Ұсынылған аспапты «Миттал Стил Теміртау» АҚ-ның ұсталау-пресстеу цехы жағдайында өнеркәспітік-тәжірибелік сынақтан өткізу оны жоғары тиімділігін көрсетті. Жүргізілген зерттеулер нәтижелері дайындамаларды ұсынылған аспаппен ұсталаудың жазық тоқпақтармен ұсталауға қарағанда ұсталық бұйымдардың сапасын төменгі энергия шығынымен арттырадындығын көрсетті.
Жұмыстың тәжірибелік құндылығы:
- жүргізілген зерттеулер негізінде ұсталық бұйымдардың жоғары сапасын қамтамасыз ететін жаңа ұсталық аспап жасалған (№14306 ҚР алдын-ала патенті);
- жасалған технологиялық процесс «Миттал Стил Теміртау» АҚ ұсталау-пресстеу цехында өнеркәспітік-тәжірибелік сынақтан өтті және оң баға алды.
Nogaev Kayrosh Abilovich
Development and research of resource saving forging method providing increased quality billets
Speciality 05.03.05 - Technology and machine of processing by pressure
Object of research is the process of forging by the tool realizing intensive shear deformations of preparations.
The purpose of the dissertation research is the development and research of resource saving forging method providing increased quality billets.
The given purpose is concretized in statement and decision of the following tasks:
- theoretical and experimental substantiation of creation resource saving of a deformation methods and tool for its realization;
- perfection of a technique of research of deformation methods on the basis of numerical methods of mathematical modeling;
- definition is intense - is deformed condition of preparations at deformation by the new tool;
- realization of trial approbation of the developed way and tool under production conditions
- realization of an estimation of quality billets, received by a new way.
Scientific novelty of work:
On the basis of numerical methods of mathematical modeling the laws of development of intensive shear deformation in volume of metal of preparations and change of power parameters are revealed depending on technological parameters of deformation process. The rational design data and conditions of work of deformation tool are established, at which the optimum characteristics of the center of deformations and of power parameters of deformation process will be supplied.
The basic characteristics of work. In work the theoretical and experimental aspects of increase of quality billets by the tool realizing intensive shear of preparations are given. The deformation methods is proved, at which the intensive shear deformations in volume of metal of preparations can be realized by tools with flat working surfaces, and as a result finite-element modeling of deformation process the laws of development of intensive shear deformation in volume of metal of preparations and change of power parameters are revealed depending on technological parameters of deformation process, with which are a ratio of иг/ив of horizontal and vertical making moving of the top working surface of the tool and factor of friction between preparation and tool. Is established, that the best parameters is intense - is deformed condition of preparation and of hower parameters of process turn out at ratio иг/ив =2÷3 and at deformation of preparation by the tool with the roughly processed working surface without application of greasing. Thus as a result of development of shear deformations in volume of metal there is an intensive study of an axial zone of preparations to decrease of effort deformation almost in 2 times in comparison with deposit. The tool realizing offered of deformation methods, distinguished from existing by simplicity of a design, absence of difficult units is developed. As a result of mathematical modeling of work of the tool the influence of parameters of the tool on technological parameters of deformation process is revealed and is established, that most best parameters of deformation process turn out for the tool with a corner of an inclination a=30° at application of greasing on a contact surface between a working insert and top brisk. The adequacy of mathematical modeling of deformation process and work tools is experimentally established, that is expressed in qualitative concurrence of the received laws and affinity of quantitative results theoretical and experimental researches. Experimental and industrial try-out of the proposed tool in the conditions of the forge pressing shop of JSC “Mittal Steel Temirtau” showed its high efficiency. The research made showed the advantages of forging with the proposed tool as compared to forging with flat dies which is proved by increasing quality of forgings and cutting down power expenses.
Practical value of work:
- a new forging tool (pre-patent RK №14306) providing high quality of forgings at minimum reduction of the billet was developed on the basis of the research made;
- the developed technological process experimental and industrial try-out in of the forge pressing shop of JSC “Mittal Steel Temirtau” and has received a positive estimation.
Подписано к печати 14.02.2006г. Формат 60х84
Заказ №1200. Тираж 100 экз. Бумага типографская №1.
Объем – 1 усл. печ. л.
ЛОТ АО «КарМетИ»