
Слухай та говори англійською про економіку (стр. 2 из 12)

3.2. Why does the company organize a press conference when the six-monthly results are announced?

3.3. What does the legal department do regarding government legislation?

3.4. Why do you think the «Greens» will be pleased about the

closure of the plant?

4. Language focus

4.1. Present continuous — future reference

Look at the following sentence taken from the Listening passage:

«Our press relations officer is organizing a press conference in a couple of months’ time...»

Now change the following sentences so that they express fixed arrangements rather than intentions:

1. The managing director is going to fly to Dubai next week.

2. The production department aims to install a new machine next month.

3. What are you planning to do at the weekend?

4. The chairman intends to resign in the next few months.

5. The marketing department plans to move offices soon.

6. Which market do you intend to concentrate on next year?

7. Our strategy is going to be implemented during the year.

8. We aim to increase prices during the next quarter.

4.2. Going to — future reference

Look at the following sentences taken from the Listening passage:

«There’s going to be a piece about the drug...»

«It’s going to be important...»

Now read through the following dialogue. Correct the verbs in italics if you think it necessary:

A: How’s the press release going?

В: Oh, I haven’t finished it yet. Don’t worry, it’s going to be ready

on time. A: Good. I’ve got a meeting with the ad agency tomorrow at 9.

Could you come?

В: Just a moment. I’m going to look at my diary ... Yes, that’s going to be okay. What will you discuss?

A: We will talk about the new campaign.

В: Right, I’m certainly going to be there.

A: Great. Look, I will go to lunch in half an hour. What about talking it over together first?

В: Sorry, I’ve got another appointment at lunch. We could meet later this afternoon, if you like?

A: Okay, let’s say 4 o’clock in my office. В: Fine, I’m going to be there.

5. Word study

Find the best synonym. Match the words and expressions on the left with those on the right.

1. legislation

a. an opinion

2. to brief

b. to prepare

3. a piece c. a matter
4. to sponsor d. laws
5. to lobby

e. six-monthly

6. unease

f. to inform

7. voice g. anxiety
8. spokesperson h. to take care of
9. closure

i. to support

10. issue

j. a shut down

11. to look after

k. to influence

12. twice yearly

l. part of a programme

13. to draw up m. a representative

6. Transfer

Now write a press release based on the activities planned by the PR department.


1. Pre-Listening Task

1.1. What differences do you think there are between consumer and industrial buying behaviour?

1.2. How important do you think relationships (personal factors) are in the industrial buying process?

2. Listening and note-taking

Listen to the discussion among three members of a purchasing department. As you listen, indicate the ranking (1—3) they give to the factors identified in Chart 4.

«A», the first speaker is Mark, «B» is the chairman, «C», and the

second speaker is Peter.

Chart 4

Routine purchases


cial purchases
Delivery capability A В С A В С
Repair service
Technical capability
Financial strength

3. Comprehension check

3.1. Why does the first speaker prioritize financial strength?

3.2. Why do you think he feels price is not such an important factor in the case of special purchases?

3.3. Why is the chairman surprised that neither of the previous speakers have prioritized repair service?

3.4. Why does the chairman need to agree on a ranking for these factors?

4. Language focus

4.1 Conditionals

Look at the following sentence taken from the Listening passage:

«If I had to choose for our routine purchases, I’d put quality first...» Make theoretical or hypothetical statements about the following situations:



demand slumps increase advertising
poor weather sales decrease
war breaks out scale down production

boss resigns get his job! strike negotiate with unions

stop smoking much healthier

1. If demand slumped, ___________________________________

4.2. Either/neither

Look at the following sentences taken from the Listening passage:

«I’m not sure I agree entirely with either of you». «I’m surprised neither of you mentioned repairs». Complete the following sentences with:

Either neither too nor or both

1. John and Sarah ________ agree. Peter does _________.

2. _______ Simon _______ Ann agree with you. They _____ think you are crazy.

3. You can ______ leave the firm of your own free will ______ be fired. In any case, I want you out.

4. ______ Peter ______ Roger like living in London. I don’t like it ________.

5. _______ Marketing and Production share the same opinion about the need for higher quality. However, ______ of them have come forward with any concrete proposals.

5. Word study

The six criteria are listed below. Match the adjectives with criteria to which they may apply:

Criteria Adjectives
1. Delivery capability a. experienced b. sound c. punctual
2. Quality d. assured
Criteria Adjectives e. expensive f. efficient
3. Price

g. weak

h. skilled i. delayed
4. Repair service j. reasonable k. poor 1. reliable
5. Technical capability m. unstable n. cheap o. slow
6. Financial position

p. excellent

q. friendly

r. up-to-date

6. Transfer

Below is an extended list of supplier attributes. Draw up your own system of weighting (prioritizing) for the ten most important attributes. Write a short memo explaining why you have decided on this order.

Delivery capability Training aids
Quality Management and organization
Price Packaging capability
Repair service Moral/legal issues
Technical capability Geographical location
Financial strength Labor relations record
Production facilities Communications
Reputation Attitude towards buyer


1. Pre-Listening Task

Some companies produce very similar products (e. g. a number of brands of detergent) under different names and then position them differently in the same market.

What are the advantages of doing this?

2. Listening and note-taking

Listen to the product management meeting. They are discussing how the new dental gum should be positioned in the market. As you listen, use Chart 5 to indicate the preferences of the speakers.

Chart 5


Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Product attributes: a. prevents decay b. minty taste Usage: after meals Competitive advantage: Company image

3. Comprehension check

3.1. How long have they been developing Dentigum?

3.2. When was Dentimint launched?

3.3. What monthly sales figure has Dentimint been achieving?

3.4. What supports speaker 1’s argument in favour of usage


3.5. How long has their company been in dental care?

3.6. What is the danger of stressing the breakthrough in a new product class area?

4. Language focus

4.1. Present perfect versus past simple

Look at the following sentences taken from the Listening passage:

«Dentigum has been developed over the last two years».

«Dentimint was launched four months ago».

Now complete the following sentences by putting the verbs into either the present perfect or the past simple:

1. We _______________________ (reach) our targets last year.

2. Sales _________________ (fall) since the beginning of June.

3. Contracts ______ (be signed) but work _______ (not begin) yet.

4. The marketing department __________ (recruit) two new assistants so far this year.

5. We ________ (start) the advertising campaign last month and since then sales _________ (rocket).

6. Our research _____________ (be carried out) last year but I still ____________ (not see) the results.

7. Turnover _____ (rise) dramatically since we ____ (be founded).

8. We ______ (expect) a fall in profits last year as our costs nearly __________ (double).

9. We _____ already (sell) more units this year than we _________ (do) in the whole of last year.

10. He ______ (feel) we should __________ (not take on) so many salespeople last year.

4.2. Present perfect continuous

Look at the following sentence taken from the Listening passage:

«Dentinimt has been achieving monthly sales оf 50,000».

Now decide which of the following verbs can be put in the present perfect continuous in order to stress the ongoing nature of the event.

Make the necessary changes:

1. Liverpool has won all its matches this season.

2. Liverpool has played very well this season.

3. We have sold 250 units this quarter.

4. Our sales strategy has worked very well.

5. It has rained all day.

6. It has been cold since March.

7. He has been ill for two days. 8. I’ve tried to telephone you all day.

9. We have survived the competition.

10. Prices have fallen from 15p a unit to 12p.

5. Word study

Use the appropriate forms of the words/expressions below to complete the text: to beat someone to it a breakthrough to be in the field of

household name track record to make something of to build a customer base to trade on

Grade Health Care have an impressive 1. ______. They were the first 2. ______ of anti-rheumatic drugs when they made a 3. ______ in the treatment of arthritis. Some of their drugs in this field have become so well-known that they are 4. ______. They are now able to 5. ______ their name in this field to launch drugs in other areas. Although one of their competitors — Smithsons — 6. ______ it when they launched a new antibiotic, Grade have 7. ______ in this area too. They were able to 8. ______ of their antibiotic by stressing their reputation in other health areas.

6. Transfer

Write a short report summarising the targeting and positioning you recommend for Dentigum.


1. Pre-Listening Task

1.1. What are the dangers of being a one-product company?

1.2. What are the dangers of over-extending a company’s product spread?

2. Listening and note-taking

Listen to the presentation given by the managing director of the training organisation. As you listen, complete Charts 6 to 9.

Chart 6


Language training a.____________________ b.____________________


English french Presentation skills Leadership skills

a.___________________ d.___________________ f.___________________
b.___________________ c.___________________ e.___________________ g.___________________

Chart 8


Group a.____________
Individual b.____________ c.__________________
English training Presentation skills Leadership skills

Chart 9


a. Product mix + ____________________________________________________

b. Product line + ____________________________________________________

c. Product depth + __________________________________________________

3. Comprehension check

3.1. What is the difference between a public and a company seminar?

3.2. Do you think information technology training would be consistent with their existing product mix?

3.3. Which of the potential product development areas (mix, line or depth) would be the most risky?

4. Language focus

Look at the following sentences taken from the Listening passage:

«A second area might be to stretch one of the product lines...»

«Alternatively, we could focus on some of our more profitable training areas...»

Now match the expressions:

1. It’s certain a. We’re likely to survive
2. It’s probable b. We could develop a new product
3. It’s possible c. We can’t survive
4. It’s just possible d. We will develop a new product
5. It’s improbable e. We should reach 20,000

6. It’s impossible f. There’s a slight chance of success

g. We’re unlikely to reach 40,000

h. We might go bankrupt

i. There’s no chance of surviving

5. Word study

Many verbs have derivative forms (noun, adjectives, etc.). For example: to produce a product, production, productive, productivity