
Пісня на уроці англійської мови в старшій школі (стр. 9 из 9)

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20. Шпак О.Т. Естетичне виховання учнів. – К., 1997.

21. Abbs B. Freebairn I. New Discovery. – 1996.

22. Evans V. Dooley J. Upstream Intermediate. – 2002.

23. Gillian Brown. Listening to Spoken English. – М.: Просвещение, 1984. – I – IV, 1 – 171 с. (5)

24. Jones, L., V. Kimborough. 1987. Great Ideas. Teacher’s Manual; listening and speaking activities for students of American English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

25. Kral T. (ed.). 1994. Teachers Development. Making the Right Moves. Selected Articles from the English Teaching Forum 1989-1993. Washington DC: United States Information Agency, English Language Programs Division

26. Pospieszyńska M. 1998. Listening Stages as the Key to Success in Developing Listening Comprehension. Unpublished M.A. thesis, written in UAM Poznań

27. Rixon S. 1986. Developing listening skills. London and Basingstoke: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

28. Underwood, M. 1989. Teaching Listening. New York: Longman.

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30. http://filolingvia.com/publ/178-1-0-655

31. http://www.tomsk.fio./ru/works/group16/devyatkova/index.htm

32. http://filolingvia.com/publ/178-1-0-657


The subject of the present course paper is “The work with English songs in English second language classroom in senior secondary school”. It is especially important nowadays since one of the specific methodological principles of foreign language teaching is the principle of skills integration. Listening is an important speech skill and one of the means of communication. It is often integrated with other skills (reading, speaking and writing) and is considered to be the basis of their further development.

This work is devoted to the study of efficiency, expediency and ways of using potential possibilities of listening as an effective means of teaching different speech habits and skills.

The aim of the work is to analyse the problem of using educational potential of listening as a means of teaching other communicative skills and language aspects and demonstrate practical application of listening as a means of teaching by developing a system of exercises in teaching listening to English songs in senior secondary school.

The research was carried out with the method of critical analysis of home and foreign experience in this field and also with the method of modeling which was used while working out exercises in teaching senior secondary school students listening to English songs.

The course paper is divided into the introduction, two chapters, and bibliography.

The first chapter headlined “Listening comprehension as a communicative skill” is divided into six subdivisions.

Here we highlighted such item as “Characteristic of listening comprehension and its main features”.

But the main focus of our attention was on the organization of work with authentic audio material in particular English songs in pre-, while- and post-listening.

The pre-listening phase is a kind of preparatory work which ought to make the context explicit, clarify purposes and establish roles, procedures and goals for listening. The pre-listening stage helps learners to find out the aim of listening and provides the necessary background information.

While-listening activities can be shortly defined as all tasks that students are asked to do during the time of listening to the text. The nature of these activities is to help learners to listen for meaning, that is to elicit a message from spoken language. The aim of the while-listening stage for students is to understand the message of the text not catching every word, they need to understand enough to collect the necessary information.

The post-listening stage comprises all the exercises which are done after listening to the text. Post-listening activities allow the learners to ‘reflect’ on the language from the passage; on sound, grammar and vocabulary as they last longer than while-listening activities so the students have time to think, discuss or write.

The second chapter headlined "Methodical development of series of exercises for the studies of listening as a type of language activity of 10-12 forms students of secondary school".

In this chapter we dwelt upon the development of series of exercises based on the "teaching complexes" as "Upstream" by Virginia Evans and "New Discovery" by Brian Abbs.

These activities practice accurate language use in all four language skills where listening being an integral part of language study is the basis of futher development of other speech habits and skills. Their clearly defined lexical syllabus concentrates on the following elements of vocabulary learning: learning new words in their lexical sets, developing good habits for learning vocabulary, such as using a monolingual dictionary and others. And in all these exercises and activities listening is an effective means of vocabulary and grammar acquisition.

To sum it up, the course paper is interesting for a thorough treatment of listening as an effective means of teaching English as a foreign language. The paper is based on the idea of skills integration, meets the practical needs of the educational process in senior secondary school.