
Drug trafficking - a global challenge of the XXI century (стр. 3 из 4)

The transnational organisations which are engaged in drugs business, have certain commodity markets not only in the territorial relation, but also are frequent by "production" kinds (heroin, cocaine, marihuana, etc.) Besides, they can be substantially differentiated functionally, on production phases and spreads of drug addiction.

Parts of transnational organisations are focused on multistage process: from manufacture before realisation of any one drug (for example, heroin). The control over all chain in the drugs business industry: from cultivation drug contents plants and manufacture of natural or synthetic drugs before their sale and gain legalisation – allows such organisations to weaken actions of law enforcement bodies on drug trafficking suppression and repeatedly to raise profit on a difference of the prices between wholesale and retail. A vivid example such ТПО are the Colombian drugs cartels which, as a matter of fact, represent industrial concerns on manufacture of cocaine from raw materials growing in the South America. They supervise export of the made cocaine on the markets of the USA, Canada and Europe.

Others transnational organisations prefer to carry out activity only at separate stages of a drug trafficking. So, for example, the Nigerian criminal organisations are engaged basically in transportation and distribution of different kinds of drugs. Nigeria continues to remain the basic link in drug-dealing structure on the African continent, and also the main reloading point through which drug traffic between the countries East and the Western world is carried out. The Mexican cartels, without being engaged in manufacture of drugs, carry out only their transportation and distribution. The Turkish organisations are known for processing of heroin and its delivery in countries of Western Europe.

Thus, drugs business is multidimensional, its characteristic should be carried out on several parametres: to kinds of drugs, stages of their manufacture and distribution, manufacture and sale territories, the basic routes and ways of delivery, change of tendencies of these parametres for the last years.

The characteristic of the markets of principal views of drugs

According to the experts, today in the world it is made from 1 to 1,5 thousand t chlorohydrin cocaine. The basic consumers of a drug - the USA, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong. In the United States which is the heavy user of cocaine in the world, according to the Interpol, is late more than 70 % of illegal deliveries of a drug. The basic directions of cocaine contraband - the American-Mexican border and Florida. A parity "volume - the price" does cocaine by one of the most favourable in drugs business. It became one of the reasons of the greatest level of integration and rigid structurization of a cocaine drug mafia (cartels) in comparison with suppliers of other kinds of drugs[11].

In 2009 the volume of withdrawals of cocaine has made nearby 495 t that on 33 % more than in 2008. The cocaine most part is still withdrawn on the American continent, mainly in the countries adjoining on the states - manufacturers of cocaine: Chile, Ecuador, the countries of Central America, Venezuela and Paraguay. In 2009 55 % of all cases of withdrawal of cocaine it was necessary to the South America (including Central America and Caribbean basin), 28 % - to the North America and 17 % - to Europe. Steady growth of volume of withdrawals of cocaine in Europe that reflects the basic changes in structure of a turn of cocaine became the most amazing tendency of last years[12].

Cocaine transportation is usually carried out by traditional means: with use of the drugs couriers transporting cargo on commercial airlines. The Nigerian groupings participating in a transfer of cocaine in the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa, since 1991, began to involve in the activity of citizens of other states, such as the USA. Similar practice of use as drugs couriers not citizens of Nigeria, and also attraction of persons from the countries consuming drugs, proceeds already more than 10 years.

Larger parties hide in container cargoes which send to Europe and the USA sea transport. Usually the commercial vessels transporting lawful cargoes are for this purpose used, which sheer in the high sea in a direction of the countries of Caribbean basin to take away cargo of cocaine which then is delivered in the largest seaports or is forwarded through sea coastal lines.

In total for 2009 it has been made opiat on 747 million dollars, and 80 % - in Afghanistan (about 600 million dollars). At global level cultivation опийного a poppy has increased on 16 %, basically at the expense of increase in crops in Afghanistan. In South East Asia since 1998 the tendency to decrease культивирования proceeds.

In 2009 more than 67 % of universal crops were in Afghanistan. The area of the cultivated fields here has increased from 80 thousand in hectare in 2008 to 131 thousand in hectare in 2009. Now illegal crops are in all 34 provinces of the country. Withdrawal опиатов (heroin, морфина and the opium, expressed in a heroin equivalent) at global level has increased in 2008 by 33 % in comparison with level of 2007. This increase became a consequence of doubling of volumes confiscated морфина that has reflected renewal of large-scale cultivation and processing опийного a poppy in Afghanistan in 2007. Heroin withdrawal has increased by 10 % (53,3), opium - on 38 % (134) and morphinin 77 % (43,7) from total amount confiscated opiat[13].

The volume of withdrawals in the Western Europe has decreased on 13 % and has made 19,4t. It has been most of all confiscated in Great Britain and Italy - the largest European markets опиатов. In spite of the fact that the price for heroin here continues to fall (69 euros for gramme in 2006, 63 euros in 2007 and 60 euros in 2008), the markets of the Western and Central Europe remain the most profitable places of sale of this drug.

As to abusing heroin, position in countries of Western Europe either remains stable, or (consumption) decrease was marked. The largest market of heroin in Europe is, most likely, Russia: total number of the persons who are on drugs, makes, by estimations, from 3 to 4 million, 1/3 from which - the persons abusing heroin.

Abusing opium continues to increase in China. In 2008-2009 the number of the registered addicts increased and has exceeded 1 million persons that make 15-fold increase during 2005-2007. The message on the most considerable decrease in level of abusing опиатами has during the last years arrived in 2004 from Oceania. This tendency remained throughout 2005 and 2006.

Marihuana, hashish are made of cannabis, hashish oil. Unlike cooks and opium poppy, the hemp is cultivated practically worldwide that is caused by its wide prevalence and unpretentiousness. Cannabis, being enough soft drug, always was popular at consumers.

The basic manufacturers of marihuana are: in Africa - Nigeria, Malawi, Lesotho and Swaziland; in America — Mexico, Canada, Jamaica and Colombia; in the Central Asia - Kazakhstan and Kirghizia; in the Near East - Egypt and Lebanon; in Southern Asia - India; in South East Asia - Cambodia, Thailand and Philippines[14].

The North America, most likely, - the largest manufacturer of marihuana in the world, however this market is isolated: the most part of the made is consumed on a place. According to administrative bodies of the USA, 2/3 local demands for marihuana are satisfied at the expense of manufacture in the country, 56 % of imported marihuana arrive from Mexico, 20 % - from Canada.

Management researches on struggle against drugs and criminality preventive maintenance have shown that about 1/3 universal manufactures of marihuana it is necessary to the North America that makes 14 thousand т. On the second place on volume of made marihuana Africa of-12 thousand т (28 % of total amount). Less large, but important manufacturers - Southern Asia (9 %) and the Central Asia (5 %).

Morocco - the largest manufacturer of hashish supplying the West European market. Researches of 2004 have shown that in comparison with level of 2006 decrease культивирования cannabis on 10 % is observed, under cannabis crops has been occupied 120,5 thousand in hectare, whereas in 2003-134 thousand in hectare. From the collected crop in 2007 it has been made nearby 2760 т hashish. Despite the given small decrease, the tendency to growth as in manufacture, and the withdrawal volume, begun still in the early nineties the last century, proceeds.

The drugs having the widest turn all over the world, still there are two products of cannabis: marihuana and pitch of cannabis (hashish). The cannabis turn mentions almost all countries of the world. In the majority of the countries the volume of withdrawals of cannabis surpasses volume of withdrawals of other kinds of drugs. The volume of the withdrawn products of cannabis in 2007 on 24 % more than in 2006 also is the greatest since 1984. It exceeds volume of withdrawals of 90th years more than twice, and also level of 1999 - on 46 %. The universal volume of withdrawals of hashish has made in 2009 1361 т that on 25 % there is more than 2008. The volume of withdrawals basically has increased in the north of Africa (63 %), in the Near East (21 %) and in Europe (26 %)[15].

As already it was told above, cannabis remains to one of the most widespread drugs in the world: only in 2003 it consumed more than 161 million persons that make 4 % from an aggregate number of aged people of 15-64 years in the world. It is necessary to notice that from cannabis products marihuana uses the greatest popularity. Cannabis uses the greatest demand in Oceania, the North America and Africa. Cannabis consumption continues to grow in the world: 46 % from an order of 100 interrogated countries have declared growth of consumption and only 16 % - about its decrease. In particular it has mentioned the countries of Latin America, Caribbean basin and Central America, Western and the Eastern Europe and some countries of Asia.

Some groups of the preparations having a various spectrum of action concern synthetic drugs - from stimulators to барбитуратов, being, as a matter of fact, somnolent preparations. A variety of drugs of chemical substances used for manufacture, interchangeability of initial components provide availability and rather low production costs синтетиков. As initial components their uncontrollable analogues that reduce a risk level can be used. Consumption of synthetic drugs - such as "ecstasy" and amphetamine - steadily grows all over the world, partly because people do not realise degree of their danger.

By estimations, in 2008 the universal volume of output methamphetamine and amphetamine has made nearby 422 t, and a volume of output " ecstasy " - 90 t (basically MDMA). Thus, an annual volume of output of stimulators amphetamine a number (САР) above corresponding indicators on heroin, but more low - on cocaine. The basic manufacturers methamphetamine are East and South East Asia (including Myanma, China and Philippines) and the North America (the USA and Mexico). The basic manufacturers amphetamine and " ecstasy " are in Europe (78 %). The Netherlands (the largest manufacturer), Belgium, Poland concern their number, the states of Baltic and Germany[16].

In manufacture САР which universal volume has grown for last decade, the basic place occupies methamphetamine, and then follow "ecstasy" and amphetamine. In 2008 11253 underground laboratories have been liquidated. More than 80 % from them made methamphetamine. In the early nineties this share did not exceed 20 %. The tendency to decrease in 2007-2008 was replaced by growth of volume of withdrawals amphetamine with 13 %. Large withdrawals have been made in Thailand (20 %), China (18 %), the USA (14 %), Philippines (10 %), Great Britain, the Netherlands and Australia (on 6 %).

In Asia the consumption problem amphetamine costs on the second place after consumption опиатов: all 2/3 of consumers’ amphetamine and methamphetamine live here. In some countries preparations amphetamine groups became more popular some heroin. In 2008 amphetamine and methamphetamine used about 26 million persons that makes 0,6 % from world number of persons at the age from 15 till 64 years. Whereas "ecstasy" – 7,9 million persons.

Consumption "ecstasy" now basically is concentrated in Europe and the North America. The western and the Central Europe is the consumer of 1/3 world volumes "ecstasy". Hardly more low a consumption level in the North American countries - 30 %. All last decade universal consumption "ecstasy" steadily grew and, most likely, will continue the growth the next years though and not so it is prompt as, for example, in the late nineties. Invariable popularity and, as consequence, use distribution "ecstasy" in many developing countries remain. The turn of this branch of the drugs industry is estimated in 65 billion dollars a year[17].

Capacities of the laboratories intended for manufacture of heroin, allow making in parallel amphetamine. In the Western Europe, especially in the Netherlands and Great Britain, small laboratories of the big capacity are extended. Manufacture of stimulators in the states of Baltic, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Poland and the USA has extended.

As a whole synthetic drugs occupy a leading position among other groups of narcotic and strong substances. They do not demand long cultivation and the possible losses connected with it (for example, as a result of a drought, destruction of plantations, etc.); the minimum volume of substance (the dose can make a milligramme share) promotes more safe transportation, and the wide range of consumers provides high incomes. Besides, scientific and technical progress allows to synthesise drugs of new generation, cheaper and stronger.

Despite positive tendencies of decrease in manufacture of drugs in some countries, noted in the report of the United Nations on position with drugs in the world for 2004, drugs business continues to remain a highly remunerative kind of transnational, criminal activity. Manufacture of drugs of new generation allows to reduce the prices and to involve in an illegal drugs turn the increasing quantity of people. The structure of the transnational organisations which are engaged in drugs business, helps to duck out easily, endowing only local links of retail trade and couriers. The transnationality of character of activity does not allow jurisdictions of the separate countries to struggle effectively with drugs business. Thus drugs business actively stimulates other kinds of transnational criminal activity.

Interrelation of drugs business with other global problems of mankind

The problem of illegal manufacture of drugs very closely intertwines with other global problems of mankind. This distribution of AIDS, financing of activity of terrorists, organised crime development as a whole.

One more problem closely connected with a drug trafficking and having global character – polarisation of the states, the increasing deepening of an industrial inequality. In a context of a problem a camp of "the third world» attempt to consider an illegal drugs turn in the Report of the United Nations on position with drugs in the world for 2000 is made. According to experts of the United Nations, that geographically manufactures of drugs more and more concentrates in territory of such states – not simply coincidence. To approach to it is necessary not from that position that the states of "the third world» intentionally are engaged in drugs manufacture – are not present, illegal manufacture of drugs – only a symptom of deep problems of these countries, and a drugs problem – one of the most stubborn[18].

It concerns those states, whose institutes are so weak that cannot organise effective internal regulation and external safety, to the states incapable or doing not wish to provide protection to all levels of population. Besides, now the globe is shaken with 250 political conflicts of various intensity, nearby 30 from them have interstate character. Weakness of the states gives favorable possibilities for the organised criminal groups. The criminality, corruption of the state institutes, and, as consequence, laws grows cease to play a role. After only the organised crime starts to feel the force and to be convinced of it, about the lawful and effectively functioning state cannot be and speeches. The similar criminalised state formations are least interested in observance of human rights. If to the state there was something similar, restoration of normal conditions – the long, difficult and expensive process directed not only on construction of the state institutes, but also on elimination of contradictions among the country population, mutual distrust eradication.

All aforesaid causes involving of the population of the states of "the third world» in process of illegal manufacture of drugs. From this point of view, cultivation an opium poppy for the peasant in Afghanistan – search of ways of a survival in severe world around in the conditions of the long internal state conflict, stable conditions and daily threat for a life. In other cases manufacturers of drugs pay original "tax" from the profit, going on needs of insurgent groups, such as Revolutionary armed forces of Colombia. In both cases manufacture of drugs is the tool for achievement of wider purposes. The cook or opium poppy plays here only a role of the goods which can be sold well.