
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 7 из 15)

2. My uncle who was very shy when he was a child is now a multimillionaire.

3. Several groups played at the festival. The first group who played was Dire Straits.

4. Pink Floyd who wrote the song “ Money’’ live in London.

V. There are mistakes in the following sentences. Find the mistakes and write the sentences out again correctly.

1 .The house where we used to live in was bigger than this one.

2. The single object what I treasure most is an odd coin my grandfather gave me.

3. The woman which I spoke to is his aunt.

4. The salesman who he sold me this T-shirt didn’t tell I couldn’t return it.

VI. Match the following words with a definition below. Write the appropriate letter in the gap. There is one definition which you don’t need to use.

1. terrified a) causing anger or impatience.

3. depressing b) making you feel very sad.

4. nervous c) causing great surprise.

5. cross d) very pleased or satisfied

6. thrilled e) in a state of extreme shock or fear.

7. miserable f) worried about what might happen.

8. astonishing g) uncertain about what to think or do.

h) unhappy, tired and uninterested.

i) angry, bad – tempered.

VII. Look at the letter and find seven mistakes with the form of adjectives.

Write the sentences out again correctly.

Dear Lucy and Tom,

I’m sorry I haven’t replied to your letter sooner, but I’ve been too worried about my exams.

I’ve just heard that I passed everything, so I’m feeling pretty pleasing.

I was thrilling to hear you are planning to come here. My family and I would be delightful to have you both stay .

You asked about interesting places to visit. The mountains are really amazed in spring with all the wild flowers. I went climbing there with some friends last summer, but one of them was terrifying of heights so we had to come home early.

Another good place to visit is the provincial capital. There are lots of fascinated old streets . It’s worth visiting at any time of year, though the summers can be a bit exhausted with the extreme heat.

Well, I had better finish. Write soon.

Love, Ruben

VIII. Complete the passage by using the words and phrases in the list below. Use each item only once.

alternative sources cut down on dramatic increase

exhaust fumes food chain nuclear waste

polluting public transport pesticides

research quality of life traffic jams

rush hour switch to subsidized fares


Our environment is being destroyed but we still have time to do something about it. Every day during the 1 ___ you can see cars stuck in 2 ___sending their 3 ___ up into the atmosphere, 4 ___ our environment. If we had an integrated 5 ___ system with 6 ___ , commuters would be encouraged to leave their cars at home and 7 ___ a more efficient form of transport. It is not only in towns that the 8 ___ is being threatened. Although farmers say they have to spray. 9 ___ on their crops, some experts believe that these chemicals could get into the 10 ___ which will result in a 11 ___ in the number of people affected by cancer and various allergies. More 12 ___ needs to be carried out so that we can 13 ___ the use of harmful chemicals but still produce the food we need.

Potentially the most dangerous threat to the environment is 14 ___ from power stations. Can it really be stored safely? Be developing 15 ___ of energy, such as wind and wave power, we can make out world much safer to live in.


Test 18.

I. Match a word in Column A with a word in Column B. There are two extra words in Column B which you do not need to use.


1. hard – working a) mean

2. kind b) well- behaved

4. stubborn d) silly

3. generous c) lazy

5. naughty e) tough

6. sensible f) cruel

7. modest g) flexible

h) narrow - minded

i) arrogant

II. What qualities are important for the following? Add two more adjectives to each list and then rank them from 1 to 7.

A successful A successful A successful

TV program lawyer salesperson

interesting hardworking clever

informative clever friendly

useful patient talkative

___ well- read dynamic

___ ___ ___

III . Write questions for the following answers.

1. She’s friendly with a good sense of humour.

2. No, she doesn’t like them at all.

3. Yes, you are right, he really looks like a banker.

4. She is very pretty. She’s tall and dark.

5. Lots of things. Reading, listening to music, playing sport.

IV. Choose the right word, adjective or adverb.

Example: The dinner smells ( good ,well ).

1. Drive ( carefully, careful ).

2. He looked at me ( angry, angrily ) when I interrupted him.

3. Hurry up. You’re always so ( slow, slowly).

4. My mother cooks so ( good, well).

5. You look ( happy, happily). Have you passed the exam?

6. Mr. Ball fascinated me. I think he is ( fascinating, fascinated).

V. Decide whether the underlined words are right or wrong. Correct those which are wrong.

1. I tried hardly to remember his name but I couldn’t.

2. The children .behaved themselves very good.

3. Don’t walk so fast. Can’t you walk more slowly ?

4. She is terrible upset about failing her exam.

5. She was crying silently.

6. You shouldn’t be so lazily.

VI. Choose the correct words in italics.

1. Children should obey his, their parents.

2. Excuse me. Is this my , mine dictionary or your, yours ?

3. There, Their, They’re sitting their, there, they’re waiting for a phone call from their, there, they’re son.

4. We live in the same building. Our, Ours apartment has one bedroom, but their, theirs has two.

5. Adam and Amanda are married. They, Them, They’re live in an apartment building.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Как выглядит сестра твоего друга? – Она довольно высокая и худощавая.

2. Что любят делать друзья твоего брата в свободное время ?

3. Он похож на преступника.

4. Погода сегодня довольно ветреная. Похоже на дождь.

5. Я слышу детские голоса.


Test 19.

I. W hat parts of speech ( nouns, adjectives, or adverbs ) do the suffixes in italics indicate?

1. quickly \ backward

2. employment \ happiness

3. inflation \ socialism

4. famous \ hopeful

5. brownish \

6. useless \ useful

7. teacher \ doctor

8. employee

9. sunny \ windy

II. Make as many words as you can by combining different parts of the box.

Dis dis excite ful im help ly un success y honest able friend less like ship direct ment happy ness ion

III. Form an adjective and its antonym (opposite ) with - in or –un.

Adjective Opposite

Attention _______ ______

Attract _____ ______

Necessity _______ ______

Rely _______ ______

Agree ________ ______

IV. Complete the following so that the meaning of each sentence is similar.

1. a) Ivan is a better tennis player than me.

b) Ivan plays tennis ------ me.

c) I don’t play tennis ------ Ivan does.

2. a) My brother is ------- I am.

b) My brother drives more carefully than me.

c) I don’t drive -------- my brother.

V. Use the word given and other words to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. You must use between two or five words, including the word given.

1.Britain isn’t as worm as Greece.


Greece -------- Britain.

2. Our boss works harder than anyone else in this firm.


3. I was less interested by the film than I’d expected.


The film ------- I’d expected.

VI. Write sentences that have similar meanings to the sentences below. Use the appropriate words in the box.

Example: My apartment is too small.

It’s not big enough or

It’s not very big.

Big, dirty, exciting, warm, dangerous, interesting, cool, pleasant, cheap , hot, expensive

1. This neighborhood is not clean enough.

2. It’s too cold here in the winter.

3. My house is not very expensive.

4. Central park is not safe at night.

5. The film was boring.

VII. Complete this paragraph using suitable words and phrases from the box. More than one answer is possible.

A lot of, a little, few, not much, plenty hardly any, little plenty of many

Greece is a great place to visit, and there are 1)--- tourist attractions there. However, there are not 2)--- hotel rooms available in the summer , so reservations are important. The weather is usually pleasant, and there is not 3)----- rain in the summer, although there is 4) --- in the winter. There is 5) ---- snow in winter, expect in the north, which is mountainous and often gets snow. If you like swimming, there are 6)----- beautiful beaches. Greece is a safe place to visit because there is 7) --- crime. Outside Athens, the capital , there is not much pollution because there is 8) --- industry in other parts of the country. Transportations is good and there are 9) --- taxis and buses. There are also 10) ------ large ferries that go to the islands.

VIII. Translate into Russian.

1. Сегодня тест был намного труднее, чем вчера.

2. Он не намного умнее тебя, хотя думает, что он самый умный.

3. Чем больше ты учишь, тем больше ты знаешь.

4. Этот шкаф слишком мал для всех моих книг.

5. Комната недостаточно светлая для работы.


Test 20.

I. Choose the best variant.

1. If the weather _____ tomorrow, it’ll be fine

a) change

b) changed

c) will change

2. If I ______ her better I should turn to her help.

a) know

b) knew

c) will know

3. If she _______ him she would be happy.

a) marries

b) married

c) will marry

4. If he were rich _______ buy a car.

a) shall

b) will

c) would

5 Plants die if you _______ them.

a) won’t

b) don’t want

c) wouldn’t water

6. You look tired. If I _____ you, I ______ a holiday.

a) be d) will take

b) were e) would take

c) have been f) take

7. What a pity my brother is away! If he ______ here he ______ us.

a) were d) will help

b) would be here e) would help

c) is f) helps

8. Hurry up! We _______ good seats if we ______ late.

a) don’t get d) arrived

b) won’t get e) will arrive

c) didn’t get f) arrive

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct forms.

1. If you ( give ) me your address, I shall write you a letter.

2. If she ( not to be ) so absent – minded, she would be a much better student.

3. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he ( not to have ) so many admirers.

4. If you really loved music, you ( go ) to the philharmonic much more often.

5. Your mother (not to scold ) you if you don’t get a ‘‘two.”

6. I should be very glad if he ( come ) to my place.

7. If the sun ( be ) red, it is a sign that we ( have ) a fine day tomorrow.

8. Please stop before you ( get ) into trouble.

9. If things get worse, I (lose ) my job.

III. Look at these answers. What are the questions?

1. If I had 24 hours to spend $ 10 000, I’d buy a first – class ticket for a trip around the world.

2. If someone asked me for a loan, I would say I don’t usually lend money.

3. If everyone had large families, there would be lots of jobs for teaches.

4. If everyone had large families, there could be high unemployment.

IV. Find and correct mistakes.

1. If I will come to the party, will you give me a lift home ?

2. He definitely will pass the exam unless he will do a lot more work!

3. If I see Andre, I tell him what the homework is.

4. If I were him will buy this car.

5. What would you do if you are a magician?

V. Write sentences about yourself:

If I had enough money , _________

I wish __________

If I were my dad ____________

If I had to live somewhere else , _______

VI. Find and correct mistakes.

1. If I had a chance to visit the USA, I’ll go to New York.

2. I had have a couple of days in bed if I were you.

3. Unless he doesn’t come to the party, I’ll be upset.

4. What would you do if you have only one month to live?

5. If I were her I won’t buy this dress.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Я помогу вам , если подождёте несколько минут.

2. Я не уеду, пока мама не выздоровеет.

3. Если только ты не вымоешь посуду, ты не будешь смотреть телевизор.

4. Он бы пошёл с нами, если бы был помоложе.

5. На твоём месте я бы занимался усерднее.

6. Если бы погода была солнечная, мы отправились бы на речку.


Test 21.

I. Choose the correct form: Active or Passive.

1. The children taught \ were taught Italian.

2. This problem will discuss \ will be discussed at the conference.

3. The president interviewed \ was interviewed on French TV.

4. Teachers have given \ have been given a new pay rise.

5. He treats \ is treated the girl very badly.

II. Change these active sentences into the passive.

1 They offered me a cup of coffee.

2. Columbus discovered America in 1492.

3 The waiter will serve you breakfast in five minutes.

4 I shall give you a cup of tea if you want.

5. They closed the shop at five.

III. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. He was given a form to fill in.

2. She was greeted very warmly.

3. My colleague will be sent to London to lecture on Russian history.

4. Two men were arrested after the robbery.

IV. Supply the sentences with by or with.

1. “The Goldrush” was directed ----- Charlie Chaplin.

2. These photos were taken ----- a very cheap camera.

3. I was hit ------- an umbrella.

4. The cake will be made ----- my aunt.

5. The cake was made ------ dried fruit.

6. I was hit ------ an old lady.

V. Make up sentences of your own in the Passive Voice. Give two constructions. Use the following combinations:

1. to offer the girl the leading role;

2. to prescribe a patient some medicine;

3. to teach boys good manners;

4. to give everybody a prize.

5. to show people a funny trick.

VI. Translate into English.

1. На все ваши вопросы ответят после лекции.

2. Ему обещали интересную работу.

3. Нам не разрешат взять книги домой.

4. Мне только что предложили командировку в Сибирь.

5. Ваши работы уже проверены, и результаты будут объявлены завтра.

VII. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct forms.

1. I should be delighted if I (have such a beautiful fur-coat).