
Гипотеза о механизме влияния сверхмалых доз биологически-активных веществ (БАВ) на биологические системы (стр. 2 из 2)

Initial characteristics of objects also affect the process of signal reception on the side of biological target, similarly to the pattern of initial status of harmonic oscillator impact on the process of resonance emergence under the influence of external inducing oscillation with resonance frequency.

The hypothesis presented provides grounds to conclude that to ensure desired effect on a biological target contained in the solution, it would not be necessary to introduce BAS; suffice it to generate oscillations in the solution, manifesting wave profile identical to the oscillations available in the solution containing biologically active substance. Considering that oscillations of biological molecules fall to infrared and terahertz range, one should search for resonance frequencies of biological targets in the area specified. Basing on the principle of operation of resonance heterodyne indicator, it is possible to empirically find resonance frequency of any given biological target or to establish it in the scope of studying the vibration spectra of BAS solutions. Oscillations concerned can be produced with the aid of frequency modulation coherent electromagnetic radiation to secure radiation with resonance frequency of the target’s active center.

Effects produced over biosystems by low-intensity electromagnetic radiations and fields should be reasoned through direct influence on oscillations generated by molecules of solvent and biological targets.

To sum it all up, we could emphasize main postulates of proposed hypothesis of resonance activation of the given target through oscillations generated by molecules of the solvent:

1. Oscillations of the activator’s molecule are evolutionarily resonant to the intrinsic frequency of the target’s active center;

2. Oscillations of the target’s molecule are transmitted to the target’s active center along the grid of Hydrogen bonds of the given solvent;

3. Molecules of the solvent get integrated to the oscillatory ensemble of molecules of the target and of the activator, producing certain influence on the vibratory parameters, which finally impacts sensitivity level of the harmonic oscillator of the target;

4. Transmission of inducing vibrations from molecules of the activators and interaction between oscillations so transmitted follow general laws, applicable to the waves that stipulate for development of the effects of BAS used in ultra-low doses;

5. Atarget can be activated by means of modulated electromagnetic radiation applied to generate oscillations of the solvent’s molecules, manifesting wave profile similar to the oscillations produced by molecules of the activator.