
Методические рекомендации к проведению промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине «Практический курс английского языка» по специальности 050303 «Иностранный язык» повышенный уровень среднего (стр. 4 из 4)

10. Your child has been misbehaving a lot recently. Discuss the following ways to solve this problem with the schoolmaster and come to an agreement: to take a child to the psychologist, to punish him somehow, to wait for the difficult period to end, to have a sincere talk with the child.



1 To take the child to the psychologist 1. A specialist may give an objective picture on a child’s behaviour 2. It’s important for a child to have a real friend among grown-ups 3. As a specialist a psychologist may suggest rational ways of solving the problem 1.Some children are afraid of communicating with strangers 2. Children consider a psychologist as a doctor not a person whom they may trust 3. It is difficult to find a really good specialist
2 To punish him 1. It helps to keep children under control 2. It teaches children to observe social standards 3. It prevents children from further breaking the rules 1. Punishment leads to lies because children would say anything to prevent it 2. It causes misunderstanding between parents and children 3. Punishment reduces self-esteem, creativity and initiative
3 To wait for the difficult period to end 1. It teaches a child to overcome difficulties independently 2. It shows the child that we accept him as he is 3. It doesn’t destroy family relations 1.There is a danger that things will go too far 2. The child may develop the idea that parents are indifferent to him 3. The child can find the wrong way out of the situation, leading to further problems
4 To have a sincere talk with him 1. It helps parents and children to become closer 2. It teaches children not to conceal their problems from parents 3. It enables children to use their parents life experience 1. It may be difficult for parents to control themselves during the conversation 2. Parents are not professionals and they can make serious mistakes 3. Children are used to rejecting their parents experience and consider them old- fashioned


Оценка по дисциплине «Практический курс английского языка» складывается из оценок по трем видам речевой деятельности:

- чтение аутентичного текста с полным пониманием прочитанного – максимальный балл – 7

- монологическое высказывание по заданной теме – максимальный балл – 15

- диалог с целью обмена оценочной информации – максимальный балл – 15

- написание резюме – максимальный балл – 15

- лексико – грамматический тест – максимальный балл – 18

Оценка «отлично» максимальное количество баллов:

63 – 70 баллов – 100 – 90 %

Оценка «хорошо» максимальное количество баллов:

42 – 62 балла – 70 – 80 %

Оценка «удовлетворительно» максимальное количество баллов:

35 – 48 баллов – 50 %

Оценка «неудовлетворительно» количество баллов:

менее 35 баллов – менее 50 %

Подписано в печать 18.03.2008. Формат 84х108/32.

Бумага типографская. Усл. печ. л. 1.0.

Тираж экз. Отпечатано с оригинал-макета.