
Sweatshops And Disney Essay Research Paper Consumers (стр. 2 из 2)

for what most consumers are ignorant about. It is important to get the information out to

everyone about the poor conditions, our everyday products are being created in. Everyday more

and more consumers are being made aware, although they do not know how to help. That is

where the organizations get involved. They provide the information on how individual consumers

can make a difference. Everyone is important in this cause. The information is out there, it just

needs to be accessed.

Moberg, David. Bringing Down Niketown. The Nation. v268 no21 p15-16. 7 June 1999.

National Labor Committee.Campaign For Labor Rights. Disney Alert #2. 11 June, 1997.

22 March 2000.

National Labor Committee. Are Human Rights Compaigns Necessary? 28 July, 1997. 22

March 2000

Nelson, Richard R. State labor legistration enacted in 1998. Monthly Labor Review. v122

no1 p3-15 January 1999.

Schweizer, Peter and Rochelle. Disney the Mouse Betrayed. Washington DC: Regnery

Publishing: 1998.

Sweeney, Maria. Sweating the Small Stuff: Mickey, Michael, and Global Sweatshop.

Radical Teacher. no 55 p11-14 1999