
Revelations Biggest Surprise Essay Research Paper IT (стр. 3 из 4)

present and active long before—even at Creation, for the Bible says, “In the beginning

God created the heaven and the earth. . . . And the _______________ of _________

moved upon the face of the waters.”

To check your answer, see Genesis 1:1-2.

5. God knows we face many troubles and temptations, but He offers many great promises

“to him who ________________________,” and wants us to be “ __________________

with ________________ by His Spirit in the inner man.”

To check your answer, see Revelation 2:7, etc., and Ephesians 3:16.

Your Name: __________________________________________

Revelation of Hope Companion Resources

Revelation’s Most

Amazing Prophecy

Presented by

Mark Finley



Like an unconscious sky-diver hurtling out of control toward the earth, we are rushing headlong

toward an impact with the end time, speeding toward a collision with earth’s final events. Prophetic

signs reveal history is coming to a climax. As we plummet toward ground zero, many don’t have a

parachute on. Even more don’t realize the horizon is rushing up to meet them.

But even at this late hour, God has devised a way to help us pull our rip cord. God’s rescue is

described in Revelation, the last book of the Bible. Note what John saw happening near the close of

time: “I saw another angel flying in mid-air, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live

on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people.” Revelation 14:6, NIV.

What a dramatic picture! God attempting to rescue every person on planet Earth! This angel is the

first of three John saw who issue loud proclamations over the earth. These are God’s final, last-day

messages—words He shouts at us, seconds from impact. God has always sent messages to warn His

people of events that would affect millions. Before the Flood, God had Noah build the Ark and plead

with people to take refuge in it. Before Egypt’s great famine, God sent Joseph to have the Egyptians

stockpile supplies to meet the famine. God wants us to be prepared for what’s coming. Amos 3:7 puts

it this way: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals His secret to His servants the proph-ets.”

Prophecy reveals what is coming, and Revelation’s prophecies reveal what is coming especially at

end time. Revelation sends a message that something big is coming. What is this big event ? Look

carefully at Revelation 14 and you see that the third angel ends his message in verse 13. Then verse 14

describes the next event: The Son of Man returns with a golden crown on His head and a sharp sickle

in His hand. This is the Second Coming, the final judgment, when history climaxes and all human

destinies are sealed. So obviously the messages that come right before this are vitally important. They’re

God’s last warning, telling us exactly how to open our parachutes as the end of time rushes up to meet


Look again at the angel’s message: “I saw another angel flying in mid-air, and he had the eternal

gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people.” Rev-elation

14:6, NIV. Who is this message for? Is it aimed only at Canadians or those who speak Spanish

or those who live in big cities? No, it’s for everyone, a universal message for the whole world.

The angel is preaching “the everlasting gospel.” The gospel doesn’t change. The good news that

saved Paul is the same good news that will save the last person on earth. There’s only one parachute

ever made that can rescue sinful human beings— Jesus’ love and salvation. The everlasting gospel an-. . .


swers the most important question you’ll ever face—What must I do to be saved? We’re sinners, both

in nature and in behavior. But we can’t see the problem if we just keep saying, “I’m OK, everything’s

fine. I’m no worse than most other people.” If we don’t understand our fall from grace, we won’t see

the day of final judgment rushing up to meet us. We won’t pull the ripcord. Then the everlasting

gospel, that essential parachute, can’t save us.

The angel continues in Revelation 14:7: “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His

judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” This

message has four parts. FIRST, “FEAR God.” To fear means to stand in awe, deeply admire, reverence,

or respect. Those we respect we long to please or obey. Fearing or respecting God and obeying Him

are often linked together. Ecclesiastes 12:13 says, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:

Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”

God’s last-day message calls us to obey Him at a time when millions feel responsible only to their

own “inner sense” of right. Millions feel “I can do whatever I choose; I’m accountable only to myself;

there’s no standard of right or wrong outside of my own mind.” But the Book of Revelation shouts an

urgent call: “Fear God”—obey God. There is a standard outside of your mind. God sends an urgent,

loving, truth-filled message calling us back to obedience to Him.

SECOND, Revelation 14:7 says, “Give GLORY to Him.” Giving God glory means honoring Him in

everything we do. Glory is a word reserved for the highest form of adoration. To give God glory means

our entire lifestyle is surrendered to His will. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Therefore whether you eat or

drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 6:20 adds, “For you were bought

with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s.” Glorify God in

all your actions. You don’t glorify God by placing abusive substances in your body or by polluting your

mind with this world’s filth. You do it by saying, “Lord, my body, mind, and spirit are Yours.”

THIRD, Revelation 14:7 says: “Worship Him who MADE heaven and earth, the sea and springs

of water.” Why should we fear and glorify and worship God? One good reason the Bible gives is that

He’s the Creator. We worship the true God, the One who created us. Revelation 4:11 echoes: “You are

worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You CREATED all things and by Your will they

exist and were created.” In an age when the popular, so-called scientific view is that we evolved over

millions of years from simple life forms like amoebas to complex forms of life called humans, God calls

us back to worshiping Him as the Creator, back to exalting Him as the One who made all things.

Earth’s final conflict will pivot on this subject of worship: While Revelation 14:7 calls us to wor-ship

the Creator, Revelation 14:9 calls us to avoid worshiping the beast. These two worships—of the

Creator or the beast—form the heart of a titanic struggle between good and evil. The coming economic

boycott, the enforcement of the Mark of the Beast, the mysterious #666 all have to do with this final

battle over worship. We’ll fully explain the significance of what it means to worship the Creator and

how to avoid receiving the Mark of the Beast in future presentations.

FOURTH, Revelation 14:7 says, “The hour of God’s JUDGMENT has come.” Here is a double

meaning: Certainly God will execute judgment and put an end to sin. But in another sense He Himself

is the subject of judgment. Remember that at the beginning of time, a rebel angel challenged God’s

character. Lucifer claimed that God was unfair, unjust. He made these accusations before the whole

universe. Now, ages later, He wants to clear His good name and vindicate His actions. The universe

has seen the results of Satan’s evil work as well as all God has done to save us. The judgment proves

God has been fair with each individual. His character is vindicated. At the end of time, the whole

universe will joyfully proclaim in one chorus of praise, “Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous

are your judgments.” Revelation 16:7.

Jesus is coming back, not to destroy sinners, but to destroy sin. That’s why He’s given us this

urgent message about His judgment, so He can rescue you.


#7 – Revelation’s Most Amazing Prophecy


Revelation 14:6-12 God’s urgent message in earth’s last hour is His final call to a dying planet.

Revelation 14:6 (first part) The “everlasting gospel” never changes—it’s always new,

always true.

Revelation 14:6 (last part) This message is to go to all the world, to everyone everywhere.

Revelation 14:7 (first part) God calls us to “give glory to Him” in every aspect of life.

1 Corinthians 10:31 Paul says we can glorify God in what we eat or drink or whatever we do.

1 Corinthians 6:20 Since Jesus bought us—ransomed us—with His blood, we should

glorify Him.

Revelation 14:7 (middle) The angel announces that “the hour of God’s judgment has come.”

Revelation 22:12 Since Jesus comes to give out His rewards, there must be a judgment before

He comes, to determine who receives what reward, when He comes.

Daniel 7:9-10 Daniel saw the sitting of the Supreme Court of the Universe and the opening

of the judgment while events proceeded on earth before the Second Coming.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 God will bring every secret thing into judgment.

Hebrews 4:13 All things are open unto God.

2 Corinthians 5:10 We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.

Romans 14:12 Everyone must give account of himself to God.

Psalm 87:4-6 In the judgment the Lord considers where we were born.

Revelation 14:7 (last part) Heaven’s final message calls all humanity to worship God as the

Creator—to “worship Him who MADE” all things.

Revelation 4:11 The very basis of all true worship is the fact that God created us—He’s

our Maker.

John 1:1-3, 10, 14 Since Jesus was the active Agent in creation, Revelation’s final call to

worship the Creator is a call to honor Jesus.

Revelation 16:7 All God’s judgments are righteous and true.


Quick Quiz

Our heavenly Father has so much He longs to teach us! Think of each seminar session as one in a series

of steps leading upward—a series of “lessons from heaven.” May we learn our lessons well, so we in turn

can teach others. God’s Word, the Bible—our Textbook for this seminar—offers Learning Unlimited!

#7 – Revelation’s Most Amazing Prophecy

1. Paul urges, “Whether you __________ or ________________ , or ________________________

you do, do all to the __________________ of God.”

To check your answer, see 1 Corinthians 10:31.

2. “The ___________ of God’s ______________________ has come” could have a double mean-ing,

(1) referring to the Lord’s evaluation of all people, and (2) a judgment of God Himself—

an official vindication of God’s actions and character in the light of history, answering

Lucifer’s slanderous charges.

To check your answer, see Revelation 14:7.

3. . T Since Jesus comes to give out His rewards, there must be a judgment before He

. F comes, to determine who receives what reward, when He comes..

To check your answer, see Revelation 22:12.

4. The Bible says we should glorify God because “Ye are _________________ with a

_____________ ,” — the costly payment of Christ’s blood—so we belong to Him by both

creation and redemption.

To check your answer, see 1 Corinthians 6:20.

5. In this age of widespread belief in atheistic evolution, Heaven’s final message calls us to

honor God as CREATOR—that is, to “ ______________________ Him who ______________”

all things.

To check your answer, see Revelation 14:7.

Your Name: __________________________________________

Revelation of Hope Companion Resources

Revelation Reveals

How Jesus Will Come


The triumphs of technology are inspiring. The achievements of the space program are so tangible and

specific. All the complex details—the flow of rocket fuel, the humming of computers, the astronaut’s check

list—fit together like clockwork. But religious hope today tends to be vague and shapeless. People have

hunches about life after death; people imagine what heaven might be like. We don’t have much that’s

specific or tangible, just a light at the end of the tunnel or mankind somehow stumbling into love and peace.

Vague hope is OK as a few lines on a greeting card. But what about when death comes close and you’re

face to face with eternity? Vague hope doesn’t do much for us then. We need something more than

hunches. We need something specific to cling to.

And God HAS laid out His end-time plan for our world in the Scriptures. He’s specific and eager to tell

us what’s coming, what we can hope for. Much of God’s wonderful picture is in the Book of Revelation.

Revelation pictures the Event that brings human history to a climax in various dramatic ways:

Revelation 14:14. John writes: “I looked, and behold, a white cloud and on the cloud sat One like

the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown and in His hand a sharp sickle.” This pictures Jesus

coming in glory, coming to a world ripe for the harvest.

Revelation 19:11-14: “Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on

him was called Faithful and True. . . . And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean,

followed Him on white horses.” This is Jesus Christ riding down like a triumphant general, leading the hosts

of heaven, coming to rescue His people from a doomed planet.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53 tells us what will happen to believers: “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will

not all sleep, but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the

trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must

clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.” This is not some mystic speculating

about the future. This is the God of the Universe telling us about His end-time plan! He will re-create us as

imperishable beings. When? At the last trumpet. 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 says Christ will descend with

the trumpet call of God, and the dead will rise from their graves!

Scripture outlines God’s end-time plan. It also says an enemy will try to sabotage that plan. Speaking

about the appearance of false christs, Jesus warned in Luke 17:23,24, NIV: “Men will tell you, ‘There he is!’

or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go running off after them. For the Son of Man in His day will be like the lightning,

which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other.” Charismatic figures will arise in the last days

and claim to be Christ. Their miracle-working powers will seduce many people. They’ll gain large follow- . . .


ings, and people will come to you excitedly, with glowing faces, and say, “We’ve seen Christ face-to-face!

There He is! Come and see Him.” And what are we told to do? “Don’t go running off after them.” Christ

won’t suddenly appear on a talk-show in New York or as a miracle-worker on the streets of Paris. He won’t

rise up from somewhere down here—He’ll be coming down from up there.

People can fake miracles; people can claim to be Christ. Even Satan himself, who can masquerade as

an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) may try to impersonate Christ. But no one can counterfeit the

Second Coming as the Bible describes it. It will be unmistakably real. When the heavens above us explode

and ten thousand angels lift their voices, and the unspeakable glory of God Almighty breaks through the

clouds, no one will wonder who has come calling!

Some have misinterpreted a few Scripture texts and built up the picture of a Secret Rapture, where

individuals are whisked away to heaven while others go about their business. The Secret Rapture theory relies

primarily on a few texts that speak of Christ coming like a thief in the night. We’re told to watch and be ready

for the unexpected event. On the surface this seems to imply a secret, perhaps invisible, event. But all the

Bible passages which discuss Jesus’ coming as a thief discuss not a secret coming but an unexpected one. Jesus

is not coming secretly to a chosen few—He’s coming suddenly when millions don’t expect Him.

The problem is, texts about Jesus coming like a thief stand side by side with texts about Jesus coming

in a blaze of glory. Peter in fact mentions the two in the same breath: “The day of the Lord will come like

a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire. . . .” 2 Peter 3:10,