
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (стр. 4 из 15)

2. Я видел его (last month) (just).

3. Вы проделали большую работу (this week, last week).

4. Ваш друг был в Лондоне (this year, last year).

5. Были ли вы в Париже?(this month, last month).

VI. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.He’d already consulted the doctor by that time. 2. You'd called on my people before I asked you to. 3. By that time you had already written the letter. 4. We'd repeated everything by the first of May. 5. I big crowd had gathered by that time.

VII. Change the sentences according to the pattern.

Pattern: Mary learned French. She came to France. Mary had learned French before she came to France.

1. She studied Spanish. She came to Madrid.

2. We got to the theatre. The performance began.

3. We got home. It began to rain.

4. We finished our homework. We switched on the TV.

5. We discussed the film. My brother came home.

6. I translated the article. There came a knock at the door.

7.1 finished my work. You asked me about it.

VIII. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1.I (to translate) two pages yesterday. 2. By the end of the week they (to translate) the first part of the book. 3. When they (to enter) the theatre the play ( to begin). 4. Though he (to learn) the language only for a year he (to show) good knowledge. 5. When you (to receive ) a letter from her last ? 6. When I (to phone) them they ( not to be) ready yet. 7. We (to find ) nobody in the house when we (to come ) but we (lo have) a feeling that somebody (to be) there before. 8. When John (to come) home the family (to have) their dinner, so he (to go ) to the kitchen and (to make ) himself a cup of tea.

9. The lady (to open) the door only after I (to tell) her who I (to be) and what I (to want). 10. He (to live) in Paris for a long time and ( to know) a lot about the city.

IX. Use Present Perfect or Past Perfect.

1. She (to learn) English for five years before entering the institute.

2. You (to learn) English before ?

3.1 (not to read) any books by this author.

4. What a pleasure it was to see him again. We (not to meet) since childhood.

5. What (to happen) ? You look pale.

6. How long they (to be) engaged before they married?

7. We (to write) two compositions this month.

8. Try not to be absent from class. You.(to miss) too many classes, .

9. The police (to look) for the criminal for two years before they caught-him.

X. Translate into English.

1. Мы уже закончили свою работу, когда пришёл мой отец. 2. Так как я пропустил лекцию, я попросил его объяснить мне это правило. 3. Она выучила стихотворе-ние к трём часам. 4. Мы не перевели статью к пяти часам. 5. Дети ещё не легли спать, когда пришли родители. 6. Не успел он приехать, как получил письмо. 7. Я вспомнил номер телефона, когда вышел из дома.


Test 8.

I. Explain the usage of the Future Perfect Tense. Translate into Russian.

1. I'll have read the book by this time tomorrow.

2. She'll have given the final answer before he returns.

3. We shall have left Moscow by 5 o'clock tomorrow.

4.1 shall have returned the book to the library by 2 p.m. tomorrow.

5. By the end of this term we shall have learnt many new words.

6. If you come at 3 o'clock I shall have copied this articles.

7. You'll have translated this article by 5 o'clock.

II. Translate the following sentences.

1. Диана не может подойти к телефону, потому что она моет голову. 2. Я не хочу идти в зоопарк сегодня, потому что идёт дождь. То же было вчера. Я не хотел идти в зоопарк, потомy что шёл дождь. 3. Сколько занятий вы пропустили с начала семестра? 4. Я позвоню вам после того, как получу письмо. 5. Я почувствовала себя лучше после того, как я приняла лекарство. 6. Вы переведёте все предложения, прежде чем прозвонит звонок. 7. К тому времени, когда вы приедете, она даст окончательный ответ. 8. Джек вдруг осознал, что учитель задаёт ему вопрос. Но он не мог ответить, потому что не слушал. 9. Я ещё не написала ей письмо, но я напишу до его прихода.

III. Make the following sentences interrogative.

Pattern: He can finish the work today

Can he finish the work today?

1. My brother can speak English.

2. She can do everything you do.

3 We can hear her singing in the next room.

4. The travelers can see the house behind the trees.

5. Mary can wear her mother's shoes.

6. You can reach the station in half an hour.

7. The teacher can show us how to do it.

8. We can get this book at the library.

9. Nobody can help us.

IV. Make the following sentences negative.

Pattern: He can translate it himself.

He can't translate it himself.

1. We can understand German. 2.I can imagine her teaching children.

3. The students can be there by five. 4. Helen can hear the speaker.

5. He can do me a favour. 6. He can write to me.

V. Use the sentences in the past.

Pattern: Can – could

Can't – couldn't

1. She can translate these English texts. 2.I can't finish the work in time. 3. The teacher can't give you this book. 4. Can you see this picture at the exhibition? 5. Nobody can do it better. 6. I can't believe my eyes. 7. They can easily get to the University in half an hour. 8. We can watch them playing football. 9.I cannot understand what it means.

VI. Refer the sentences to the future.

Pattern: I can play the piano very well.

I’ll be able to play the piano very well.

1. Everybody can do this work. 2. He can write to me. 3. We can see the performance to-night. 4.I can't buy this book. I haven't got enough money about me.5. Who of your students can take part in the concert?6. Can you go to the South in the summer?7.I am sure he can make a good report. 8. When can they go somewhere for a holiday?

VII. Add question-tags to the following sentences.

1. I can help you. 2. She can read French. 3. If necessary, my brother could speak English. 4. She could play tennis in her youth. 5. Now they can hear us. 6. S couldn't see this picture last year. 7. Your sister can't speak English. 8. You couldn't change the time of the meeting.

VIII. Translate into Russian.

Pattern: a) Can it be true?

Неужели это правда?

b) I can't have lost the ticket.

He может быть, чтобы я потерял билет.

1.Can it be Peter? 2. Can he know English well? 3. He can't have read this book in two days. 4. They can't have arrived. I received the telegram only yesterday. 5. Can she have deceived me? I can't believe it. 6. Can she still be speaking to the dean? 7. She can't have left the letter unanswered.

IX. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Вы можете помочь мне? 2. Чем я могу быть вам полезен? 3. Вы сможете принять участие в предстоящих соревнованиях? 4. Я знал, что он сможет сделать эту работу. 5. Я не смог пойти домой, т.к. шёл дождь. 6. Кто из ваших студентов сможет работать переводчиком? 7. Он не мог пригласить так много людей. 8. Один из моих друзей может играть в шахматы. 9. Моя сестра умела говорить по-английски еще когда была ребенком.10. Они ничего не могут обещать.

XI. Make sentences asking permission.

Pattern: (to go out?)

May I go out?

1. To come in. 2. To pour out the tea. 3. To go with us. 4. To have a cigarette.

5. To have another helping. 6. To ask you to do me a favour.


Test 9.

I. Change the following sentences to express prohibition.

Pattern: You may go out now.

You mustn't go out now.

1. You may smoke here. 2. He may see his sister now. 3. She may switch on the radio. 4. He may look through his composition. 5. Children may see the film. 6. He may come in.

II. Use "to be allowed to" instead of "may".

Pattern: He may be present at the lesson.

He is allowed to be present at the lesson.

1. He may be present at lesson.

2. We may have our meeting in this room.

3. I may see a sister.

4. He may leave the office half an hour earlier today.

5. We may pick the fruit off that tree.

6. I may point out the finest pictures to you.

7. They may stay here.

III. Translate the second part of each sentence.

Pattern: He said что мы можем идти.

He said that we might go.

1. The teacher said что мы можем перевести этот текст завтра.

2. My father said что мне можно читать эту книгу.

3.He said что мальчик может поговорит с ними.

4.Helen asked можно ли ей повидать их сегодня.

5.1 asked the teacher можно ли мне войти.

6.He knew что ему можно принять участие в экскурсии.

IV. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. He must go there at once. 2. You must wait for them. 3. You must read this book.

4. They must prepare their lessons now 5. We must let him know about it.

6.I must help them.

V. Refer the following sentences to the past, using "to have to".

Pattern: He must do it today.

He had to do it yesterday.

1. He must learn all the new words from the text. 2. They must translate the article

3. Must he spend the summer here? 4. Must you speak to him? 5. He mustn't go anywhere.6. Must they visit him? 7. We mustn’t break the news to Eliza

VI. Refer the sentences to the past, using the verb "to be to".

Pattern: He must be there at 5 o'clock. ;

He was to be there at 5 o'clock.

1. You must learn the poem by Monday. 2 He must wait for me near the metro station.

3. They must visit him. He is ill. 4. The students must come to the meeting. 5. We must take the children to the station. 6. Must we show the place to her? 7. Who must make the report? 8. Now look here. I must be off.

VII. Refer the following sentences to the future.

1. He must send them a telegram. 2.1 must go shopping.3. It looks like rain. He must put on a raincoat. 4.1 don't think they must leave the question open. 5. Must we leave it to him? 6.1 am sorry but I must get rid of it.

VIII. Translate into English.

1. Вы должны пойти в библиотеку сейчас. 2. В этом семестре студенты должны прочесть 300 страниц в оригинале. 3. Вы должны поторопиться. 4. Шёл дождь, и ей пришлось взять зонтик. 5. Секретарь сказала, что группа должна быть в зале в 2 часа. 6. Доклад должен быть тщательно подготовлен. 7. Ребёнок не должен никуда идти. 8. Я думаю, они должны оставить вопрос открытым.

IX. Change the sentences into the Present Simple Passive.

a) Pattern: People always admire such pictures

Such pictures are always admired.

1. Mary helps mother. 2. The teacher answers questions. 3. One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 4. One praises a student when he works hard. 5. Tom opens the door. 6. We translate the text into English.

b) Pattern: The students write the dictation.

The dictation is written by the students.

1. People speak English all over the world. 2. They make progress every day in the world of science. 3. They sell apples by the kilo. 4. She takes her little daughter to the kindergarten every day. 5. They speak English in Great Britain. 6. The grocer sells eggs. 7. The students lake no mistakes in their dictations.

X. Answer the questions using the words suggested.

Pattern: Where are all these magazines sent to? (abroad)

They are sent abroad.

1. Where 's English spoken, (all over the world). 2. When is radio news listened to in your family? (every night). 3. Where are Oriental languages taught? (at the University). 4. Where are meals cooked? (in the kitchen). 5. When arc exams taken? (at the end of each term). 6. When is television watched by children? (during the children's hour). 7. Where is milk kept cool in summer (in the fridge). 8. Where are books sold? (at the bookstalls).


Test 10.

I. Answer the questions using a passive construction.

Pattern: Is this a brick house?

Yes, this house is made of bricks.

1. Is this a gold ring? 2. Are these silver spoons? 3. Is this a leather belt? 4. Are these silk ties? 5. Are these nylon shirts? 6. Is this a crystal vase? 7. Are these fur caps?

II. Put the sentences into the Past Indefinite Passive.

Pattern: They built this bridge last year.

This bridge was built test year.

1. He hurt his leg in an accident.

2.I left the spade in the garden.

3. They gave a party in his honour.

4. Somebody left the light for the whole night.

5. She washed the floor only tills morning.

6. They sent letters of thanks to all their friends.

7. We ate up all the cakes yesterday.

8. People formerly used the Tower of London as a prison,

III. Answer the questions according to the given pattern.

Pattern: Did you send for the doctor yesterday?

Yes, he was sent for.

1. Did they look into the matter? 2. Did they lose sight of the boat? 3. Did he turn down your offer? 4. Did they lake care of little Tom? 5. Did he speak about the trip last night? 6. Did they make fun other? 7. Did they arrive at a definite conclusion? 8. Did he rely on this information? 9. Did she laugh at him?

IV. Change into the Passive Voice. Use" by" where appropriate.

Pattern: Beethoven composed this piece.

This piece was composed by Beethoven.

1. Keats wrote this poem. 2. A car ran over their dog. 3. They did nothing until he came. 4. The orchestra played that piece beautifully. 5. The fire destroyed many valuable paintings. 6. Lions attacked the travelers. 7. Did the noise frighten you?

8. Her beauty struck me deeply.

V. Put the sentences into the Future Simple Passive.

Pattern: Tins news will hurt him badly.

He will be badly hurt by this news.

1. Ben will look after the dog well. 2. They will hold a dance in the village. 3. Ann will teach Richard to dance. 4. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 5.I shall serve both tea and coffee. 6. People will enjoy this film all over the world. 7. Someone will meet the visitors at the station.

VI. Answer the questions using the given suggestions.

Pattern: When will the new play be staged? (next month)

It will be staged next month.

1. When will the lecture on Byron be read? (next Monday)

2. When will the birthday cake be baked? (tomorrow)

3. When will the dinner be cooked? (in the morning)

4. When will the mail be brought? (soon)

5. Where will he be sent to? (to Moscow)

6. Where will the parcel be brought? (to the office)

VII. Give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs.

1. What is done cannot be undone. 2. A tree is known by its fruit.

3. Rome was not built in a day.

VIII. Give passive forms of the following sentences using the tense according to the time signal.

1. They sent for the doctor in the evening. (tomorrow morning)

2. The teacher will explain this rule tomorrow. (yesterday)

3. They publish many books in Moscow annually. (next year)

4. They will build the bridge next year. (two years ago)

5. We translated many similar articles last term. (next term)

6. They published very interesting articles in this magazine. (regularly)

7. The president of the committee will sign the agreement. (yesterday)