
Пешеходные туристские путешествия по Санкт-Петербургу (стр. 10 из 10)

Alas! His paranoia proved to be well-founded, but his preventive steps failed to measure up to the task. After living here only forty days, Paul was strangled as part of a court intrigue involving his son, the future Alexander I.

Paul's murder occurred in March 1801. The castle remained vacant after his death for nearly twenty years. In 1819, a school for military engineers opened here. Reportedly, young cadets occasionally saw the ghost of Paul prowling the corridors of the castle.

The cadets numbered among their ranks the young Feodor Dostoevsky. The future writer studied literature, history, drawing, and architecture here. Long into the night, he would remain awake reading in his second floor room, which looked out onto the Fontanka River. A year after his graduation in 1844, Dostoevsky left the engineers to concentrate on writing.

Before you move on, you may wish to walk around to the southern facade of the castle to see the first monument erected in the city to the memory of Peter the Great. Paul I ordered its construction. Sculpted by Carlo Rastrelli, the father of the architect who designed the Winter Palace, it bears the following inscription: "To Grandfather — from Grandson."

34. The Cathedral of Christ's Resurrection (The Church on Spilled Blood)

Arch. A. Parland (1883-1907), Naberezhnaya kanala Griboedova, 2a.


If you look to the south and west from the Field of Mars, you can see the distinctive cupolas of the Church of the Savior on Spilt Blood, your last stop of the day. From the southern end of the Field of Mars, cross the street, turn right, and follow the embankment of the Moika River. Walk until you reach a signal crossing. Turn left, cross the bridge which spans the Moika and continue along until you come upon the church.

On this spot, on March 1, 1881, a terrorist bomb mortally wounded Czar Alexander II. As a memorial to him, the royal family paid for the church's construction. Built between 1883-1907, it stylistically borrows from Russian church architecture of the 16th and 17th centuries. In particular, it resembles St. Basil's Cathedral, located on Red Square in Moscow. In the future, this church will house a museum of Russian mosaics.

This ends the second section of your tour of some of the best-known sites in St. Petersburg. Again, we're delighted you took the opportunity to take a closer look at our city and we hope that your schedule will allow you to enjoy still more of what it has to offer.

To return to Nevsky Avenue, simply walk north following the Griboyedov Canal, which passes alongside the facade of the church. You will soon emerge onto the location where the first tour began — next to the House of Books.

30. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Pet (Tserkov Svyatogo Petra)

Arch. A. Bryullov (1833-1831 Nevskiy prospekt, 22-24

31.The Cathedral of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan (Kazanskiy Sobor)

Arch. A.Voronikhin {1801-1811), Kazanskaya ploshchad, 2

Kazan Cathedral, built between 1801-11, having 96 Corinthian columns arranged in four rows that form an extended arc facing Nevsky Prospekt. Andrei Voronikhin's design was inspired by Bernini's colonnade for St. Peter's in Rome. From 1811-1858, the Kazan Cathedral was the main cathedral of the city. After 1932, when the cathedral was closed, the building housed the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism. In 1991 services were resumed and it is again fully functional as an Orthodox church.

The excursion termination № 3 m. Nevskiy prospekt


HERMITAGE. Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya 34. Open daily except Monday.

RUSSIAN MUSEUM. Inzhenemaya Ulitsa 4. Open daily except Tuesday.

MUSEUM OF THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF RUSSIA. Ulitsa Kuibysheva 4. Open daily except Thursday.

MUSEUM OF ST. PETERSBURG HISTORY. Petropavlovskaya Krepost 3.

Open daily except Wednesday.


Open daily except Wednesday.

RUSSIAN ETHNOGRAPHICAL MUSEUM. Inzhenemaya Ulitsa 4/1. Open daily except Monday.


Across from Peter and Paul Fortress. Open daily except Monday.

CENTRAL NAVAL MUSEUM. Birzhevaya Ploshchad 4. Open daily except Monday and Tuesday.

ST. ISAAC'S CATHEDRAL. Isaakiyevskaya Ploshchad. Open daily except Wednesday.


Open daily except Tuesday.

BOTANICAL MUSEUM AND GARDEN. Ulitsa Piofessora Popova 2. Open

Monday through Friday except Wednesday.

ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM. Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya 1 Open daily except Friday.

CENTRAL EXHIBITION HALL, Isaakiyevskaya Ploshchad 1. Open daily except Thursday.


ST. TRINITY CATHEDRAL. Ploshchad Aleksandra Nevskogo 1, Alexander

Nevsky Monastery. I. Starov, 1776-90.

ST. NICHOLAS' CATHEDRAL. Nicolskaya Ploshchad 6. S. Chevakinsky,


CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF VLADIMIR. Vladimirsky Prospekt 20.

A. Menshikov, G. Quarenghi, 1780-83, L. Rusca, 1848. P

RINCE VLADIMIR'S CATHEDRAL. At the comer of Ulitsa Blokhina and

Prospekt Dobrolyubova. A. Rinaldi, 1766-72, I. Starov, 1783-89. S

T. TRINITY CATHEDRAL. At the corner of Izmailovsky Prospekt and

Prospekt Moskvinoi V. Stasov, 1828-35.


Ploshchad 1. V. Stasov, 1827-29.


Y.Felten, 1771-80.


Pereulok 7. L. Benoit, M. Peretyatkovich, 1908-09.


Bolshoi Prospekt 1. Y. Felten, 1768.

MOSLEM MOSQUE. Prospekt Gorkogo 7. N. Vasilyev, A. von Gogen,

S. Krichinsky, 1910-14.

BUDDHIST TEMPLE. Primorsky Prospect 91. G. Baranovsky, 1909-15.

JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. Lermontovsky Prospekt 2. I. Shaposhnikov,


BAPTIST CHURCH. Borovaya Ulitsa 50. N. Nikonov, 1889-97.


Despite our best efforts, some notable points of interest in St. Petersburg lie outside the route of your walking tour. If time permits, we urge you to inquire at your hotel or with your tour escorts about how to visit these places.

The cruiser Aurora, moored in the Neva River opposite the St. Petersburg Hotel, fired the shot which signalled the launching of the Revolution in 1917.

The Smolny complex of buildings, featuring an outstanding cathedral, was originally designed as a convent, but was used for decades as a school for the daughters of the nobility. A building located nearby served as the famous headquarters for the Bolsheviks during the Revolution in 1917.

Located one-half hour's drive to the west of the city, Peterhof was built by direction of Peter the Great to commemorate Russia's victories in the Northern War. Over one hundred and forty fountains and cascades adorn the spacious grounds, which are dominated by a lavish palace. Allow a full day.

Tsarskoye Selo, also known as Pushkin, lies about one-half hour south of the city and once provided a nearby retreat for the royal family. A single structure, the splendid Catherine Palace, dominates the complex of parks and build-sags. The Lyceum, nearby the palace, contains a museum devoted to Alexander Pushkin, the famous poet who once studied here.

Finally, several cemeteries deserve consideration. On the grounds of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, in the Tikhvinskoye and Lazarevskoye cemeteries, are buried many eminent Russians, including the writer Dostoevsky and the composer Tchaikovsky. To the northeast of the city's center, the Piskarovskoye Memorial Cemetery stands as a moving, solemn tribute to more than one-half million victims of the seige of the city during World War II.


Важнейшим этапом в деятельности любой турфирмы является разработка нового туристского продукта и его продвижение на рынок.

В деятельности туристического бизнеса наступает момент, когда предлагаемый товар устаревает и теряет спрос. На его смену должен прийти новый продукт, который бы поддержал интерес к нашему городу на туристском рынке. Разработанный мною туристический продукт – «Пешеходный туризм – простая формула отдыха!» рассчитан на туристов приезжающих в Санкт-Петербург самодеятельно, это к примеру, могут быть студенты стесненные в средствах или же туристы желающие ознакомиться с нашими достопримечательностями самостоятельно.

Целью большинства турфирм является ведение прибыльного и продолжительного бизнеса. В масштабах города и страны в целом, глобальной задачей является привлечение большего числа туристов. Это связано с тем, что туризм это высокодоходный бизнес, который является одной из приоритетных статей дохода городского бюджета.

Для достижения данной цели компаниям необходимо производить тот товар или услугу, который удовлетворял бы нужды потенциальных покупателей и тем самым обеспечивал бы увеличение бизнеса.

Таким образом, можно сделать вывод, что туристский продукт – это:

1. Право на тур, предназначенное для реализации туристу;

2. экономическая категория, включающая:

a) туры, объединенные их целесообразностью (познавательные и оздоровительные);

б) туристско-экскурсионные услуги (размещение, питание, транспортные услуги);

в) товары туристско-сувенирного назначения (карты, открытки, сувениры)

Турист, реализуя собственные денежные средства в обмен на туристский продукт, удовлетворяет свои потребности в материальных и духовных благах.

Туристский продукт – это любая услуга, удовлетворяющая потребности туристов во время путешествий и подлежащая оплате их со стороны. В действительности турист приобретает не продукт как таковой, имеющий определенный набор свойств, а его способность удовлетворить некую потребность. Следовательно, для туристского предприятия огромное значение имеет предоставление и распространение не свойств своего продукта, а реальной пользы и выгоды от него для своего клиента.

Можно сказать, что создание и продвижение тура по привлекательной цене, «завоевание» известности и качественности предоставляемых услуг с целью получения положительного экономического результата – главная задача деятельности туристской фирмы.

Список литературы

1. Биржаков М.Б., «Введение в туризм» – Спб.: Издательский Торговый Дом «Герда», 2001.

2. Федеральный закон от 24.11.1996 №132-ФЗ «Об основах туристской деятельности в Российской Федерации»

3. Балабанов И. Т. «Экономика туризма» – М: Финансы и статистика, 2002

4. Бабушкин Н. И. «Менеджмент туризма» 3-е изд. – Минск: Новое знание, 2002

5. Вахмистров В.П., Вахмистрова С.И. «Правовое обеспечение туризма» - учебное пособие – СПб: Издательство Михайлова В.А., 2005

6. Ильина Е.Н. «Основы туристской деятельности» – М: Советский спорт, 2004

7. Ильина Е.Н. «Туризм - путешествия. Создание туристской фирмы. Агентский бизнес». – М: РМАТ, 1998

8. Каурова А.Д. «Организация сферы туризма» - СПб: Герда, 2004

9. Квартальнов В.А. «Теория и практика туризма» - М: Финансы и статистика, 2003

10. Папирян Г.А. «Маркетинг в туризме» - М: Финансы и статистика, 2000

11. Сапрунова В. «Туризм: эволюция, структура, маркетинг»- М.: «Ось - 89», 1998

12. Сенин В. С. «Организация международного туризма» – М.: Финансы и статистика, 2003

13. Яковлев Г.А. «Экономика и статистика туризма» - М: РДЛ, 2002