
Drug trafficking - a global challenge of the XXI century (стр. 4 из 4)

Undoubtedly, the decision of a problem of illegal manufacture of drugs should be accompanied by a number of other measures directed to the aid of the states of "the third world» in overcoming of difficult internal conditions. The international community measures to poverty prevention, to population safety, and if circumstances develop favorably, to construction in these countries of normally functioning state institutes should be taken.

And in a context of a problem of the states of "the third world» it is necessary to consider threat which especially sharply faces recently to mankind – interaction between drugs businessmen and terrorists. Both the terrorism and a drug trafficking threaten a life of millions people, stability of the state institutes, national safety.

So, the co-ordinator of US State department on struggle against terrorism Michael Shihan has declared at subcommittee session on criminality of Legal committee of the House of Representatives: «Drug dealers and manufacturers of drugs, as well as the international criminals... Search for such corners on globe where they could operate with impunity without the control from outside the authorities. It is no wonder that often takes place a bow between those who is engaged in terrorism, and those who participates in other international forbidden kinds of activity»[19].

In connection with the tendency of steady reduction of financial "injections" from outside the traditional states-sponsors of terrorism terrorists even more often resort to other sources of financing, such as manufacture and sale of drugs. And last decade was marked by the further consolidation and development of mutually advantageous cooperation between terrorist groups and suppliers of drugs, and also more and more wide participation of terrorist groups in transportations of drugs with a view of financing of the operations.

Both terrorists and drugs businessmen bring "mite" in these mutual relations. The terrorists possessing experience of semi military operations, supply drugs businessmen with the weapon; suppliers of drugs are used as "the milk cows", providing to terrorists access to the financial sources essentially surpassing their usual channels of reception of money. Drugs businessmen also possess experience of illegal sending and money-laundering. Thus, drugs business and terrorism in escalating degree operate in common.

Almost all largest groups of insurgents-terrorists rely on delivery of drugs carried out in this or that form as on a method of reception of necessary means. In addition to it, drug traffic is connected with illegal delivery of the weapon and other forms of contraband. The list of the organisations such, undoubtedly, is headed by Revolutionary armed forces of Colombia (РВСК) and the National liberation army (НОА), become, apparently, the sample for imitation, and other terrorist groups including groups of Islamite having religious motivation, follow today their example. So, the talib mode in Afghanistan allowed to operate in the territory Ben Laden and to other terrorists, encouraged drug traffic and got from it profit. Some Islamic extremists consider drugs business as the weapon against the West and one of sources of incomes for financing of the activity.

Other groups, wishing to use "drugs-dollars", "Sendero Luminoso" («the Light way») in Peru, the Kurdish workers' party (РКК) to Turkey, "Hezbollah" in Lebanon, «Tigers of clearing of Tamila» in republic Sri Lanka, the Irish republican army (ИРА) in Great Britain, Incorporated army of the state Va in Burma, various extremist both terrorist groups and terrorists-singles in the USA are.

Drug traffic provides receipt from the USA and Europe huge riches in some regions of Latin America, Asia and Middle East. In effect, drugs give the chance to subsidise activity of terrorist groups worldwide.


The problem of consumption of drugs gets global and more and more menacing character. Drugs business to some extent can be compared to the international terrorism, and unique distinction between them consists only that terrorists destroy people in arms, and drugs businessmen kill and will cripple human lives, using narcotics.

Growth of manufacture and spread of drug addiction in the world speaks following reasons:

•In the conditions of political and economic integration, development of international trade, increase of a transparency of internal borders by more free there is a movement of the goods, financial streams, the capital, population shift. These factors are actively used by criminal structures for working out of new routes and perfection of methods of a transfer of drugs;

•Development of a science and occurrence of a new information technology expand possibilities of criminal groupings for application of modern techniques, including computers and шифраторы, mobile phones and other communication facility that substantially raises security of criminal structures and reduces percent of disclosing of the crimes connected with manufacture, a transfer and spread of drug addiction;

•Increasing distinction between "the rich north" and "the poor south" is actively maintained by drugs business for expansion of manufacture of drugs on the African continent, in region Central and the South America, in the countries of South East Asia.

The wide circulation has received the use of drugs among youth. As a whole such tendency is shown: middle age of the persons, for the first time tried drugs, decreases, and total number of new consumers of narcotics increases.

The youth basically consumes hashish, however even more often in a combination to other excitants. The increasing popularity is got so-called by "club drugs" ("club drugs") type ketamine, and also psychotropic substances of type MDMA ("ecstasy"). Advantage of these narcotics consists that they are cheaper in comparison with the same heroin or cocaine and they can be used in various variations.

Efforts of a drug mafia had been created the steady drugs traffic penetrating almost all territory of the country. For advancement of drugs to consumers’ underground retail networks which actively used not only street, but also schools, clubs, discos have been organised, forming the large-scale market of consumption of narcotics.


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[1] Brecher, Edward. The Consumer Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs. N.Y., 2009.

[2] Grund, Jean-Paul. Drug Use as a Social Ritual. Rotterdam, 2009.

[3] Grund, Jean-Paul. Drug Use as a Social Ritual. Rotterdam, 2009.

[4] World Drug Report 2009. // www.crime.vl.ru.

[5] Brecher, Edward. The Consumer Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs. N.Y., 2009.

[6] Grund, Jean-Paul. Drug Use as a Social Ritual. Rotterdam, 2009.

[7] MacDonald D., Patterson V. Drug Training: Learning About Drugs and Working with Drug Users. London, New York: Routledge, 2009.

[8] World Drug Report 2009. // www.crime.vl.ru.

[9] MacDonald D., Patterson V. Drug Training: Learning About Drugs and Working with Drug Users. London, New York: Routledge, 2009.

[10] NEW YORK, Through the Eye of the Needle. Notes from THE DRUG WARS. Вy Ernest Druc-ker. 2009

[11] World Drug Report 2009. // www.crime.vl.ru.

[12] Brecher, Edward. The Consumer Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs. N.Y., 2009.

[13] McCoy, Alfred W. The politics of heroin in Southeast Asia. 2009.

[14] McCoy, Alfred W. The politics of heroin in Southeast Asia. 2009.

[15] Erickson, Patricia. Cannabis Criminals. Toronto, 2009.

[16] Saunders, Nicholas. E for Ecstasy. London, 2009.

[17] Brecher, Edward. The Consumer Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs. N.Y., 2009.

[18] Grund, Jean-Paul. Drug Use as a Social Ritual. Rotterdam, 2009.

[19] Brecher, Edward. The Consumer Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs. N.Y., 2009.