
Методические рекомендации по разработке заданий для школьного и муниципального этапов всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку в 2009/2010 учебном году Москва 2009 (стр. 10 из 11)

You will hear an interview with a British basketball player who plays in the US. Decide which of the statements (12-20) are true according to the text (1), which are false (2) and on which the information is not stated in the text (3). Circle the number of the answer you choose. You’ll hear the recording twice.


Today I’m talking to British basketball player Luol Deng, who is currently making all the right moves for the Chicago Bulls team in the NBA, the US basketball league. Luol, what’s the life of an NBA player like?

Basketball player:

Well, you’re either playing games or you’re practising. It’s hard but you get used to it. I’d rather be playing the games. It gets tiring but if you take care of your body and prepare the right way, you’ll be fine. We have 82 games per season, not counting the play-offs at the end of the season. If you go all the way and qualify for the play-offs, you end up playing more than 100 games. It’s a long season!


Who’s been the toughest player you have faced in the NBA?

Basketball player:

Players always try to score against you, but I’ve always been amazed by how Kobe Bryant of the LA Lakers does it. He has a very competitive nature and he finds a way to compete in every game. That is what makes him so good.


Of course, perhaps the best-known basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, played for the Chicago Bulls, didn’t he? What sort of effect did he have on the team and the sport?

Basketball player:

Well, when you say the Chicago Bulls, the first thing people think of is Michael Jordan. You think of basketball, you think of Michael Jordan! That’s what he left behind. He changed the game so much. Everybody tries to be like him when they pick up the basketball – that’s how good he was.


Now, what about the 2012 Olympics in London? Will you be leading a GB basketball team there?

Basketball player:

That’s exciting, not just for me but for British basketball. People are already asking ‘What’s going on?’ and ‘What kind of team are we going to be?’ People don’t know about all the players that we’ve got coming through now. There are a lot of good young players coming up. I think we’re going to have a good team in 2012.

This is the end of the listening comprehension section of the test.

Конкурс письменной речи

В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса письменной речи, входят:

1. Методические рекомендации

2. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса письменной речи

3. Лист ответа с заданием (по 1 экземпляру на каждого участника)

4. Протокол конкурса письменной речи (по 1 экземпляру на каждого члена жюри)

5. Критерии оценивания конкурса письменной речи (по 1 экземпляру на каждого члена жюри)


Participant’s ID number

Write an essay under the title “Dos and Don’ts” to attract attention of young people to the problems of health. Give practical and valuable advice to follow in order to stay healthy and to survive to a ripe old age.

You should write 250 - 300 words.

Time: 45 minutes




Эксперт № __________________________








Сумма баллов

Конкурс устной речи

В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса устной речи, входят:

1. Методические рекомендации

2. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса устной речи

3. Карточка участника с заданием (2 экземпляра)

4. Карточка члена жюри (2 экземпляра)

5. Протокол устного ответа (2 экземпляра)

6. Критерии оценивания конкурса устной речи (2 экземпляра)


Карточка участника

Task 1

(Monologue; Time: 1,5 - 2 minutes)

In a minute you will have to speak about the importance of smells in our life. What information can smells carry/ bear? What is so special about them for you and other people?

Task 2

(Dialogue; Time: 3 - 5 minutes)

Imagine that you and your partner are students at a university. Discuss with your partner the best living conditions for student life at the university. Your role is to be in favour of living in a university dormitory on campus rather than with one’s parents. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue.

Your answers will be recorded.

Карточка участника

Task 1

(Monologue; Time: 1,5 - 2 minutes)

In a minute you will have to speak about colours and how they affect our mood. Are colours important for you and why? How are you affected by bright/light/dark/dull colours?

Task 2

(Dialogue; Time: 3 - 5 minutes)

Imagine that you and your partner are students at a university. Discuss with your partner the best living conditions for student life at the university. Your role is to be in favour of living with one’s parents rather than living in a dormitory on campus. Give arguments and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and not a monologue.

Your answers will be recorded.

Карточка члена жюри

В конкурсе устной речи участвуют 2 члена жюри и 2 участника олимпиады.

Все инструкции участникам конкурса устной речи даются на английском языке.

Преподаватели – члены жюри приглашают к своему столу пару участников.

Пары составляются методом случайной подборки.

Члены жюри начинают вести беседу и задают каждому участнику 2- 3 вопроса для того, чтобы снять напряжение, расположить их к беседе и подготовить к выполнению устного задания олимпиады.

Время, отводимое на данный этап задания – разминку, 1 – 2 минуты.


Примерный перечень вопросов:

How are you?

What do you think about the weather?

How long have you been learning English?

What other foreign languages do you know?

What do you usually do in your spare time?

Внимание! Не допускаются вопросы, которые направлены на выяснение фамилии участника, номера школы, в которой учится участник, и т.д.


Задание 1

Карточка № 1:

In a minute you will have to speak about the importance of smells in our life.

What information can smells carry/ bear?

What is so special about them for you and other people?

Члены жюри могут дополнительно задать участнику, получившему карточку №1, вопросы по ходу своего ответа:

How do different people react to smells?

What kind of smells can make you happy/ill/sad??

Why is it possible to sell smells?

What are possible consequences of using perfumes?

Карточка № 2:

In a minute you will have to speak about colours and how they affect our mood. Are colours important for you and why?

How are you affected by bright/dark/light/dull colours?

Члены жюри могут дополнительно задать участнику, получившему карточку №2, вопросы по ходу своего ответа:

Why do people have colour preferences?

What colours do you prefer?

What do you think of those people who wear bright/dark/dull colours?

Why do people like to change colours of their clothes/ interiors/ cars?

Задание 2

Карточка № 1:

Imagine that you and your partner are students at a university.

Discuss with your partner the best living conditions for student life at

the university. Your role is to be in favour of living in a university

dormitory on campus rather than with your parents. Give arguments

and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come

to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and

not a monologue.

Карточка № 2:

Imagine that you and your partner are students at a university.

Discuss with your partner the best living conditions for student life at

the university. Your role is to be in favour of living with your parents rather than living in a dormitory on campus. Give arguments

and examples in support of your opinion. You may or may not come

to an agreement with your partner. Remember it is a discussion and

not a monologue.

Участникам диалога следует помнить, что это обсуждение, а не монолог. Они должны давать возможность друг другу обмениваться своими мнениями. Свои доводы и мысли им следует подкреплять аргументами и примерами.

Время, отводимое на этот вид задания для каждого выступающего 1,5 - 2,5 минуты, всего не более 5 минут на обоих участников.


оценки устного тура олимпиады

Члены жюри ________________________________________________________

Идентификационный номер участника Оценка Примечание

Список рекомендуемой литературы и сайтов

По итогам Всероссийских олимпиад были выпущены следующие учебные пособия, помогающие учителям и учащимся подготовиться к ним: