Вправа 50. Перекладіть речення українською мовою згідно з моделями, беручи до уваги ознаки умовного способу.
| Необхідно, щоб він слухався своїх батьків. |
1. It is important that you do this work. 2. It is requested that nobody should know about it. 3. It is desirable that you be in time. 4. It is advisable that everybody consult a doctor before going to the south. 5. It is strange that he should say such a thing.
They demanded that she come immediately | Вони вимагали, щоб вона прийшла негайно. |
1. Does your teacher demand that you answer at the chalkboard? 2. Her parents insist that she do her morning exercises every day. 3. We have arranged that she be met at the station. 4. The teacher recommends that you work hard at your English. 5. The doctor suggested that he should not smoke.
It is warm today as if it were spring | Сьогодні тепло, начебто весна. |
1. She looks as if she were ill. 2. I am so hungry, I could eat a horse. 3. I shall give it to you lest you should get into trouble.
4. The house would be comfortable to live in but for the constant noise. 5. Even if the work were twice as difficult I would not refuse to do it. 6. They spoke about the book as though they themselves had been the authors. 7. If only I had listened to your advice!
8. It is time you knew grammar. 9. It is high time you had changed your opinion of him.
He would not recognize you | |
1. I would have given you a different answer. 2. Nobody would have blamed them. 3. He could have managed it alone. 4. One might have thought you forgot something. 5. To describe his appearance would require the language of an Eastern story-teller. 6. He would have understood you. 7. So be it then.
1. If he were really my friend he would call me. 2. If the rain stopped we would go for a walk. 3. The skates would fit you if they were properly adjusted. 4. I could do it today if I had any free time. 5. If I were in your place I would try harder. 6. If we had not lost our way we would have arrived sooner. 7. If you had let me know that you wanted to speak to me I would have called on you.
Had you informed us earlier, we would have taken the necessary steps. Якби ви повідомили нас раніше, ми б вжили необхідні засоби. |
1. Had they known that he was there, they would have called him. 2. Had it not been for your advice, I would have acted differently. 3. Had it not been for your help they would not have finished the work in time. 4. Were I in your place I would be very worried. 5. Were I you I would take a taxi.
I wish we | saw them more often had seen them more often | Прикро, що ми не часто бачимось з ними. Прикро, що ми не часто бачились з ними. |
1. I wish you knew him well. 2. They wish you read more.
3. We wished he had not known about that. 4. I wished she had not come. 5. I wish I had had more time. 6. I wish I had never thought about it.
Вправа 51. Знайдіть речення, присудок яких має форму умовного способу, та вкажіть його ознаки. Перекладіть подані речення українською мовою.
1. It is high time you understood it is no joking matter. 2. If only I had known the kind of man he was. 3. If you happen to be at the meeting, congratulate him. 4. If a child does not go to a good school, he can not go to a good university. 5. Whatever be the reason for it we cannot tolerate it. 6. He left a message lest she should forget to ring him up. 7. If you come and see us in autumn, you will enjoy a lot of fruit. 8. The congress demanded that the law continue to operate. 9. She looks as if she were tired. 10. Would you have made the mistake if you had known the rule? 11. They are sure to get a good job if they work hard. 12. He had told us the truth before he left. 13. Where would you go if you were on leave? 14. She said that she would work hard. 15. We knew that they would catch the train. 16. Even if he told the truth, nobody would believe him. 17. He acts as though he were rich.
Завдання 1. 1) В кожному реченні:
а) знайдіть присудок в умовному способі та вкажіть його оз-наки;
б) знайдіть підмет та присудок і перекладіть їх українською мовою. 2) Перекладіть речення українською мовою.
1. Although the book was written, it prob-effort — зусилля ably would have gone unnoticed were it not for the efforts made by General Mo- tors to discredit its author.
2. The problem of teenage unemployment employer — наймач,
would be solved if employers were allowed to pay teenagers lower wages than they must pay adult workers.
3. For reasons given below this might not be so illogical as it appears at first.
4. Mercantilists argue that nations behave as if it were merchants competing with one another for profit.
роботодавець wage — заробітна плата
mercantilist — меркантиліст merchant — торговець compete — конкурувати profit — прибуток
Завдання 2. Перекладіть речення, яке поділене на словосполучення та незалежні слова, українською мовою за алгоритмом (стор. 36).
Even if | it | were true | that | all the materials and tools | used | by Keynes | had been known and used | before | and | that | he | did not improve | them | — is it not true | that | with their help | he | constructed | an entirely new theoretical structure?
Завдання 3. Перекладіть речення українською мовою за алгоритмом. Зверніть увагу на те, що слово that входить до складу іменного присудка і перекладається: та, що (в тому, що).)
The truth is that what would happen framework — структура in this case cannot be told within the thick-and-thin — непохитно Keynesian framework, and Keynes himself would have been the last one to stick to it through thick-andthin.
1.5. Багатозначність дієслова would
Переклад дієслова would залежить від того, яким дієсловом воно виступає у реченні: модальним чи допоміжним. У функції модального дієслова воно перекладається словами: звичайно, завжди, бувало, краще, хотіти, бажати. У функції допоміжного воно не перекладається.
Дієслово Переклад Функція Приклади
дієслово ботою машини
2) (не) хотіти, (не) He would not listen to me бажати Він не хоче слухати мене
модальне I would rather go today словосполу- than tomorrow
3) ліпше, краще чення Я краще піду сьогодні, аніж завтра
would допоміжне
а) Future in the
присудок го- He told us he would come
ловного рече- at five ння у формі Він сказав нам, що при4) не перекладається минулого часу йде о п’ятій годині
б) форма умо- If a piece of ice were вного способу brought into a warm room
наявність оз- it would begin to melt нак умовного
способу Коли б кусок льоду принесли в теплу кімнату, він почав би танути
Вправа 52. Визначіть функцію слова would та перекладіть речення українською мовою.
1. The weatherman predicted that it would rain. 2. She would not hear of staying for dinner. 3. One of the countries I would like to visit is Italy. 4. I would rather not drink this medicine, I would rather have a cup of coffee.
1.6. Багатозначність дієслова should
Переклад дієслова should залежить від того, яким дієсловом воно виступає у реченні: модальним чи допоміжним. У функції модального дієслова воно перекладається: слід, повинен. У функції допоміжного дієслова воно не перекладається.
Вправа 53. Визначіть функцію дієслова should та перекладіть речення українською мовою.
1. When he approached his seat, who should be sitting there but Jane. 2. You should have done it long ago. 3. Had it not been for the rain, we should have come on time. 4. It is impossible that he should have misunderstood me. 5.
I should gladly do it for you but І am too busy now. 6. We should have called on him yesterday, but we were too busy. 7. They promised that they should meet us at the station.
Вправа 54. Перекладіть речення з дієсловами should та would українською мовою.
1. I am sorry that he should behave like that. 2. They would be very glad to see you. 3. It is very important that they should be informed at once. 4. In summer we would take a boat and go up the river. 5. I warned you but you would do it. 6. Come when you would. 7. Would you help me, please? 8. He suggested that the meeting should be held at three o’clock.