
Западноевропейское искусство от Хогарта до Сальвадора Дали (стр. 12 из 12)

Make sure you know how to pronounce the following words:

Surrealist [s@Pri@list]; Camembert [Pk{m@mbe@]; Catalan [Pk{t@l@n]; monstrous [Pmonstr@s]; Vermeer [ve@Pmi@]; Freud [Pfroid]


The Persistence of Memory - "Постоянство памяти"

Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: Premonition of Civil War - "Мягкая конструкция с вареными бобами: предчув­ствие гражданской войны"

pullulate [Ppöljuleit] - бот. прорастать


I. Read the text. Make sure you understand it. Mark the fol­lowing statements true or false.

1. In Parish 1926 Dali fell under the influence of Matisse.

2. In the early 1920s Dali produced paintings that recalled the works of his idols Botticelli and Goya.

3. Dali painted terrifying images with tremendous force.

4. The idea of The Persistence of Memory occurred to Dali while he was eating oranges.

5. The Persistence of Memory was first exhibited at the British Museum.

6. The Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: Premonition of Civil War is the most fearful image in the entire history of art.

II. How well have you read? Can you answer the following questions?

1. What does Salvador Dali typify?

2. What was Freud's impact on Dali's creative activity?

3. What did Dali begin producing when he set out on his individual style? What was Dali's desire? What was the result of it?

4. What is Dali's best-known early Surrealist painting? How was this painting termed by the New-York public? Why is this painting disturbing? What is represented in this picture? What is shown in the background?

5. What is depicted in the Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: Premonition of Civil War? What is shown in the fore­ground? Why is this painting the most frightful image in the entire history of art?

6. When did Dali move to the Christian art?

III. i. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases:

the Surrealist movement; to experiment with semi-abstract forms; to set out on his individual path; pictures of a quality and brilliance; terrifying images; the magical virtuosity of his draughtsmanship and colour; astonished, horrified and fascinated public; to render with hallucinatory clarity; a Catalan bay; mon­strous fragments; against a desolate sky; the history of art; to move to Christian art; magical fantasy.

ii. Give English equivalents of the following phrases:

высокохудожественные произведения; сюрреализм; ве­ликолепное мастерство рисунка и цвета; вступить на свой собственный путь; экспериментировать с полуабстрактными формами; изумленные, очарованные зрители; обратиться к христианскому искусству; на фоне "мертвого" неба; передать с удивительной точностью; чарующая фантазия; ужасные образы; искусствоведение.

iii. Make up sentences of your own with the given phrases.

iv. Arrange the following in the pairs of synonyms:

a) frightful; magical; public; desolate; virtuosity;

b) enchanting; barren; terrifying; excellence; people.

IV. Here are descriptions of some of Dali's works of art. Match them up to the titles given below.

1. Monstrous fragments of humans tower against a desolate sky partly covered with filmy clouds.

2. The "wet watches" are disturbing in their destruction of the very idea of time.

a. The Persistence of Memory

b. Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: Premonition of Civil War.

V. Translate the text into English.

Сальвадор Дали воплотил в своем творчестве кульминацию сюрреализма. Алогичность Дали уводила зрителя в область фан­тазии. Устрашающим ассоциациям художник иногда придавал определенный политический смысл.

Исследователи отмечают два приема в творчестве Дали: либо в абсолютно нереальный пейзаж художник вводит предме­ты нарочито будничные, либо искажает реальное до какого-либо чудовищного образа.

Во время второй мировой войны центр сюрреализма пе­реместился в Америку, туда переехал и Дали. В 1947 г. с выстав­ки в нью-йоркском музее современного искусства начался като­лический сюрреализм Дали. Произведения 50-х годов не имеют никакой деформации. Они выполнены на высоком профессио­нальном уровне ("Тайная вечеря", 1955; "Св. Иаков", 1957). Дали также писал картины, в которых он пытался примирить религию и науку.

В 60-е годы сюрреалист стал уступать свои позиции новой волне абстракционизма и новым направлениям авангардизма, прежде всего искусству поп-арта.

VI. Summarize the text.

VII. Topics for discussion.

1. Dali's fantasy and reality.

2. Dali's form and colour.

3. Dali's subject-matters.


Andersen, Wayne, Gauguin’s Paradise Lost, Viking, N.-Y., 1971

Antal, Frederick, Hogaith, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Lnd., 1962

Barr, Alfred H., Jr., Matisse, His Art and His Public. N.-Y., 1960

Boeck, Wilhelm and Sabartes, J., Picasso, Abrams, N.-Y., 1955

Breton, Andre, Surrealism and Painting, Harper & Row, N.-Y., 1972

Christensen, Ervin O.,A Pictoi lal History of Western Art, Lnd., 1968

Fried lander, Walter F., From David to Delacroix, Schocken, N.-Y., 1968

Hudson, Derek, Sir Joshua Reynolds: A Personal Study, G. Bles, Lnd., 1958

Nochhil, Linda,Impressionism and Post-Impressionism 1874-1904: Sources and Documents in the History of Art, N.-Y. 1966

Pach, Walter,Pierre Auguste Renoir, Abrams, N.-Y. 1950

Pbacock Саrlos,John Constable:The Man and His Work, Lnd., 1971

Reynolds, Graham,Turner, N.-Y. 1969

Rewald, John,Camille Pissarro, Аbrаms N.-Y. 1963

Rewald, John, The History oj Impressionism. N.-Y., 1973

Waterhouse, Ellis К.Gainsborough, 2d ed., Spring Books, Lnd., 1966

Детская энциклопедия. Изд., 2, т. 12 М., 1968

Энциклопедический cловарь, Брокгауз – Эфрон. М., 1991


ВВЕДЕНИЕ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

UNIT I HOGARTH (1697-1764)....................................................................................................................................................... 2

UNIT II GAINSBOROUGH (1727-1788)......................................................................................................................................... 3

UNIT III REYNOLDS (1723-1792)................................................................................................................................................... 5

UNIT IV INGRES (1780-1867).......................................................................................................................................................... 6

UNIT V GOYA (1776-1828)............................................................................................................................................................... 9

UNIT VI DELACROIX (1798-1863).............................................................................................................................................. 12

UNIT VII CONSTABLE (1776-1837)............................................................................................................................................ 14

UNIT VIII TURNER (1775-1851)................................................................................................................................................... 16

UNIT IX COURBET (1819-1877)................................................................................................................................................... 18

UNIT X MANET (1823 -1883)......................................................................................................................................................... 21

UNIT XI MONET (1840-1926)........................................................................................................................................................ 23

UNIT XII PISSARRO and RENOIR............................................................................................................................................... 27

UNIT XIII CEZANNE (1839-1906)................................................................................................................................................ 28

UNIT XIV TOULOUSE-LAUTREC (1864-1901)......................................................................................................................... 31

UNIT XV GAUGUIN (1848-1903).................................................................................................................................................. 33

UNIT XVI VAN GOGH (1853-1890).............................................................................................................................................. 35

UNIT XVII MATISSE (1869-1954)................................................................................................................................................ 37

UNIT XVIII PICASSO (1881-1973)............................................................................................................................................... 39

UNIT XIX SALVADOR DALI (1904-1989).................................................................................................................................. 43