
Методические рекомендации к проведению промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине «Практический курс английского языка» по специальности 050303 «Иностранный язык» повышенный уровень среднего (стр. 3 из 4)

• They want to feel grown-up and make
their own decisions.

• They want to fit in.

• They want to relax and feel good.

• They want to take risks and rebel.

• They want to satisfy their curiosity.

Drug availability and peer pressure17 also increase the likelihood that a youth will begin this self-destructive course. "My parents never said anything about drugs. In school the teachers mentioned the problem but without going into detail," explains Luiz Antonio, a Brazilian youth. Spurred on18 by schoolmates, he began abusing drugs when he was 14 years old. Later, when he tried to quit, his drug-sup­plying "friends" pressured him at knife­point19 to continue his habit!

Раздел 3. Лексика.

Read the text “The best Job in the World” with gaps marked with the numbers A1-A7. These numbers correspond to the tasks in which all the possible variants are represented. Circle the number of the variant you have chosen.

I love my job. You know you have the best job in the world when you can’t wait to get to work each morning. That is the way I feel about my job. I feel that way A1 every day, I enjoy what I do so much because I A2 believe that I work with some of the best people in the world and for one of the best companies in the world. This is A3 we have the most talented employers available anywhere. They love what they do, they have fun doing it, they extraordinary well in A4.

We have a strong set of values that guide us every day and help us make decisions that are important to our company; values we believe in with all A5 and we also know that those closest to the work can make the most informed decisions. We have leaders who know that leading is all A6 helping others. We share strong sense of community that supports us through difficult times and through professional and personal change. We extend that support to our families and actively try to A7 a difference in the world we live in. Now you know why I say that I have the best job in the world.

A1 1) almost 2) just 3) about 4) exactly

A2 1) mostly 2) exactly 3) truly 4) strictly

A3 1) since 2) while 3) as 4) because

A4 1) companies 2) teams 3) crowds 4) lots

A5 1) souls 2) feelings 3) hearts 4) minds

A6 1) for 2) on 3) to 4) about

A7 1) do 2) make 3) cause 4) show

Раздел 4. Грамматика.

Read the teat “Butterflies” and fill in the gaps marked with the numbers 1-20. These numbers correspond to the tasks in which all the possible variants are represented. Circle the number of the variant you have chosen.

Butterflies are among the most beautiful insects. The metamorphosis of the rather dull, ugly larva of the butterfly, the caterpillar, into the delicate flying palette of the adult butterfly (1) the human imagination for millennia.

It (2) as a metaphor of hope and the longing for spiritual transformation of the soul as well as the transformation of the body. The form, symmetry and colour of the butterfly (3) it to be a favourite subject of artists wishing to capture the beauty of Nature on canvas. A butterfly (4) female and has an important role in the symbolism of female life. The transformation of pupa into butterfly (5) as analogous to the transformation of an immature girl into a beautiful woman. The natural beauty of the butterfly (6) with the beauty of woman. Why (7) we some things beautiful and others not? Why do we naturally prefer some tastes? Beauty (8).

Nature, Youth and Health attractive. Certain types of landscapes attract. Views of mountains (9) because they suggest mystery and unexplored lands. The reasons why we now find things beautiful gradually (10) in us over hundreds of thousands of years.

1. 1) are capturing 3) has captured

2) captured 4) capture

2. 1) is serving 3) has served

2) serves 4) serve

3. 1) have led 3) is leading

2) led 4) had led

4. 1) considers 3) is considering

2) is considered 4) has considered

5. 1) is seen 3) saw

2) sees 4) has seen

6. 1) is linking 3) links

2) is linked 4) linked

7. 1) do/think 3) have/thought

2) are/thinking 4) are/thought

8. 1) is attracted 3) attracts

2) is attracting 4) has attracted

9. 1) attract 3) attracts

2) is attracting 4) are attracted

10. 1) are developed 3) develop

2) are developing 4) developed

Приложение 3.

Примерное тематическое содержание 2 этапа комплексного экзамена по дисциплине «практический курс английского языка»

Примерная тематика устного общения (монологическое высказывание и диалогическое высказывание с целью обмена оценочной информацией)

1. Problems concerned with environmental pollution and destruction of natural resources.

2. The artistic endeavour of one of the outstanding Russian painters.

3. Healthy way of life, health problems and medical service.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of modern means of communication, the role of modern informational technologies in society.

5. Literature as means of learning about cultural heritage of the countries and continents.

1. You and your friend are convincing each other what exhibition or art gallery should be visited. Discuss the following options: the Perm Gallery, The Tretyakov Gallery, the Exhibition of Russian portraits, the exhibition of Modern Art.

2. You and your friend are having practice as tutors at a secondary school and you are arguing what film should be seen by your children. Discuss the following options: an educational film, a historical film, an animated cartoon, an adventure film.

3. You and your friend are planning what educational establishment to choose to continue education after school. Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all: to enter the University, to enter a college, to find a job and study by correspondence, to enter a trade school and get a qualification of a worker.

4. You and an expert in Art are convincing each other what genres of pictures should be selected for the forthcoming exhibition. Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all: a portrait, a landscape, a seascape, a still-life.

5. Your child has been misbehaving a lot recently. Discuss the following ways to solve this problem with the schoolmaster and come to an agreement: to take a child to the psychologist, to punish him somehow, to wait for the difficult period to end, to have a sincere talk with the child.

Interlocutor Card 1

6. You and your friend are convincing each other what exhibition or art gallery should be visited. Discuss the following options: the Perm Gallery, The Tretyakov Gallery, the Exhibition of Russian portraits, The exhibition of Modern Art.



1 The Perm Gallery 1.You needn’t go anywhere. 2.You may get acquainted with artists of Perm region. 3.You may go there any time. 1.The exhibition is not that rich. 2.There are a few pictures of Modern artists. 3.There are many pictures of unknown painters.
2 The Tretyakov Gallery 1.The exhibition is rich in different genres and painters. 2.There are cafes and you may have a rest after a long viewing. 3.It’s very popular with tourists. 1.Foreign painters are not exhibited. 2.It’s in Moscow and not everyone has a chance to go there. 3.Only pictures are installed there.
3 The Exhibition of Russian portraits 1.It teaches us to analyze human psychology. 2.It’s a good chance to know more about famous historical persons. 3.It helps us to know more about the lifestyle of the epoch. 1.If you don’t know who is in the portrait it’ll be meaningless to look at it. 2.A painter may reflect a personality in his own way. 3.Some portraits are not psychological and people look artificial.
4 The Exhibition of Modern Art 1.It’s a new direction and it will help you to be up-to-date. 2.You can get your own opinion of the direction. 3.It gives us a fresh look on the world. 1.Sometimes it’s difficult to interpret the message. 2.It’s difficult to understand the composition because of distortion of shapes. 3.The colours are gaudy and agitated.

Interlocutor Card 2

7. You and your friend are having practice as tutors at a secondary school and you are arguing what film should be seen by your children. Discuss the following options: an educational film, a historical film, an animated cartoon, an adventure film.



1 An educational film 1.It can extend children’s knowledge in some school subjects. 2.It can help a lot to understand better some processes and phenomena. Certain scenic effects (earthquakes, fires, etc.) can be created much better in films. 3.It makes children enjoy learning and stimulate their curiosity and creativity. 4.Seeing a film is “easier” than reading a book. 1.Children don’t want to watch them at school. 2.Those who are not interested in science may find it boring. 3.These films are rarely shown in the cinemas.
2 A historical film 1.It will help to understand some historical facts better. 2.Watching this film you can imagine yourself as a participant of the event. 3.You may get acquainted with some historical personalities and see how they looked like. 1.Not all children are interested in history. 2.The film keeps you in suspense and doesn’t let you relax. 3.Some of them are not true to life.
3 An animated cartoon 1.They are widely popular among all ages. 2.Many cartoons of later years have interesting plots and technique. 3.They are founded on resemblances between the animal and the human world. Some characters are actually human beings in disguise and behave like recognizable individuals. 1.Usually they are very sentimental and naïve. 2.Some characters are potentially cruel and dangerous. 3.They are only for entertainment.
4 An adventure film 1.They are usually full of events. 2.They are very exciting and grab your attention from the beginning. 3.They develop your imagination. 1.They are usually not true to life. 2.There is no educational value. 3.They are not very thought-provoking.

Interlocutor Card 3

8. You and your friend are planning what educational establishment to choose to continue education after school. Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all: to enter the University, to enter a college, to find a job and study by correspondence, to enter a trade school and get a qualification of a worker.



1 To enter the university 1. Higher education is prestigious, it heightens one’s social status 2. It helps to find a high-paid job 3. It develops one’s skills and personality to the most extent 1. It takes much more time and effort to acquire a higher education 2. It makes the person extremely busy, it has little time to relax 3. It is the most expensive way to continue education
2 To enter a college 1. It takes less time to get a qualification 2. It is not so expensive 3. It is easier to enter this educational establishment since the exams are not so difficult to pass 1. It doesn’t provide enough qualification so there is a danger of not finding a job 2.It is not so prestigious 3. It is practically oriented and doesn’t provide enough theoretical preparation
3 To find a job and study by correspondence 1. It gives the possibility both: to work and to study, so one has money to live on 2. It is convenient because one can organize one’s learning process and feels independent 3. It enables the student to get more than one education 1. It is difficult because one doesn’t communicate with the teacher directly 2. It is not very reliable because one can get a diploma with the help of other people 3 It doesn’t provide the same amount of knowledge as he day department
4 To get a qualification and get a job 1.It gives the possibility to earn money as early as possible and become independent 2. It enables one to save money to continue education 3. It gives the opportunity to have much free time and entertain oneself 1. It doesn’t allow to get a high paid job 2. It gives the opportunity only to get a hard monotonous job only 3 It doesn’t develop one’s personality and outlook

Interlocutor Card 4

9. You and an expert in Art are convincing each other what genres of pictures should be selected for the forthcoming exhibition. Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all: a portrait, a landscape, a seascape, a still-life.



1 A portrait 1. It teaches us to analyze human’s psychology 2. It’s a good chance to know more about famous historical persons 3. It helps us to know more about the life style of the epoch 1. If you don’t know who is in the portrait, it’ll be meaningless to look at it 2. A painter may reflect a personality in his own way 3. Some portraits are not psychological and people look artificial
2 A landscape 1. It helps to see the beauty around us 2. Landscapes are understandable for all and sharpen our feelings and make them more expressive 3. It helps to understand a single entity of a man and nature 1. Landscapes are usually romantic, they take us far from problems of real life 2. Real nature is more attractive than artificial one 3. They are not trendy
3 A seascape 1. We can feel nature’s power and mood 2. It’s a good opportunity to see the beauty of the sea 3.Only nature artists can use colour scheme for depicting water in its mood 1. All the seascapes resemble each other 2. The plot of seascapes is monotonous 3. It’s not fashionable
4 A still life 1. The things of ordinary life become more expressive for us 2.It’s an original and fashionable way of expression 3. It teaches us to value colours and their combinations 1. It’s difficult to understand the message of a painter 2. It doesn’t reflect the real situation of the society. It’s just a picture of some object 3. It’s rather boring to look at primitive things

Interlocutor Card 5