
Вводно- фонетический курс Методические рекомендации по английскому языку для студентов всех специальностей (стр. 3 из 6)




a+r a+ss,st a+nt,nd a+sk,sp a+th a+lf
far hard harm pardon party card large discharge pass last past fast class demand branch chance grant ask task grasp rather path half


o+r(e) a+ll, lk au (aw) au (gh) ough+t wa+r
more corner form border order fordge forced all sort talk call install law lawyer small lawsuit audience by-law default authorize because straw flaw caught brought bought war warn award reward warrant


o oa ow o+st,ld
whole vote close pro´voke road know show follow tomorrow most old hold sold


ou ow [i] oi oy
out discount how now town down crown invoice despoil joint avoid avoidance point enjoin enjoy

Продолжение таблицы 2




i/y i+gh i+ld i+nd i+gn
life try crime price provide side tie dry private final right high light sight wild mild bind kind find mind sign design


a ai ay ey eigh
make take state case page blame same trade main wait fail bail brain vain again stay say may pay lay major convey they obey eight weight


u o+m,n,v,th ou oo+d ou+gh
must but sum refund trust custom some love none money mother country trouble blood bloodwit flood enough


e+r i+r u+r ea+r w+or
term person serve nerve birst third firm first turn burk burning burst-up purse hurt earn learn work world wording worse worship worth

Продолжение таблицы 2




o oo ou (gh)
do who prove shoe too boon boot loophole loose moonshane choose food group through


o+r ou+r
poor our tour
[i«] ear ere
near ear appear fear bear here mere severe


a+re air ere
spare bare share care dare pair air where there

6.2 Запомните, как читаются следующие буквосочетания. Прочитайте слова:

Таблица 3

Буква, буквосочетание










В конце слова debt, doubt



knowledge, judge, lodge, judgement, pledge, budget






в начале и конце слова foreign, sign



surety, insure

Продолжение таблицы 3







перед безударным слогом Russia



session, comission, supression, succession mission



в конце слова decision, conclusion, invasion, provision



measure, pleasure, treasure, foreclosure



contradiction, supposition, eviction, prosecution, legislation, election, prolongation, discretion, action, condition, question, taxation, testation, suggestion, termination



nature, feature, cloture, indenture



initial, judicial, social, pro´vincial

6.3 Прочитайте следующие слова:

1. cc [ks]: accept, accident, unaccepted, success.

2. j [dZ]: job, jury, join, injury, justice, jural, juror.

3. sc [s]: scientist, scene, science.

4. g [dZ]: encourage, e´igible, e´mergency, ab´ridgement, ´carriage, ´disengage, ´message, ´damage, ´pilferage.


7.1 Прочтите следующие слова, пользуясь таблицами 1, 6.1 и 6.2

1. News, pleasure, telephone, gesture, pay, sponsor, here, success, straw, custom, credit, sheet, hire, occupation, general.

2. Decide, flaw, judge, election, trust, short, proof, health, crime, search, presumption, occasion, relief, breach, legislator.

3. Free, save, endure, deed, kill, chairman, fall, trust, mention, pardon, goods, various, appear, claim, treaty.

4. Majority, threat, revocation, omission, damage, blame, culture, share, real, trace, moot, rob, border, back, pay.

5. Tax, prison, keeper, pure, market, duty, steal, term, cost, joint, punish, stock, emergency, loophole, share.

6. Questioning, accident, sufferer, measure, photostat, shipment, abate, nation, injury, usher, wise, leader, sum, nature, promise.

7. Prejudicial, work, business, serve, theft, chief, resonable, murder, prepare, parcener, justice, cell, depositor, void, leave.

8. War, invoice, next, limited, form, call, world, robber, dispoil, perjury, lend, profession, satisfaction, theory, pure.

9. Secession, cloture, property, say, quash, extradite, special, think, part, message, measure, avoid, seat, photo, rate.

10. Enrich, warder, large, rent, side, zip, vote, domain, wardship, trade, inquiry, revivor, jail, fare, court.

11. Citizen, case, acknoledgement, defence, forced, exchange, inspector, bond, chancellor, faith, chain, wording, credit.

12. Indenture, policy, pursuit, chasing, meet, relief, steal, pilferage, solicitor, contract, health, shifting, warrant, letter, word.

13. General, harm, ordinary, sheriff, witness, nation, head, loss, theft, withdraw, mention, chairman, joinder, physical, desire.

14. Cheat, beneficial, innocent, rent, scheme, hear, participation, without, set, adjective, chapter, justify, show, extinction, disengage.

7.2 Прочитайте следующие пословицы и поговорки:

Money spent on the brain Деньги, потраченные на образование,

is never spent in vain. никогда не пропадут даром.

What is worth doing at all То, что делаешь, надо делать

is worth doing well. хорошо или совсем не делать.

The exсeption proves the rule. Исключение подтверждает правило.

Prevention is better thаn cure. Предупреждение лучше лечения.

Better deny at once thаn Лучше сразу отказать,

promise long. чем долго обещать.

Fault confessed is half forgiven. За признание половина наказания.

Business before pleasure. Дело прежде всего.

By hook or by crook. Всеми правдами и неправдами,

не мытьем, так катанием.

Carry tales out of school [sku:l]. Разглашать секреты,

выносить сор из избы.

Out of sight, out of mind. С глаз долой – из сердца вон.

Never try to prove what nobody Никогда не следует

doubts. доказывать того, в чем

никто не сомневается.

Practice makes perfect . Работа учит.

Little knowledge is a dangerous Поверхностные

thing. знания опасны.

To let the cat out . Выдать секрет.

Life is not a bed of roses. Жизнь прожить – не

поле перейти.

Be slow to promise and quick to Дал слово – держись,

perform. а не дал – крепись.

That’s a horse of another color. Это совсем другое дело.

Think today and speak tomorrow. Сначала подумай,

затем отвечай.

Where there is a will, there is a way. Где хотение, там и умение.

It’s a small world. Мир тесен.

So many men, so many minds. Сколько голов, столько умов.

Better late than never. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

7.3 Прочитайте и запомните следующие разговорные фразы:

Excuse me. - Простите.

Sorry, (Excuse me), can you- Извините, вы не скажете…

tell me…

May I ask you a question? Можно вас спросить?

That ’s a great idea! Отличная мысль.

That’s it. Вот именно.

And all that. И все такое прочее.

It’s a pity. Жаль.

As a matter of fact… По правде говоря…

Which is more likely? Что вероятнее?

Take it easy. Не переживай.

Never! Да ну!

You must be joking! Да вы шутите!

Fancy that! Только подумайте!

Small world. Мир тесен.

We are on good terms with him. Мы с ним в хороших отношениях.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Друзья познаются в беде.

He let me down. Он меня подвел.

What do you take me for? За кого вы меня принимаете?

My question is as follows. У меня следующий вопрос.

Taking into account… Принимая во внимание…

I’m not on you side. Я не на вашей стороне.

Let’s face facts. Посмотрим фактам в лицо.

I’m in the know of. Я в курсе дела.

I’d like to draw your attention to… Мне бы хотелось привлечь ваше


Let’s come back to our topic. Давайте вернемся к нашей теме.

What are you driving at? На что вы намекаете?

It’s not to the point. Это не относится к делу.

Pull yourself together! Возьмите себя в руки.

Things do happen. Все бывает.

It’s not your fault. Это не ваша вина.

7.4 Прочитайте вслух следующие диалоги:

1) – It’s nice to sit down.

– Yes, I’m tired.

– Lovely day, isn’t it?

– Yes, it’s great.

2) – Do you have a Russian - English dictionary?

– Yes, we have this one.

– Don’t you have smaller one?

– There’s also a pocket size, do you want to see it?

– No, a pocket dictionary isn’t what I need.

3) – You know, Charles has had an accident.

– Oh, no!

– He’ll have to stay in hospital for a few weeks.

– Will he? That’s really too bad.

4) – My word! You are working hard!

– Yes, I am.

– Are matters as bad as that?

– I’m afraid they are.

– I am sorry to hear it.

5) – Did you hear Professor Jones’ lecture yesterday?

– Yes, I did. It was a fine speech, wasn’t it?

– Yes, it certainly was.

6) – Now, Mr Brigs. Where were you yesterday?

– Yesterday? What time?

– At 2 o’clock. Where were you at 2 o’clock?

– I was at home.

– You weren’t at home. You were in Central London.

– No, I wasn’t. I was at home. Ask my girl-friend. She was with me.

– We’re going to speak to her later. Where’s she now?

– Oh... I don’t know.

7) – What are you doing , Dick?

– I’m reading a very interesting book.

– But what about your lessons? It’s already late.

– But don’t you know that it is never too late to learn?