
Методические рекомендации по изучению дисциплины Английский язык для преподавателей для направления (стр. 3 из 3)

Table 6 summarizes the results for countries for the seven hypotheses tested. It can be concluded that the effect of socioeconomic background on educational performance is no stronger among boys than girls. The only exception was Belgium, where the difference was not statistically significant at conventional levels.

In no country are all the hypotheses derived from the same-sex socialization model supported. Nevertheless, in about half the countries examined, aspects of the same-sex socialization model are supported to some degree: the effects of occupational status or education of the same-sex parent, usually the father, tend to be stronger. However within countries there is a lack of consistency across measures of socioeconomic background and between achievement in reading and mathematics. When occupational and educational data are combined, the effects for father’s characteristics on educational performance are stronger among boys and mother ’s characteristics stronger among girls in only a limited number of countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark and France. Even in these countries, the hypotheses are not always supported for both reading and mathematics. Therefore, there is not strong support for the model. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the same-sex socialization model is more appropriate in more traditional, or less modern, societies or that it is more appropriate for performance in mathematics than reading.

The effects of father ’s occupational status are consistent with the same-sex socialization model in a greater number of countries and the coefficient tends to be larger than is the case for mother ’s occupational status or the educational attainment of either parent. So studies in these countries in which the measure of socioeconomic background is based solely on father ’s occupation may show that the effect of socioeconomic background is stronger among boys, implying that the reproduction of socioeconomic inequalities is stronger among males. However, more comprehensive measures of socioeconomic background would show such a conclusion is not warranted.

In summary, gender differences in the effects of parental socioeconomic characteristics on student achievement are in a number of instances consistent with the same-sex socialization model. However, in the great majority of countries there is little or no gender difference in the effects of father ’s and mother ’s socioeconomic characteristics on their sons’ and daughters’ educational performance

Примеры вопросов преподавателя:

What theories are examined in the article?

Data from what countries are the results based on?

What conclusion does the author draw?

What is your opinion on the issue?

2. Деловой английский язык

2.1 Текущий контроль знаний, умений и навыков студентов проводится в течение модуля, целью которого является проверка пройденного учебного материала в рамках заявленной программы по дисциплине.

По данной дисциплине текущий контроль включает в себя

· работу на уроке

· навыки делового общения (общение, телефонные переговоры, встречи, презентация)

· коммуникативные ситуации в форме аргументированного диалога, симулятивных ситуаций, обсуждений, ролевых ситуаций)

· словарные диктанты

· аудирование

· деловое письмо

· домашние задания

· языковые упражнения

· контрольные работы

Контрольные работы проводится по окончании периода обучения (модуля или семестра в форме контрольных работ (1 контрольная работа по аспекту в модуль) по пройденному материалу модуля.

Контрольная работа № 1 Тема: «Socialising» и «Telephoning»
Контрольная работа № 2 Тема: «Presentation»
Контрольная работа № 3 Тема: «Meeting»
Контрольная работа № 4 Тема: «Negotiating»

Контрольная работа состоит из ряда практических заданий.

Образцы заданий

Task 1

Listening (примерное задание на аудирование по теме: “Presentation”)

You will hear an extract from a presentation by Hal Bonelli about his company, which is called Flicker. Choose the correct answer – a, b or c. You will hear the presentation twice.

1 Who is Mr Bonelli presenting to?

a) visitors b)investors c) customers

2 The first part of Mr Bonelli’s presentation is about …

a) general company information b) employment c) finance

3 What kind of company is Flicker?

a) manufacturing b) retail c) services company

4 Hal explains that the company plans to …

a) merge with another company b) move to new offices in the USA
c) move into new industry sectors

Listen again and complete these sentences (5–10).

5 Mr Bonelli’s job in the company is ____________________ .

6 Flicker’s sales of cigarette lighters today are $____________________ million.

7 The number of employees in Ohio is now ____________________.

8 Sales in China are currently $____________________ million.

9 Mr Bonelli expects sales in China to go ____________________.

10 In the future, the company plans to sell ____________________. (Give one example only.)

Образцы заданий лексико-грамматической направленности

Task 2

Complete the dialogue with these sentences (a–f). Each sentence should match the function given in brackets. The first one is given as an example.

a) We really need to have everything by the middle of the month.

b) Well, we can offer you delivery of some items in ten days and the rest later.

c) Can I check it with them and get back to you?

d) I was hoping it could be sooner than that.

e) OK, then.

f) Delivery by the middle of the month could be all right as long as the Production Department agrees.

Seller We usually deliver in 14 days.

Buyer [rejects] __d__

Seller [makes an offer] _____

Buyer [states aim] _____. We have an important conference at the end of the month and we want to complete installation before then.

Seller Right – I understand. [makes concession] _____ [makes request] _____

Buyer [agrees] _____

Seller Good. What else do we need to discuss?

(Задание по теме «Negotiating» имеет цель проверить знания студента о четком представлении языковой функциональности по данной теме)

Task 3

Phrasal verbs

Match the words in A and B to make phrasal verbs. Then, replace the underlined phrases in sentences 1-9.

run call hold read pass put slow speak back through back on on through up down

1 I’m connecting you now. _________________________________________________

2 I’ll return your call in a minute.____________________________________________

3 Just wait for me a second._________________________________________________

4. Can I repeat it? ________________________________________________________

5 Please don’t speak so fast!_________________________________________________

6 It’s a bad line. Can you talk more loudly?_____________________________________

7 I’ll give her your message._________________________________________________

8. Do you mind if I check it again? ___________________________________________

(задание на проверку знаний студентов некоторых фразовых глаголов и их употребление в контексте темы «Telephoning»)

Task 4


You work for the computer wholesalers, Wilson’s. Your company has not yet

received payment from a client for the invoice below. The finance manager,

Ms Sanderson, asks you to write a letter (120 to 140 words) to the client.

Include the following points:

• the subject of the letter

• remind the client what the order was

• explain to the client that the payment is overdue

• if payment is not received within seven days, the company

will take further action

• give details of how you or Ms Sanderson can be contacted



Client: Mr Fitzpatrick

Invoice no: PIC401

Item: 1 litre glass bottles

Quantity: 10,000

Price including VAT : £2,025

Payment due: within 30 days (by 14 May)

(целью задание является проверка навыков и умений студентов правильного оформления делового письма заявленной характеристики)

2.2 Промежуточный контроль осуществляется в виде зачетов в конце 2 и 4 модуля.

На зачет выносится:

1. Монологическое высказывание по одной из пройденных тем.

2. Задания, оценивающие полученные навыки делового общения по темам модулей (диалог)

Навыки делового общения:

· деловое общение

· телефонный разговор

· проведение презентации

· проведение переговоров

· проведение собраний встреч, участие в проведение собраний

Образец билета с заданиями на зачет

1. Speak on the topic suggested:

- the role of a chairperson in the meeting.

You can cover the following points:

- preparation

-delivering a meeting

2. Role play the situation according to the information given in your card

Студентам в парах предлагается составить диалог по заданной ситуации по одной из пройденных тем.

Card 1 Student A You work for Gedemis, a multinational company. You have arranged to visit a potential partner in a German company. You have received an outline program for the day, finishing at 5 pm. When you arrive, introduce yourself and say you have an appointment. Also: - You would like to make a telephone call. - Unfortunately – you only discovered this yesterday – you need to leave at 4 p.m. as you have to catch a plane (to Paris) at 5.30. You would like to have a taxi to take you to the airport. - You have heard there are train strikes. Ask if this will affect reaching the airport. Card 1 Student B You are expecting a visitor from Gedemis, a multinational company with a plant in Germany. You have arranged a meeting to talk about the products and services you offer. You have sent your visitor an outline plan for the day. Welcome the visitor and spend a few minutes making him/her feel relaxed. There are at present strikes affecting trains and buses in your region of the country. the roads are likely to be congested. Finally suggest that you go to meet one of your colleagues, Bert Trautman.