
Тесты как средство контроля развития грамматических навыков учащихся 6 класса на уроках английского языка (стр. 8 из 9)

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1. The... . said the soonest mended.
2. Jim is not very tall. His brother Alec is... ...
as tall
the tallest
3. The more you know... . you forget. So why study?
the most
the more
4. Can you tell me the shortest way to... . bookstore?
the nest
the nearest
the nearer
5. I didn't like the book; it rather dull. The film is... ...
as interesting
more interesting
the most interesting
6. I have known Liz for years. She is... . than her sister Jane.
far more serious
a bit serious
not so serious
7. I like skiing... . as skating.
as much
as more
8. I like decent people... . serious ones.
as much as
as more as
9. There are not so many hot days this July. In fact there are... . of them this summer.
the least
10. Richard got... . good marks than Fred in the examinations.
11. Let’s not go by train. Going by bus is... ...
the most cheap
a lot cheaper
12. Leo drives a car well, but Collin does it... ...
the best
as well
13. I can’t walk very fast. You are younger; you can walk... ...
much faster
the fastest
14. The boys felt... . than the girls about losing the game.
the worst
15. I am sure a trolleybus is... . a metro.
as convenient as
not as convenient as
more convenient as

Приложение 4

Тест по английскому языку "Word Order"

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1... ... a strange light coming from the sky.
I have just seen
just I have seen
I have seen just
2. Collin didn't like the climate in the north of Canada;... . in winter.
it was too cold there
too cold was it there
it was cold there too
3... ... when I come home from work.
I am usually very tired
Usually I am very tired
I am very tired usually
4. The food at that restaurant was very tasty; I have... . before.
never eaten such good food
never eaten so good food
never such good food eaten
when does out train leave
when our train leaves
when our train leave
6. They would like to buy... . chalet house.
not very old, wooden, nice, four-bedroom Swiss
a wooden, Swiss, not very old, nice, four-bedroom
a nice, four-bedroom, not very old, wooden Swiss
7. There... . on TV. In fact there are less of them nowadays.
are not enough good films
good films are not enough
not enough are good films
write a letter to her parents every week
a letter to her parents write every week
every week write a letter to her parents
9. The picture was very beautiful;... ...
I very much liked it
I it liked very much
I liked it very much
10. Nancy... . when she learnt about her mother's illness.
was awfully upset
awfully was upset
was upset awfully
11. I was glad that... . after his recent illness.
John looked so well
John looked such well
John so well looked
12... ... to take the children to the circus.
Ask William if would he like
Ask if William he would like
Ask William if he would like
13. I don't want to invite Nora to my birthday party;... ...
I don't well enough know her
I don't know her well enough
I don't enough well know her
14... ... riding Anna's bicycle in the forest?
Who did Nick see
Who Nick saw
Who saw Nick
15.I... . a very long vacation, I can't afford it.
usually don't take
don't usually take
don't take usually

Приложение 5