
Концепты любовь и ненависть в русском и американском языковых сознаниях (стр. 21 из 46)


Свободный ассоциативный эксперимент

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joy(2); risk; happiness(3); hard to find; affection; total trust and contentment; patient; kind; selfless; always considerate of the other; trust; rare to meet; tenderness; freedom from fear; a happy family; wife; girlfriend; son, mother, father; lust; purest and selfless feeling; a grassland with colorful flowers; a pumping heart that glows; friends and family; security; passion; caring; red rose; conquers; deep attachment; attachment to another person; pretty; a feeling for someone else. hatred; fear; dislike; detest; indifference; enemy; hate(15).


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mate(2); sex(3); opposite sex friend for life; affectionate; husband(2); wife(2); someone who cares overwhelmingly for you; a couple heading toward mar- riage; best friend; devoted per- son; the person I want to have sex with; person you phisically love; Romeo and Juliet; a pair of chop sticks; boyfriend(2); girlfriend; a boy who loves me; companion; perfect guy or girl; pleasure-giver; spouse; someone you have intimate feelings for; a person you love. Nemesis; ex; enemy(4); fighter; hater(7); bored spouse; person that doesn’t appeal to another person; opponent; normal person; stranger; someone you hate.


adored(4); someone deeply cared for; husband; wife; someone you love(2); honor; cherished person; the person I want

to wake up with; much- loved(2); to be loved; feeling loved; liked; family member (esp.mother); deceased; treasu- red person; a child; smth.\smbd. you are very fond of; precious; tragic; the person whom you love most in the world.

scorned; disliked(3); stranger; enemy(3); indifferent; hated(3); unwanted companion; unloved (2); hatred; unbeloved; to be despised(2); acquaintance; disrespect; not care about; back stabber.


a mother gives preference to one son over another; smth. most liked; smth. you like the most; most liked; best(3); the thing you enjoy or like the most; chocolate; number one choice; the one I think of most often; person or thing most liked; prefer; preferred; preferred over others; Teddy Bear; best friend; disliked(3); least favourite(2); less wanted; unwanted(2); undesired; avoided; distain; dork; rejected(2); one I dislike most; despised(2); unpopular; hate the most; singled out; worst; contempted; non existent; I don’t know.


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preferred choice; lovable; chosen my opinion; an indispensable beauty product; pet; wellliked; my precise items; food; I don’t know.


fan(4); flattered; follower(2); a guy enjoys watching a girl, although doesn’t plan to do anything about it; someone who sees good qualities in a person, group or thing; someone who has interest in you; stocker; lover; one who approves another on principal; someone who appreciates you; well-wisher; supporter; sweetheart; Michael Jackson’s fans; to admire smbd.; to look up to; envious; devotee; someone who is fond of you; someone who adores you; someone who really likes you; red roses; someone who admires you but you don’t know. smbd., who doesn’t like smbd.; stalker(2); non-follower; enemy; detractor(2); stocker; shunner; not appreciate me; rival; enemy(2); antagonist; disliker; hater; critic; someone who doesn’t like you; despiser; kind of like an enemy (not as strong of feelings though).


smbd. who avidly follows the career of a movie star; groupie; fan of music; someone who respects smbd. else; uncritical adoration; someone who has interest in what you can do; breeze; worshipper(2); one of a group of admirers; one who is crazy about you; air; admirer(3); audience of a concert; to like someone a lot; idol; follower; someone to help motivate you; someone who is devoted; stalker; someone who enjoys what you do. not a fan(2); rival; nonsupporter; detractor; worst critic; critic; heater; one who dislikes; revaler; not admirer; opponent(3); opposer; riots; nonworshiper; no feelings of devotion or attachment; hate-mail.


Свободный ассоциативный эксперимент

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betrayal; the girlfriend of a married man; affair(3); sexual lover; fornicator; adulterer; concubine(2); bed; slut; secret lover; secret lover of a married man; prostitute(2); host; someone other than lover; temptation; the other woman; fling; girlfriend with a marriage; the lover of a man who is often already married; whip; someone who interferes with love. wife(8); ex; Master; floor; bride; female I respect, but have no sexual desires for; upright woman; decent woman; grandma; lover.


romantic relationship, but not yet serious; teenager; I’ve got the best; significant other; cares about you; seeks your company; smbd. a girl would be in a serious relationship with; Jeremy; male companion; companion; a male half of a couple; a close male friend of an unmarried girl; male friend; protector; girl has a boyfriend; respect; gentleman friend; security; lover; a guy you are dating; a male someone has special feelings for; a feeling of attachment, commitment and loyalty; amusing; someone to turn to. friend(3); girlfriend(7); exboyfriend(2); enemy; male enemy; husband; pest; male the girl knows, but not very interested in; hate boyfriend; jerk; buddy; a boy you have no intimate feelings for; Who?


significant other; in a romantic relationship but not serious yet; teenager; my good friends of the same sex; cares about you; seeks your company; smbd. a boy would be in a serious relationship with; Dike; female companion; companion; a fe

male half of a couple; a close

friend(2); boyfriend(7); exgirlfriend; enemy; female enemy; wife; pest; a girl I know but not very interested in; hate girlfriends; shit; buddy; a girl you have no intimate feelings for; dog; back-stabber.


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ный эксперимент

female friend of an unmarried man; female friend; comforter; boy has a girlfriend; indepen- dence; lady friend; stability; warmth; lover; a girl you are dating; a female someone has special feelings for; a feeling of attachment, commitment and loyalty; sleep over; someone to go shopping with.


someone cute and sweet; cute(2); cuddle; kittens; easy to love; caring; easy to care about; smbd. you want to give affection to; hug; strongly likable; unthreatening; likable; adorable(2); attractive; babies; able to love someone; personality; affectionate; charity; good-natu- red; having the potential to love; easy to be loved; warm personality; soft; capable of being loved. unlovable; hateable(4); despica- ble(2); horrible; hateful(2); irritating; cold; offensive; a turn off; gross; disgusting; distaste- ful; hatred; despisable; hostile; not easily liked; prickly; mean.


someone with an open, warm nature; affectionate(2); mother; caring(5); thoughtful; shows that he cares about smbd. else; who gives affection often; cherishing; expressing love through actions; tender; kind(2); romantic; parents(2); love someone; significant other; to show affection; enchanting; embraces; gentle; acting with love; feeling or showing of affection. unloving; hateful; mean; uncaring(2); violent; hating(7); spiteful; mad; indifferent(2); unkind; unfriendly; unaffectionate; not sentimental; not sensitive; loa- thed; despising; do not display affection.


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ный эксперимент


baby feels towards his mother; siblings; connection(2); relati- onship(2); commitment; some form of tie; connected; they won’t leave each other’s side; extra; engagement; dependence; bond(2); certificates sent with university applications; being stuck on to someone; possessiveness; close relationship between two people; togetherness; loyal; tied; fell you are “one person”; obsession; felling close to someone. coldness; separation(2); no strings; no connection; detachment(3); independent; loathe; disattachment; independence; repulsion; detachment (4); gap between two people; unrelated; no feeling of togetherness or a want to be together; ignore; distance.

To fall in love

best thing in the world; butterflies in the belly; butterflies; fireworks in your eyes; smiles; laughter; content; enchant; to be in love with smbd., but it’s not yet clear for how long; you can’t live without the loved one; a form of a madness; not real love; when smbd. starts to like smbd. strongly; bond; to feel a strong affection for; to take the drug called eros; to realize that you love a particular person; to be blindly insane for a moment; falling in a hole with pillows; to love someone a lot; attractiveness; butterflies in your stomack; to fly; to feel love and respect for; to go blind of the other person’s faults; feeling yourself becoming attached; a problem; to come into caring for someone. to be indifferent; to separate from love; to begin to hate someone; despise(2); to fall out of love(4); player; to learn to hate; to make up disgusted; end the relationship; look down on; increasing hatred; to hate someone really; dislike; haven’t experienced much; to detest; to feel like you don’t like each other; broken heart; to grow apart.


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To love

to be willing to die for another person; difficult; to be devoted to; find irresistible; to be attached to someone; care with all your heart; to care(3); connect; to care overwhelmingly about someone; to give love; to give; to cherish; to express love as an active verb; to have a deep feeling for someone; to respect; Jesus Christ; to like someone a lot; to feel; to be free from all worries – freedom!; to show affection; understanding; tolerance; marriage; have a passion; complicated. to hate(15); to detest; to destroy; to endure; to have no life; boring; to loathe.
To have a crush on smbd. liking someone you can’t have; a lot of fun; infatuation(4); to be infatuated by someone; a form of love, usually this love is not also felt by the loved one; a desire to get to know smbd. deeper; sweet; to simper and swoon; to be crazy about someone; to feel undeclared love; desert becomes an Oasis; to think about them before going to sleep and skipping a heartbeat when seeing them; liking; want to be able to know the person intimately; fun; to want to get to know someone better. to dislike someone(4); to start disliking smbd.; not to have a crush on someone; to be in love with someone; loathe; to recover; to not consider liking; to avoid someone; to have hatred on someone; to despise some- one’s physical appearance; no excitement; to despise someone; to have strong feeling of dislike for someone; to not care.

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