specialist.

Раздел VI

Тексты для ознакомительного чтения

Higher Education in Great Britain

There are 46 universities, 30 polytechnics and numerous colleges for more specialized needs, such as colleges of technology, technical colleges, of arts and agricultural colleges in England and Wales.

They all provide a wide range of courses from lower- level technical and commercial courses through specialized courses of various kinds to advanced courses for those who want to get higher-level posts in commerce, industry and administration, or take up one of a variety of professions.

Courses are a combination of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory work. In a lecture the student is one of a large number of students. He listens to the lecturers, takes notes, asks no questions. In a seminar he raises problems and discusses them with his fellow students under the direction of one of the teachers. In a tutorial he is accompanied by only a handful of students and discusses his personal academic problems with a teacher.

Study in courses may be full-time and part-time. Full-time education includes sandwich courses in which periods of full-time study (for example, six months) alternate with full-time practical work and training in industry. Full-time and sandwich courses now are an important part of higher education in England and Wales. Part-time education may be taken during the day (for example, one day a week or full-time for short periods) or in the evening only. Particular feature of the higher education is its strong links with commerce and industry.

The system of higher education permits students to get whatever qualification they need.

An Academic Qualification

A degree is an academic qualification awarded at most universities and colleges upon completion of a higher educational course (a first degree) or a piece of research (higher degrees). If students pass their final exam at the end of a three-year course, they get their first degree. Students with a first degree become Bachelors of Arts or Science, and can put B.A.or B.Sc. after their names. If they want to go a step further and become Master of Arts or Science, they have to write an original paper, or thesis, on some subject based on a short period of research, usually soon after graduation. If students wish to become academics and perhaps teach in a university, then they will work for a higher degree, a Doctor of Philosophy-a Ph.D. For this they will have to carry out some important research work.

The Polytechnic, Wolverhampton

The Polytechnic, Wolverhampton, is a large institution in the West Midlands and provides Higher Education for thousands of students from the United Kingdom and beyond. There are only thirty polytechnics altogether in England and Wales and Wolverhampton was one of the first to be designated. The Polytechnic was originally created in 1969 by uniting the College of Art with the College of Technology. In September 1977 the Dudley College of Education, the Wolverhampton Teachers’ College for Day Students and the Wolverhampton Technical Teachers’ College merged to form a Faculty of Education within the Polytechnic.

The Polytechnic thus is made up of six faculties: Art and Design, Engineering, Humanities, Science, Social Science and Education. Five of these faculties are located on the main campus in the centre of Wolverhampton; the sixth, the faculty of Education, is located at Dudley.

A wide range of degree, postgraduate, diploma and professional courses are offered at all six faculties. All faculties undertake research and all are served by the Polytechnical library. Nearly 4,000 students are on courses for three or four years, ranging from engineering and computer studies to social work courses. These courses are full-time, part-time and sandwich.