
Зміни гемодинаміки регіонального кровообігу, метаболічних показників крові при невропатії лицьового нерва у осіб похилого віку та методи їх корекції (стр. 5 из 5)

Ключевые слова: невропатия лицевого нерва, гемодинамика, кровообращение, метаболизм, лица пожилого возраста, коррекция.


Korotnyev V.N. Changes of hemodynamics, regional blood circulation, blood metabolic parameters at neuropathy of facial nerve in elderly individuals and methods of their correction. – Manuscript.

The dissertation on obtaining of scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences on specialty 14.03.04 – pathological physiology. – Lugansk State Medical University. - Lugansk, 2008.

This thesis is devoted to the study of changes of hemodynamics, regional blood circulation, blood metabolic parameters at neuropathy of facial nerve in elderly individuals and methods of their correction. The results of the research are carried out on 200 patients with the neuropathy of facial nerve and 30 practically healthy people. On the basis of the obtained clinical, biochemical and neurological data the prediction criteria of the outcome of facial nerve neuropathy clinical duration have been developed. It has been noted that the leading mechanisms in the illness development in this age group are hemodynamic abnormalities and state of platelet-vascular hemostasis. Pathogenetic therapy at the stage of the recovery period included: anticholinesterase drugs, anticonvulsant, antiaggregants, vasoactive substances, metabolics. Pharmacotherapy during the residual period of the facial nerve neuropathy consists of the following drug groups: neuromuscular relaxants, metabolics, neuroprotectors, physiotherapy included wax-mud treatment, electrostimulation, and electrophoresis. All patients with muscles contractures have had postisometric relaxation of facial muscles. On the basis of the results of mexidol application to the patients with the neuropathy of facial nerve in the dose of 30 and 60 mg and its capacity for the decrease of serotonin-clearing and aggregative capacity of blood platelets it is considered pathogenetically founded to apply it to this pathology.

Key words: facial nerve neuropathy, hemodynamics, blood circulation, metabolism, elderly individuals.

Підписано до друку “11” липня 2008 р. Формат 60*90/16. Папір для писання.

Умовних. друк. арк. 0,9. Тираж 120 прим. Замовлення № 45. Безкоштовно.

ПП Гайдаш І.С., Україна, 91007, Луганськ, вул. Привізна, 47а.