
Экономическая теория преступлений и наказаний (стр. 2 из 2)

(5)Becker G.S. Crime and punishment: an economic approach // Journal of Political Economy. 1968. Vol. 76. № 2. Р. 169 - 217; Stigler G.J. The optimum enforcement of laws // Journal of Political Economy. 1970. Vol. 78. № 3. Р. 526 - 535.

(6)Polinsky A.M., Shavell S. The optimal trade-off between the probability and magnitude of fines // American Economic Review. 1979. Vol. 69. № 5. Р. 880 - 891; Ehrlich I. The optimum enforcement of laws and the concept of justice: a positive analysis // International Review of Law and Economics. 1982. Vol. 2. № 1. Р. 3 - 27.

(7)См., например: Landes W.M. An economic analysis of the courts // Journal of Law and Economics. 1971. Vol. 14. № 1. Р. 61 - 107.